"This is..."

Luo Jin has been dumbfounded by Ning Tianlin's methods, because the centipede that has appeared here is even him. , And he couldn't call the other party's name, but at a glance, he was sure that the other party was a rare creature in the universe.

And it is an extremely powerful cosmic creature!

If not, with the strength of the star king, how could it be possible to use Xingao Martial Artist as candy.

ka beng ka beng's great and crisp!

It was just this question, and he never asked it again.

Speak less and do more. This is the rule that a slave should have.


More than three hours later, Wanzu centipede swallowed everything clean, not even bones left, Ning Tianlin still has nothing, But Luo Jin's breathing was a little short.

Because in just three hours, the opponent’s battle strength has changed from the second stage of the star king to the third stage of the star king!

This. . . . . . This is too fast!

It was when he was in the Holy Land of Human Race, not to mention that he had seen it, but he had never heard of such incredible things.

"Counting this way, I have gained more than a year of energy! Almost two years!"

Ning Tianlin finally came to the conclusion, a little heart-stirring, because it's not just Martial The essence of the artist being killed, as well as the resources in the space ring, especially the resources of this star Martial Artist, are unexpected.

It’s almost equivalent to ten or so Martial Artists.

"Even Wanzu centipede has broken through a rank."

Not excited, it is fake.

According to this calculation, it may not take long for him to break through Star Venerable.


"The next task, the task volume will be doubled."

"Bring back twenty stars and two stars Martial Artist!"

Ning Tianlin instructed Luo Jin again, "I will give you a week."

Said, waved his hand and sent out the positions of the two stars. In the past, it was not very far from here.


Luo Jin nodded.

Although I was puzzled, I didn't ask much. It's just strange in my heart, this master is too strange, to bring back so many people, and kill them without asking anything.

Are you against them?

But it doesn’t look like it looks like just now.

These people don't even know the master.


It's just that he didn't delay, his mind was flashing, he had already drawn shatter void and appeared in another place.


While walking in Luo Vajra, Ning Tianlin did not delay, and directly used Teleportation Talisman to teleport himself into a void, but below, it was A big city.

Drawing Heart City.

Human Race is one of the 100 cities.

Zhongducheng, ranked first in the Human Race 100 cities, and this city of painted hearts, ranked fifth, and also in the top ten.


The figure vibrated, the flesh and blood reconnected, the appearance of Ning Tianlin, after a while, turned into an old man, white hair and youthful face, the whole body Some rickets, even when they stretch their hands, there is an extra crutch.

Laughed to this look.

The figure shook, moved towards the city below and rushed away.


Shopping spree!


Ning Tianlin once again adopted the old shopping spree. Although it is clumsy, it can also increase the number of energy points in a short period of time. There are still two and a half years before the ten-year appointment.

He wants to increase battle strength at a very fast speed and to the greatest extent during this period of time.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, three years of Essence Points!"

One week later.

Ning Tianlin almost wiped out the resources of the entire Huaxin City, and the number of energy points he obtained was less than three years.

"Talking is better than nothing."

"Come slowly."

Ning Tianlin took a deep breath, also in the heart crazy calculation, one Wednesday, There are fifty weeks in a year, which is one hundred and fifty years. After two and a half years, almost four to five hundred years of energy.

Although it is incomparable with the killing of Martial Artist, but it is really calculated very quickly.


Next moment, Ning Tianlin's silhouette, appeared again at the place agreed with Luo Jin.

At this time, 20 star saints and two star martial artists appeared before his eyes.

"hua! ”

"hua! ”

"hua! ”

Ning Tianlin simply no nonsense, nothing to do The opportunity for people to speak directly killed several people, and the space ring was also put in the palm of the hand. In total, it was counted and gained five years of energy.

Wanzu centipede, although the battle strength has increased, there is no breakthrough.


"It's still such a task. See you last time a week."

Ning Tianlin was instructed again.


Luo Jin obeyed.

Although he is also full of doubts.

And Ning Tianlin also used these time to go to another big city, one of the 100 cities of Human Race. One week later, the number of essence points obtained reached four years.

After slaying the Xingsheng and Xingao Martial Artists brought back this time, the spirit points obtained this time are six years in total.

"Calculated like this, about ten years a week."

"Two years, one hundred weeks, one thousand years..."

Ning Tianlin took a deep breath, did it!

Although it is a bit slow, it is also a more secure way.

Furthermore, when there is still half a year left, he is going to kill two or three Martial Artists with Luo Jin, which is a big deal!

Although it is a bit dangerous, it is usually accompanied by great wealth.




That's it, time is fast, and days continue to be like this In reincarnation, on a weekly basis, Luo Jin brought back some prey for Ning Tianlin to kill, but Ning Tianlin was also madly exchanging resources this week.

One year and eight months, that is exactly twenty months later, Ning Tianlin’s accumulated essence points have reached a thousand years, which is more than that in the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower. Artist, the space ring of Xingao Martial Artist has received more than 600 years of resources!


"This speed is faster than previously thought."

Ning Tianlin originally took two years to achieve At the point, after one year and eight months, he had done it, but his previous thoughts had not changed. He was still planning to kill the Martial Artist two years later, that is, four months later.

He also wanted to see how powerful the Martial Artist of the Star Void really exploded.

It's a pity that Luo Jin is a two-stage star imaginary. Otherwise, he doesn't have to be so entangled. If it's a nine-stage star imaginary, he would have targeted the star imaginary Martial Artist.

It's just that he doesn't know.

While Luo Jin continued to hunt and kill Xingsheng and Xingao Martial Artist, a pair of eyes had quietly begun to explore.

After all, the death of more than one hundred star Martial Artists is not a play! It's very serious!

Even half a year ago, a powerhouse was sent to investigate the cause of death of these martial artists. It's just that Luo Jin's scope of work is too wide, and the Martial Artists killed are usually alone in the starry sky cultivation.

He is dead, and it will take some time before anyone finds out.

Even this powerhouse, I don’t know where there is a Martial Artist.

So in a short time, Luo Jin's whereabouts have not been discovered yet.

But just three days ago, he finally found a clue, confident that it won’t take long to discover the true face of the other party!

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