""who the hell are you! "

The blue armored military warblade was in front of Dualbladed Halberd of Ning Tianlin, and asked with a solemn expression.

At this moment, he also saw the opponent's body clearly, not the eyes, but The whole body is covered by a mysterious energy. It is this mysterious energy that wraps his body into the shape of eyes!

Especially, the more he looks at this mysterious energy, his mind trembles a little , Some souls are unwilling.

Is this really a puppet controlled by the insect race?

If so, is this too powerful?

At least, until now, He has never seen an existence that can petrify large swaths of living beings.


It's just that Ning Tianlin doesn't pay attention to him at all. In the eyes of the other party and incredible, Dualbladed Halberd pierced his head again, and did not care about doing so. His arm would be chopped off by the warblade of the Blue Armour.


The opponent's figure shook, and the astral qi burst out all over his body, and he avoided Dualbladed Halberd again embarrassingly. However, his shoulders were also scratched, about a hundred meters away from Ning Tianlin, and his eyes stared coldly at Ning Tianlin.


Not only did he fail to answer what he said, but he didn’t even need his arm, and he would have to inflict a serious injury on himself.

"Enough! "


The blue armour took a sip to the side, and a grave expression appeared in his eyes.

He felt like he was in the mysterious place just now. Under energy, the battle strength has decreased. It is estimated that the battle strength is higher than the opponent, but it is not too high. If the opponent has rich experience in battle strength, it is not certain who wins and loses.

But soon, he also sneered.

On the experience of battle strength, how could this youngster be rich in him.

His whole life is from the blood of the corpse mountain. Killed in the sea.


Waving the warblade in his hand, moved towards Ning Tianlin and cut it away.

But at the next moment, he was stunned. .

Because the youngster's figure just swayed, and after avoiding the fatal blow to him by the warblade, he put his weapon in his hand and moved towards him straight.

He is sure that if his warblade is cut on the opponent's abdomen, his own abdomen will also be stab.

This is completely a life-for-life dismissal.


At the last moment, he chose to give up.

He escaped the blow again.

"Huh! "

Staring at Ning Tianlin, he took a long sigh.

He could see that the other party wanted to change his life!

" shua!

Without waiting for him to react, Ning Tianlin moved again. This time, he used Dualbladed Halberd and moved towards the opponent's abdomen, and didn't care what moves the opponent would make. Because he was confident, With a single blow, you can’t kill yourself.

Even your own body can’t be crushed.

"Your sister! "

"I thought you could kill me but not!" "

The Black Armor Army was angry at seeing this scene, and wished to fight for his life like Ning Tianlin, but in the end, he held it back again and avoided this desperate thing. Dismiss.

If he hit the opponent just now, his abdomen will definitely be pierced!

Kill the enemy a thousand and hurt yourself 800.

Even he felt that maybe the opponent lost 800, but he lost a thousand!


Only after he avoided the blow when he was extremely depressed , Ning Tianlin simply didn’t stop, and moved towards the Black Armor Army with the empty door wide open again. The whole body is full of weak spots.

In the eyes of the Black Armor Army, he can easily move One of the opponent’s arms or thighs was cut off. In his eyes, this person was full of weak spots.

But what made him dare not make a decision was that although the opponent had empty doors everywhere, he did I also know that if the opponent is severely injured, he will have to lose his skin if he is not dead!

The opponent is completely fighting for his life!

I cut off one of his arms, the opponent I will definitely penetrate my thighs.

"It's shameless! "

"You are not afraid of death, do you think I am a coward!" "

"Let's change it! "

After two minutes.

The face of the blue armour was so angry that he was rushing to the blood. The opponent completely caught him and sent it away, not daring to fight for his life. I wanted very ruthless to want his life!

At this time, he was angry.

Really angry!

Don’t you think I dare to fight hard? !

I was also killed in a sea of ​​blood!

You are not afraid of death, am I afraid of death!


When Ning Tianlin Dualbladed Halberd waved over again, he also warblade to stop Ning Tianlin’s face gate.

In his prediction, if this move continues, the best result is that he loses With one arm, the opponent’s head was cut off by himself! As long as the opponent is really not afraid of death!

And the greatest possibility is that you lose half of your arm, and the opponent’s entire arm will be chopped off!

He doesn't believe it, the other party is really not afraid of death, he won't even want his life!

Willing to use a head for his arm!

Unless the other party is a fool!


I can't help but sneered in my heart.

Don’t you want to change it!

Come on!


Finally let me find an opportunity to see if you dare!

"No. . . . . . Is not it! "

Only in the next second, he complexion greatly changed.

Because he felt that the warblade in his hand really cut into the opponent's head, even he could feel it To the sound of the friction of his warblade cutting into the opponent’s bones. Then his arm hurt.

He watched his arm and was really cut off by the opponent’s weapon.

And a bloody head also fell from the sky and fell in front of his eyes.

"Madman. "

"What a lunatic! "

He really didn't expect, the other party really fought for his life, willing to use his head in exchange for his arm.

"Wrong! "

"Not a lunatic! "

"It's stupid ×! "

This blue armour can't believe the facts in front of him at all. In this world, it is estimated that only a silly person would do this, and exchange his life for an arm of the other party.


Take a hand, and a dark green medicine pill appeared in his hand.

Swallow this medicine pill, you can’t use it. After a while, one of his arms will grow back. And in battle, this medicine pill won't do much, because the opponent impossible gives you time and opportunity to take this medicine pill.


Just when he was about to put the medicine pill in his mouth, the handle fell to the ground. There was no longer the owner's Dualbladed Halberd's halberd blade, without warning. He jumped up from the ground and pierced straight into his abdomen.

Moreover, at the forefront of this blade, a jet of black paint radiated from this blade, swiftly in the blue. Spread in the body of Army A.

The poison of the centipede of Wanzu.

The tip of this halberd blade was put into the poison of the centipede of Wanzu by Ning Tianlin.


"No. . . . . . impossible! "

The Blue Armored Army, whose eyes are already somewhat loose, looked at the ground, the head reunited, and the body revived. Ning Tianlin, who stood up, had an incredible color in his eyes.

What... Maybe!

How can a dead person be reunited?

However, at the last moment of his fall, he knew , It turns out that the other party is not stupid ×, he is!

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