
"He escaped!"

Three seconds later, Pablo's complexion greatly changed, He didn't dare to tell the facts before him, the other party escaped! Escaped his space blockade, especially breaking free from the Yin-Yang air rope.

This yin and yang air rope, but the adult made it by himself, it is impossible to break free.

But why does Ning Tianlin work?

What method did he use!

Not even three seconds.

“bang! ”

“bang! ”

“bang! ”

The void collapses, Pablo is like crazy Looking for Ning Tianlin.

Three seconds.

He must have not escaped far.

He is not a star powerhouse, and he can't shuttling through the void at will. He can only use brute force to run through the black hole in space. This speed is much slower than it.

He must not be far away!


The figure, divine sense constantly shattered the void, and even collapsed countless spaces. After searching for more than half an hour, he completely gave up.

I haven't found this, it's definitely not anymore.

Even being invisible will definitely be forced out by him.

All the spaces are under his control, even if they are invisible, they will definitely be shattered by the body.

"Transportation Array?"

"Only Teleportation Array can directly send him out!"

"But how is it possible? He Ning Tianlin understands The arrangement method of the teleportation array, but within a few tens of minutes, or even a few days, how could he complete it!"

It couldn't figure it out.

Even if the other party really breaks free from the yin and yang rope, it is impossible to escape!

It's just that he didn't know that when Ning Tianlin came, he spent great effort to arrange a teleportation array inside his body, and his entire body can be regarded as a teleportation array.

At this moment, I have returned to where I was when I came.

And it's not human.

Hide in a secret place in Machine Race.


"What's going on!"

"My yin and yang rope, how can I lose my breath!"

At this moment, a huge insect came in and out of the void, looking down from a high altitude, and asked Pablo.

"My lord, I don't know."

"Ning Tianlin has escaped."

"Yin and yang can't trap him at all."

"I...I was knocked out by him, and I don't know what means he used."

Pablo didn't have any confidence in what he said, he was a star level The Martial Artist, was stunned by a star. Although it only lasts for three seconds, it is not being laughed at by other insects.



Pablo's huge figure flew upside down and rolled heavily on the ground. It took a long time to fly before stopping, with bloodshot in his mouth.

"None of this can be done!"

"What did he ask?"

"Is there any news from Earth?"

This is what this adult cares most about.

Because until now, he really wants to know where Earth is.

Earth remnants have come out, and this is the second one.

Especially this second one, who is only such a young age, but has star-level battle strength. If he is given time, he won't be overwhelmed?

When the time comes, if you want to avenge the events of ancient times, who can stop him?

Even he was slightly disturbed. If this youngster is allowed to develop quietly, will he become the Lord of Universe?

When the time comes, they are insect race, I am afraid they are in serious trouble.


Pablo shook the head with a red face.

All the strategies he had just now had only one purpose, and that was to find out where Earth is now.

But unfortunately, neither Qin Shihuang Ancestral Dragon nor Ning Tianlin got the answer he wanted.

Up to now, he simply has no clue about Earth.


"You trash!"

"I didn't do anything like this!"

The huge insect was furious, and there was an impulse to kill Pablo directly, but thought that Pablo was the universe Martial Artist of the level, even among the insect races, one is dead and one is missing.

Just let him go after a hard punch.

"The order goes on and announces that Ning Tianlin is the remnant of Earth!"

"Especially spread in Human Race!"

"I am now I want to see how the powerhouses of Human Race will react!"

The huge insect was instructed by Pablo.

"My lord... By doing this, did you tell Human Race the news that Earth has reunited and reappeared?"

asked Pablo road.

He feels that this incident is also a major event.

It is them who learned that Earth reunited from Qin Shihuang.

"What about telling!"

"If you don't tell them, you won’t know?"

"We don’t even know where Earth is. What about the condensed news!"

The huge insect is coldly snorted, and I don't think there is anything wrong with this.

Besides, this Ning Tianlin was originally the target of Human Race Wuwangdian. If you let Wuwangdian know, this Ning Tianlin actually came from Earth, let’s see what he will have reaction.

It is estimated that when the time comes, he will turn the universe upside down to find Ning Tianlin or Earth!


Pablo nodded.

Since the above has ordered everything, he will do as he does.

Furthermore, the remnants of Earth lineage re-emerged in the universe, and it will surely shock the jaws of many people.

"Also, not only Human Race, Mu Clan, Stone Golem Race, Elf Race, Orcs, Machine Race, etc., all spread this news. I want all races to know, Earth people , Back again!"

At the end, this huge insect added.


Pablo nodded.

So too.

Since Human Race has spread, it won’t take long for the entire universe to spread.

The remnants of Earth reappear, which is a major event for the entire universe!

"Also, launch the power of the insect race, must find Ning Tianlin for me!"

"Only he knows where Earth is today"!

The huge insect added.


Pablo was nodded, then turned around and started to do things according to the other's orders.

It's just that he doesn't know until now, what kind of means Ning Tianlin used to escape.

. . . . . .

Soon, the whole universe began to spread the news of the remnants of Earth.

And they are all within the scope of supreme powerhouse.

After all, ordinary Martial Artists are powerful Martial Artists. There is simply no concept of the word "Earth", only those who have survived from Ancient Era know the existence of the opposing force. Will take these two words very seriously.

"Earth remnants!"

"This Ning Tianlin, turned out to be Earth remnants!"

Human Race.

Wuwang Temple.

No more than three days.

Insect race let the senior management of Wuwangdian know this through a special channel.

One of the old people with three eyes suddenly stood up from the seat in the great hall and listened to the report below inconceivably.

The eyes flickered, especially the third eye with a vertical eyebrow, exuding infinite coercion.

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