One gigabyte!

It takes one gigabit of essence to redeem the second wings.

This is completely the fate of his Ning Tianlin.

If you don't have this wing, it's okay, he Ning Tianlin doesn't care, but now that he sees the powerful attribute of this wing, he Ning Tianlin doesn't want to get it completely fake!

But how long and how long will this thousand trillion points of energy be accumulated?

What are the yellow wings and green wings behind? Ning Tianlin didn't want to look at it. The second team's wings turned over ten times. If he saw the one behind, he wouldn't collapse directly.

However, the added battle strength of the second pair of wings has directly reached one billion points! Can make him Ning Tianlin directly increase one billion points of battle strength!

"Save it!"

"Save a lot of energy."

Ning Tianlin gave a wry smile, preparing to try the bonus to the speed of the wings.

After all, these wings are for speed.

It can increase battle strength by 100 million points, and the speed bonus is certainly not bad.

"hua! ”

The body shape flashes, directly moved towards the front.


It's just an action, his Ning Tianlin is sucked in a cold breath.


His speed, forcibly has been doubled!

Originally, his speed was already in the lead in the same level, but now it has doubled again. Who else in the same level can match his speed? Just like this, if he wants to escape, no one can keep him!

Everywhere I pass, the entire sky is a lightning.

Even unexpectedly, the blades of the wings cut out, which can even cut the opponent's throat.


After a while, Ning Tianlin, who got everything done, has reappeared on the battlefield with insect race, but this time, it’s not a battle strength of more than 20 million. , And the insect race against Huang Jiajun.

Insect race with battle strength reaching more than 50 million.

These insect races are all about a hundred meters in size, with long tentacles on the top of their heads, wearing black scaly armor, and a pair of red wings on the sides. They are similar in shape to Earth's thousands of cattle.


Without any hesitation, Ning Tianlin chose to do it.

It's just that he took back the wings he was wearing and chose to fight with his own battle strength. Even so, these insect races on the side are completely crushed.

“bang! ”

“bang! ”

“bang! ”

Any insect race that comes into contact with him is just One face to face, was killed in pieces. And all the corpses were put into the space ring by him.

It's just that there are no humans in the location selected by Ning Tianlin, so everything he did did not cause a sensation among humans.

In this way, after half a month, the number of essence points he accumulated has exceeded three trillion!

And the insect with a battle strength of about 50 million was almost killed by him. But even so, what makes Ning Tianlin feel weird is that he did not find that an insect race powerhouse came over and shot him!

This shouldn't be.

Insects with a battle strength of about 50 million are no longer a cannon fodder. They are not the same as those with 10 to 20 million. If they want to be born, an insect race also has to pay a certain price. Although it's not big, it's not a lot.

But now it's all like this, why doesn't the insect race powerhouse come?


At the very least, eighty to nine million yuan should be sent out, and even the lord of a domain should attack him.

I didn't see a large area, has he cut a vacuum!

"It's gone!"

"It's gone!"

"The insects in our area have become less!"

The Green Armored Army who was facing these insects soon discovered the anomaly in this area, because their opponent, the powerful insect, was gone! Fewer and fewer!

Many even turned around, moved towards somewhere and rushed madly.

"What's the matter?"

"There is a conflict inside the insect race?"

A green armored army covered in blood asked in confusion.

One of his arms was broken, and it was torn by the teeth of the insect. Just when he thought he was going to die, the insect left him and moved towards the rear frantically.

It looks like something extraordinary happened there.


"Your brain let the pig eat it!"

A comrade on the side, let out his mouth and grinned, "Do you think insect Race, like us humans, is still in conflict? They are absolutely obedient to ideas. To be in conflict, that is also the highest level of insect race, not the lackey like us."

"Let me see, There must be a major event behind them."




Especially in the rear, it keeps spreading There were huge blasts and roars, almost all of them were the screams of the insect race.

"Someone is killing behind them!"

"Someone is behind them!"

At this point, almost everyone understands what happened, it must be Those who are extremely high in battle strength, after this insect race, begin to kill and kill! And it lasted for a long time, almost drying out all the insects in front of me.


"He appeared!"

"My God!"

"Is a Black Armor Army!"

Soon, Ning Tianlin’s silhouette was all exposed. He must have been killed forcibly from the insect race in this area, almost all the battle strength ranks. All of the insects were killed by him.

If not, he would not appear in front of these people.

"Shit Black Armor Army!"

"This is what the Black Armor Army can do?"

"It must be this senior, who deliberately put on Black Armor Army clothes confuse the other party."

Someone proved Ning Tianlin on the spot and retorted.

"Huh? That's all you said. Will the insect race expert come over and kill him?"

"Let’s go quickly and can’t stay here!"

"If not, the pond fish will be affected later, and we will all die!"

One person's eyes flickered, thinking about all possibilities.



"Let’s go quickly, and when the insect race expert arrives, we can’t leave if we want to. "

Someone echoed.

But there are also some people who have objections, "Go on your way! The insect race expert has been here long ago, will you wait for these insects to die out?

This person Although he said so, but he was a little confused.

Based on his understanding of the insect, in this case, the expert of the insect race had already rushed over, but now, why hasn’t it appeared yet.

Is it blocked by the Human Race powerhouse elsewhere?

"Hiss! "

But soon, the person who said this was sucked in a cold breath, as if he had seen something extremely incredible, because he could see the appearance of the Black Armor Army.

He has seen this person!

Even that day he almost had a conflict with this person.

If he hadn’t seen the chance for the last time and admitted, he might have been at the time. To die in the hands of this person!

He is not someone else, it is the boss of several mercenaries who occasionally meet on the road when Ning Tianlin comes, the giant spirit master!

At that time, his men had to provoke the madman. If they hadn't slapped him and stopped desperately, they would have died and could not die anymore! He knew that the other party was great, but didn't expect that he would have paid attention to this. Too much!

One finger, it is estimated that they can all be pricked to death!

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