
He made up his mind, and the general who came out of the Orange Army made a move against Ning Tianlin. He is confident that with his more than 67 million battle strength, he can definitely explodes the opponent into waste.

If it is really a puppet, it will be almost the same unless the Brain Melt Worm comes in person.

It’s just that he couldn’t believe it at all. Just when his weapon, long sword, was swung onto the opponent’s head, this puppet, even the weapon was useless, so he held his long sword with the palm of his hand. , Smashed into pieces!

He simply didn't notice that in this void, an invisible formation condenses, causing everyone here to have their battle strength dropped by 10%! Except him Ning Tianlin himself!


In the blink of an eye, the head of this general has turned into flesh and blood.

The whole body was also put into his space ring by Ning Tianlin.

"No...Isn't it."

"Even the members of the Orange Army were defeated...How could this be possible!"

" p>

Countless people were shocked.

The battle strength of this black armor is too crazy, even more than 60 million experts have been killed, so how much battle strength he needs to have. It's so powerful, you wear a fart black army costume.


But also at this moment, a monstrous blade light fell from the sky and directed towards the silhouette of Ning Tianlin. Wherever he went, the entire space was frozen, and the breath that suffocated countless people was forcibly so that people did not dare to breathe.

"Blue Armored Army!"

"Is a member of the Blue Armored Army!"

"My God, even they all shot!"

Countless people exclaimed in the heart.

Because everyone knows what it means.

Be aware that the Blue Armored Army is already a member of the upper class in the army. Each of them has a battle strength of more than 70 million, 70 million, in the entire Cang Ming domain. , Not much!

The Blue Armored Army and the Orange Armored Army are quite similar to a dividing line.

The number of Orange Armies can be described in hundreds of millions. But the Blue Armour has only about one million!

Millions sounds almost the same, the number of people is sufficient, but you have to know how big the Cang Ming domain is, and the length of the battle line this time, the Cang Ming domain is only a part of it, accounting for less than a few dozen. One part!

One million basketball team, if you put it there, there will not be one 10,000 light-years away!

Entering the Blue Armored Army is considered as entering the high-level military.

Unexpectedly, this time, the Blue Armour had dispatched people and attacked Ning Tianlin.


With a crisp sound, the Dualbladed Halberd in Ning Tianlin's hands greeted him.


Different from the past, this time Ning Tianlin's silhouette flew directly upside down, sliding for a long distance before stabilizing his figure. And the hands holding Dualbladed Halberd tremble a little. The palm of the hand has been cracked.


"The silhouette of this man is retired!"

"Haha, the Blue Armored Army is still powerful!"

Countless people burst into thunderous cheers when they saw this scene.

This is very likely the Black Armor Army of the insect race puppet. He finally appeared and was repelled!

Even the sharp eyes saw the blood flowing from the corner of his hand.

"Just say it!"

"It's still the mighty blue armour!"

Many people echoed excitedly.

In our army, there must be a powerful existence that can hold this person!

They have seen this Black Armor Army go mad several times, and now they finally have someone who can control him.

"Finally something amazing!"

Ning Tianlin took a long breath, smiled at the corners of his mouth, and his eyes were full of fighting intents. As soon as he played against each other, he judged the opponent's Battle strength is stronger than yourself!

This time, he is finally not the one he can kill easily.

Moreover, he estimated that the opponent's battle strength was 70 million Peak, even close to 80 million infinitely.


He moved.

The body shot violently, and under the injection of the Blue Armour's sneer, moved towards him and rushed quickly.

"overestimate one's capabilities!"

With just one blow, he has already determined that the opponent’s approximate battle strength is over 70 million, but not too much, and he, But it is the Peak of 70 million battle strength. Killing it is easy!

Whether this person is a puppet or not, he will die!

He just saw it with his own eyes, this man killed the Orange Army!

The army killed each other and died!


Just when he was about to do it, looking directly at the silhouette of the other person, the eyes of the other person suddenly became extremely terrifying, and even the whole body became one. A huge eye.

What he sees is not the body, but the eyes!

"Fuck, what's going on!"

"How did I see an eye!"

Countless people exclaimed.

Because not only this Blue Armored Army, countless Blue Armored Armies also saw this scene. This puppet controlled by the insect race is no longer the original body, but turned into an eye!



Even the Huang Jiajun looked towards here, including some insect races, are at this moment, Began petrification.

The whole body, from the original flesh and blood body, slowly turned into stone.

"What's going on?"

"What's going on?"

Countless people exclaimed.

They all felt their own abnormalities, and looked at their slowly petrifying bodies in horror. They simply didn't know what happened. In a moment, under the entire sky, except for the Blue Armored Army whose battle strength was a bit higher than Ning Tianlin, almost all the creatures looking at Ning Tianlin turned into stones!

The Eye of Medusa!

Ning Tianlin activated Medusa's eyes in an instant, and this time it was a large-scale activation, not only looking at each other with eyes, but turning the whole body into Medusa's eyes.

Any creature looking at him, as long as the battle strength is weaker than him, will turn into a stone!

"Not good!"

At this moment, the Blue Armored Army also felt abnormal, and there was even a little panic in his eyes. He had never seen such a situation before, and the creatures turned into stones. ! And he immediately felt that the blood flow in his own body had become slow.

Although it is just an instant effort, it is a fact!

His battle strength is declining!

Unfortunately, my mind is a little unstable.

What the hell is this?

He didn't know the existence of Medusa's Eye for a while, and he had never seen it in his life.


And in this stupefied effort, Ning Tianlin's silhouette has reached his side, Dualbladed Halberd waved and slammed straight into the blue armour Body.

Target, point directly at the opponent's head.

In previous battle strengths, Ning Tianlin has discovered that the heart is not a forbidden place for all Martial Artists. Some humans simply don’t have a heart, but the head is 99% of Martial Artist’s weakness. .

Blast the head, the opponent will usually die.


What Ning Tianlin didn't expect was that at the last moment, the opponent forcibly pulled his head away by a minute and escaped the killing blow.

"It's a pity!"

He sighed in his heart, and immediately changed from stab to slash.

At this time, the opponent's long knife also greeted him, blocking his Dualbladed Halberd between his neck.

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