"Star Venerable!"

"The Lord turned into a Star Venerable!"

Luo Jin's eyes were dumbfounded, and some did not dare Believe in your own judgment, and only after confirming it with your mind once again, will you really be sure that the master in front of you has really become a star! And it's the second stage of the star!

But how is it possible. . . . . .

You know, three days ago, he was not even the star king, just a star hole Martial Artist!

In three days, has the battle strength soared to this point?

Is this really a person?

Even he doubted whether his judgment was accurate.

"Do more and talk less."

Ning Tianlin frowned, let the other party shut up.

Of course he knows why the other party behaves like this. Isn’t it just a sudden increase in battle strength?

For him, it will be the same.

But you are a Martial Artist. I don’t know what to say and what not to say.

There are some things, it's better to keep them in your stomach forever.



"The subordinates know that they are wrong."

"The subordinates know that they are wrong. "

Luo Jin quickly apologized.

He also came from the bottom step by step. He knew how to work. I was too shocked just now. In three days, how can he jump two great realms in succession, from a star hole to a star !

Is the star king eaten by a dog?


In an instant, he thought of a possibility.


Be sealed!

The battle strength of the Lord may have been very high, but it was just sealed by some kind of powerful energy. After all, it will not take long to release the seal.

"Or all because of the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower!"

This is also the reason Luo Jin thinks it is more appropriate. Only this Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower can have such a powerful effect. But the more he thinks about it, the less he feels in Luo Jin's heart. If it weren't for the appearance of the Lord, the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower would be his.

Although I don't know how effective the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower is, it may be because of this reason that the Lord's battle strength is maddening.


But no matter what, he knows that he has completely lost this opportunity. After entering, he will only be from Ning Tianlin forever and ever. slave, under his control.

"What's the matter?"

"Who is this youngster?"

"What's the origin?"

And seeing this The eleven people were brought in one scene, but they looked incredible at the scene before them. A Martial Artist nodded to a Martial Artist, did they lose their eyes?

What the hell is this?

A Star Venerable, people like them might collapse to death with a fart.

Now, is a Martial Artist called the master?

Which Lord of Universe's Young Master, Martial Artist is his attendant?

But he came out of this identity, so noble, why arrest them?

They and this person in front of them, but lacking hatred and enmity, they never feel that they have offended each other.

"Lord, these people have brought them. There are eleven people in total, one of them is quite a lot."

Luo Jin quickly changed the subject and shifted Ning Tianlin's mind to these. Human body.

If this is not the case, if the Lord initiates a ruthless attack, his soul will be boiled in a frying pan.


Ning Tianlin nodded, he glanced at the bald man standing in the forefront, said nothing, did not explain, the right hand waved, a handle The red warblade directly swung out and slashed towards the opponent's head.

armor piercing knife.

There is not much battle strength, the only effect is that it can break through the defenses of any creature, even if it is the Lord of Universe!

Like an ant, holding a gun, it will destroy the elephant.


Everyone was complexion changed, held breath cold air, they didn’t expect, Ning Tianlin said to kill and kill, even giving them a chance to speak and inquire Neither.

It’s just that most people don’t recognize what kind of knife Ning Tianlin is holding. The opponent's defense.


The bald head wanted to hide, but the whole body was controlled by Luo Jin's spirit strength, making it impossible to move even a little bit, even No matter how hard you struggle, you can't do it with a shake.

He felt something bad, a life-and-death crisis, which made his hair stand upright.

“bang! ”

In everyone’s incredible eyes, the knife in Ning Tianlin's hand directly chopped off the bald head, which is as easy as cutting tofu with a knife. Not as strenuous as low-level killing high-level.

Even Star Void slave Luo Jin has an incredible face.

I couldn't help but set my sights on the long knife in Ning Tianlin's hand. Knowing most of the functions, I still have to owe it to it. Otherwise, a star, how could he cut off a star in this way? Skull.

Even this star saint, stretch out his head and let the opponent cut it!


It's just that Ning Tianlin finished all of this, and simply didn't stop, he directly operated the sword and cut to the next one. When the opponent had a lot of questions to ask, he cut off the opponent's head directly.

“bang! ”

“bang! ”

“bang! ”

Next, the third, the fourth , The fifth one, ten star saints, were all killed by Ning Tianlin quick sword cuts through tangled hemp.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, collect a hundred points of essence!"

When the heads of ten stars fell, the voice of the battle strength system sounded in Ning Tianlin's ears.

Positive, a unit of measurement smaller than "load".


Ning Tianlin didn’t talk nonsense, he took a hand, and put all the space rings on these corpses into his palms, and turned them all into himself. Of energy points.

It's almost a hundred squares again.

"Don't kill me."

"Don't kill me."

"I will give you what you want, and I will give you what you want !"

The last star Martial Artist remains, struggling hoarsely. He doesn't want to die. Only he knows how difficult it is to become a star Martial Artist. He really doesn’t want to It just died.

I don't know it, I can't even call my enemy.

"Now, it's your turn."

Ning Tianlin stared at the star Martial Artist in front of him, coldly snorted, and then the armor piercing knife fell, slashing the opponent's head to the ground .

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, kill a Martial Artist, get eight thousand vitality points!"

The battle strength system made a timely announcement.

And Ning Tianlin did this deliberately, just to see how much energy an eight-segment martial artist can add to himself.

Converted in this way, one by one star Martial Artist, almost adds a thousand righteous spirits to oneself! Almost equivalent to hundreds of star saints!


Beckoned, suck the other party's space ring into his palm, turning it into essence points.


No one can die anymore, Ning Tianlin did not avoid Luo Jin's gaze, and directly gave the Wanzu centipede to Summon.

Start eating!

These people may be innocent to themselves, but each of them is drenched with blood in their hands, so Ning Tianlin does not feel that there is much psychological burden. At this time, he had understood how cruel it was to truly want to be a powerhouse.

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