"100 million!"

"My comprehensive battle strength, breakthrough 100 million!"

Ning Tianlin's eyes are bright light glittering, excited abnormal.

Once upon a time, what a remote number this was, but now, he has done it! Moreover, if the battle strength formation and the Eye of Medusa attack together, he can completely kill an ordinary Martial Artist!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, becoming a domain-level Martial Artist! Finally have the capital to step into the universe, special rewards can grow a pair of wings!"

" has been issued, please check !"

And when Ning Tianlin was happy to break through with his own strength, the sound of the battle strength system rang in his ears without warning, and he was taken aback.

Growing equipment?


What is this?

He has never shown wings on his original battle strength amplification equipment! But he also knows that the battle strength system produced must be an excellent product.


I couldn't help but quickly took out this thing from my space ring.

As soon as he appeared, it was a scarlet rays of light flashed floating in front of his eyes.

"Lightning Seven Flame Wings!"

This is the message that Ning Tianlin looks at the wings and automatically appears in his mind. He even knew that the pair of scarlet in front of him, about one meter or so, was full of lightning, with extremely sharp wings on both sides, and there were seven pairs in total!

The first pair, scarlet!

The second pair, orange!

The third pair, yellow!

The fourth pair, green!

Team 5, cyan!

The sixth pair, blue!

The seventh pair, purple!

With seven pairs together, battle strength will explode geometrically!

There is even more vague information. These seven pairs are not its final form. Give it some energy or material, and it will continue to grow! Nearly unlimited growth!


Especially when I saw the battle strength provided by the pair of scarlet's wings in front of me, Ning Tianlin was completely held breath cold air.

One hundred million!

This pair of wings unexpectedly provided him with 100 million points of battle strength!

That doesn't mean that this pair of wings alone is almost equivalent to his original comprehensive battle strength!

This pair of wings is his Ning Tianlin.


"How is this possible..."

Even if the temperament is like Ning Tianlin, it is At this moment involuntarily held breath cold air, 100 million battle strength!

Wearing it, his battle strength will increase crazy to 200 million!

What kind of madness is this!

"Nothing impossible!"

The battle strength system said, "Becoming a domain master means that you are qualified to roam in the universe. In the past, you were nothing more than a lackey. Although this lightning seven flame wing is strong, it is far from the ultimate equipment. It can continue to evolve."

"It is the beast control circle in your hand. It is really used well, and its effect is no worse than this pair of wings. "

"Especially the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower in the hands of King Yama, which is the real heaven defying Divine Artifact. Although he only owns one level, this one level can attract countless powerhouses!"

"That's the real Universe Supreme Treasure!"

"Work hard, host, now I can say that I have let go of a lost heart to you, speed up your growth, your way, It’s still too long!"

The battle strength system has never said to Ning Tianlin. He is satisfied with Ning Tianlin’s achievements. It represents its affirmation of Ning Tianlin.

"Nine years!"

"To this step, you only spent nine years!"

Finally, battle strength only said this, In his tone, he was full of affirmation to Ning Tianlin.

Nine years!

For others, maybe even tens of thousands of battle strength can't be reached, but the people selected by myself have reached 100 million! How can it be dissatisfied! Even the most powerful genius in the universe is far from impossible to reach!

Especially the foundation has been laid, the next thing is crazy sprint!

One day, he might get to the step he expected!


"Nine years."

Ning Tianlin smiled, and his heart was a little sour.

Since the time of Earth, the first step of killing fish and snakes has been taken. Now nine years have passed, and in one year, it is the tenth year.

People often say that there is a reincarnation in ten years. In this within reincarnation, his Ning Tianlin finally walked out of his broad and open road.

"Thank you."

Ning Tianlin expressed his sincere thanks.

He knows that if there is no battle strength system, he is probably just a dust in Earth at this moment, and even Earth has been destroyed. Without it, there would be no self at all.

"Okay, no more feelings."

Ning Tianlin shook God, hehe smiled, "It's just these wings, can I really wear them?"


"Won't explode and die?"

Ning Tianlin's eyes are filled with excitement, but there are also some worries. The previous battle strength equipment can't be worn by wearing it. Your own battle strength has not been reached, and the strength contained in it can completely burst your body!

If not, his Ning Tianlin had already used equipment to arm himself to the teeth.

"Don't you know if you try it?"

The battle strength system didn't answer, and asked rhetorically.


Ning Tianlin was speechless for a while.

I had a good talk just now, but now I'm back to the same way again. You can die with one answer.


Don't say more, just beckoned, and the other party puts on him.

These wings do not have any buckles, but are directly inlaid on the flesh of their waist. There is no pain. Instead, as soon as they are worn, Ning Tianlin feels like a bird, really One more pair of wings.



When my heart moves, these wings start to flap pu chi pu chi.

Manipulation is no different from manipulating your own arms.

Besides, there is no hidden danger of having too much energy and exploding to death. As soon as he entered his body, Ning Tianlin felt that there was an inexhaustible power throughout his body.

"Tricolor cells!"


"There is no explosion, it is related to the tricolor cells or pill on your body?"

Under curious exploration, Ning Tianlin found that it was turbulent energy. After entering the body, especially after the mature tricolor cells and the elixir wandered around, it became extremely stable.

Although the specific reason is still unknown, it seems that it cannot be separated from this.

"It doesn't matter."

"It can be worn, it can improve battle strength, it is better than everything!"

Ning Tianlin waved his hand and stopped Regardless of him, but through the battle strength exchange platform, he began to check how much energy the lightning seven flame wings are worth. The six pairs of wings at the back require how much energy to exchange.


Just when I saw the essence points needed by this pair of scarlet wings, Ning Tianlin was held breath cold air.

One hundred trillion!

Only this pair of wings, the number of essence points that need to be consumed has reached one hundred trillion!

A figure that Ning Tianlin has never earned.

Especially when he saw the second pair of orange wings, the essence points needed, his face almost looked like a bitter gourd.

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