"The burning the heaven and boiling the sea suit is a monthly Grade 3 equipment. Each piece can provide the host with 3 million points of battle strength." At this time, the battle strength system The grade of these equipment is also given, "A total of 120 billion points are consumed."

120 billion points!

"So many!"

Ning Tianlin was surprised in his heart. You must know that in the previous star equipment, the required essence points were only several millions, and Now, it suddenly soared to more than 100 billion!

In other words, the essence of every piece of equipment is 30 billion!

This equivalent to was already an astronomical number before.

However, he just shook the head with a smile, and didn't say anything, because he knew that the farther back, the difficulty of forging these equipment, it is completely impossible to flip through the geometric numbers.

Some Forging Masters may not be able to forge one in their lifetime!

Furthermore, every 3 million battle strength increase, including the Promise Ring that is upgraded together, the total battle strength increased has reached 15 million!

Martial Artist in one day!

Equipment alone can increase Ning Tianlin’s battle strength to a day’s Martial Artist!

"Start calculating the host's current battle strength."

As soon as Ning Tianlin's thoughts flashed, the voice of the battle strength system sounded, "14,000 level, with fleshy Body battle strength 14.32 million points, tri-color cells, pill, provide 33 million points of battle strength. Centipede, battle strength 19.2 million points."

"The combination of Fleshy body battle strength can reach 66.52 million points!"

"Equipment bonus, 15 million points."

" The maximum bonus of martial skill: 3 million points, which can be improved!"

"Comprehensive calculation, now has a battle strength of 84.52 million points."

8,000 Four hundred and fifty thousand points!

Ning Tianlin frowned, "In other words, there is no breakthrough of a Martial Artist yet?"

Ning Tianlin was a little disappointed. He originally estimated that if ten trillion spirits go down, it should be possible. Breakthrough becomes a Martial Artist, and it is still the case of Fleshy body and battle strength.

But now it seems that it is still somewhat difficult.

"If the ten trillion essences were just placed in the position of the spirits, perhaps it has already been a breakthrough!"

Ning Tianlin just wanted to divide some essences, in the dantian position. There are also three-color cells that have been formed on the purple elixirs, but after thinking about it, I gave up.

Because he always faintly feels in his heart that the growth of these three-color cells has something to do with his level, and even the pill has something to do with his level.

Although it is not of common origins, Ning Tianlin always feels that there is a faint connection inside, but the battle strength system is no longer talking about it now.

He set himself into this situation, he must have a special purpose.

Now, it is better to find a way to upgrade the level.

Furthermore, even if his battle strength is now only more than 84 million, he can completely fight the low-level master of a domain!

Formation that weakens the battle strength by 10%, as well as the Eye of Medusa, are his killing move, which can make the opponent's battle strength quietly drop by 15%!

There is even the existence of the centipede toxin, he can easily give the domain master with a battle strength of just over 100 million!

What makes Ning Tianlin especially careless is that he is still on the battlefield now, this is his place of great blessing, and it will definitely not take long for his comprehensive battle strength to be able to break through 100 million!

Become the real master of a domain!

Even my mother doesn’t even count Formation and Medusa’s eyes!

"Then now, let's start!"

"The breakthrough domain master, right here!"

Ning Tianlin's eyes flickered, exuding precision.

What he killed just now was just the insect race against the Hei Family Army and the Huang Jia Army.

Though these insect races are powerful in the eyes of ordinary persons, they are nothing but scum compared to the real powerhouse. It is precisely because of this that Ning Tianlin did not encounter any obstacles in the insect race that he just killed.

Also, no insect race paid much attention to him.

After all, the number of insect races is not at the same level as that of Human Race. The insect race against the Yellow Army is completely cannon fodder. It takes no more than a week or even a few days. The powerful Insect Queen can multiply so many cannon fodder.

"Insect Queen!"

Ning Tianlin squinted, and suddenly thought of a possibility!

If you catch a few Insect Queens, your own battle strength may be going to skyrocket! Although Insect Queen also needs energy to continue to evolve and even multiply, it is what Ning Tianlin does.

As long as the Insect Queen is squeezed clean, order to catch one.

"I just don't know how high the battle strength of this Insect Queen can be? At what level."

Ning Tianlin has only heard the words Insect Queen and knows it. It represents a status in the insect race, but it is not clear what status it represents, but now that you have made a decision, let's see if you can get the Insect Queen in this war.

I don’t know whether Insect Queen exists in this war.



After making a decision, Ning Tianlin burst into shape and moved towards the depths of the void and flew away.

First, increase the comprehensive battle strength to 100 million!

This time, he slaughtered some insect races with a battle strength of 30-50 million. Every time you kill one, you get more essence points.

Furthermore, his body swayed, and when he rushed into the area where the insect race was located, it had changed a little and turned into a ladybug. It's not human, but it's closer to insect race in size.



Passing through the void, appeared directly among the army of the insect race, followed by a big mouth, Numerous vitality bullets condensed from astral qi were expelled from the mouth, sweeping like a machine gun.

Every insect that has been bombarded by this vitality is exploded, and there is no chance of reacting at all.

"hua! ”

"hua! ”

And these dead insects, all under the control of Ning Tianlin, entered his space ring.

"Don't accumulate essence, use it all to upgrade!"

Ning Tianlin instructed the battle strength system.

There is already a trillion of essence, Ning Tianlin is going to use all the essence accumulated this time to upgrade the level.

With such a huge number of insect races, he wants to use them forcibly to raise the high level, the master of the breakthrough domain!

"Congratulations to the host, level up!"

"Congratulations to the host, level up!"

"Congratulations to the host, level up!"

The sound of the battle strength system kept ringing in Ning Tianlin's ears. But Ning Tianlin, who was madly killed, quickly threw these voices out of his head. In this way, I hunted wildly for 3 months later.

A long-lost voice rang in his ears, "Ding! Congratulations to the host, level up to 30,000!"

"Comprehensive battle strength, breakthrough 100 million!"


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