"Quickly find out the truth and falsehood of this matter, and the source of the news!"

"Most importantly, gather this Ning Tianlin information , Infer where he came from!"

The three-eyed old man gave orders.

The Palace Lord is not here, he is the person in charge here.

It is also the strongest existence besides Lord of Universe.

He originally didn't treat Ning Tianlin as a thing to see, so what about geniuses, geniuses who have not yet grown up, simply are not geniuses! For hundreds of millions of years, he has seen so many geniuses.

But which one has come to where he is now.

So, when Mu Clan wanted to hand over Ning Tianlin, he only knew, and he nodded too much.

With the current trend of Human Race, it is not good to have sex with Mu Clan.

They need Mu Clan's support.


The conveyer below was nodded, and then he did what he needed to do.

The three-eyed old man has heavy eyes, and his mind has penetrated countless voids, returning to the Ancient Battle of the year.

Heaven and Earth shattered, blood flowing into a river, the universe collapsed, and Earth shattered.

How tragic!

If this is the case, the remnant of Earth has returned!

Still in this genius way!

At the same time.

Human Race Holy Land.

endless void deep.

A man full of muscles and muscles, like an Iron Pagoda, sitting in the void, listening to an attendant report, the original half-squinted eyes suddenly opened, full of energy raging, countless spaces Began to collapse.

On top of his head, there is a pagoda floating.

If you take a closer look, you will find that this Nine-Storey Pagoda, only the Second Layer is solid, and the rest are imaginary and formed by ideas.


"This matter must be checked out!"

"If possible, bring this Ning Tianlin to me personally In front of him."

This Iron Pagoda brawny man instructed.


"My Holy Lord!"

The other party is nodded.

I also knew the seriousness of this matter. If not, he would not disturb him when the Holy Lord was in retreat.

After speaking, he turned and left Heaven and Earth.

Mu Clan.

"Earth remnants?"

"What the hell is this?"

Musawa Shu is a star Martial Artist who is also in Zhongducheng. The one who shattered the Ning Tianlin fleshy body, and even more harmed the City Lord, died. Hearing the report at this moment, there was a burst of doubt.

Earth remnants?

What the hell is this "Earth"?

Why has he never heard of it?

But as soon as he thought about Ning Tianlin, he encouraged him. After all, this is a star hole Martial Artist that can escape from his own hands. Not to mention other things, this means of escape is not bad. .

Especially the news of "Earth Remnants" is the rumors of Human Race and Insect Race these days.

The secret agent of their Mu Clan also caught this news.

After that, this news, through his hands, began to report layer by layer to Mu Clan.

More than half an hour later, he was forced to open the space by Mu Clan's real leader, and summon arrived.

This is an extremely huge tree, the roots are connected to the void, the top is boundless, and the end cannot be seen. A phantom face appeared in the trunk, and the voice is majestic and truly Heaven and Earth "Speak out what you know about Ning Tianlin without omission and in detail."

"Especially his origin!"

"And all you know Information!"

Isn't it?

Old Ancestor also cares about this?

Is this "Earth Remnant" really so powerful?

What the hell is this Earth?

Why has he never heard of it?

He has lived for hundreds of millions of years, and he knows everything he should know.

But no matter what, Muze Shu was solemnly nodded, and said, "Yes, Old Ancestor!"

Speaking, I started to talk about Ning Tianlin in detail. Things, including things about Mugu Abyss.

At the same time.

Machine Race.

Stone Golem Race.

Elf Race and so on, all began to spread the news of "Earth Remnants".


"Must find out Ning Tianlin for me!"

"We are fighting for our lives, and we must protect his thoroughness Never let him fall into another race!"

This is an extremely difficult and sinister territory.

Although it is in a planet, from time to time, there will be volcanic eruptions, lava raging, floods flooding, and even meteors fall to the ground at every turn, and the earth tears, raging and destroying the entire planet.

When outsiders see it, they know that the living conditions here are extremely difficult.

It is a common thing to not save one of ten foods that are planted and eaten.

But in this difficult planet that even the slave master does not want to come, there is a race hidden.

Clansman has males and females, handsome males, and enchanting females. They all have tails and white wings on their sides.

Heavenly Fox Race.

Although it can't be called a rare race, the number of races is really small.

Finally, there are not 100 million clansmans in existence!

Not to mention that in the entire universe, Earth alone is nothing. They are distributed on this planet and gathered together, just a little shadow.

At this moment, a woman with a phoenix crown on her head and eight tails suddenly stood up from her seat after hearing the news of "Earth Remnants," and then said to the guard who came to report.


The guard is nodded.

He has heard "Earth".

Because their clan, from the beginning to the bottom, from ancient times to the present, the story of them and Earth is circulating.

They are friends of Earth. Back then in Ancient Era, there were only Earth people who were willing to help them.

Although the ancestors died, fell, and civilization was lost, the friendship between them and the Earth clan is also carved on the rocks.

Originally, I thought that Earth was broken, but I didn't expect it to be heard from future generations.

Find it!

Must find out these descendants and protect their safety.

The Heavenly Fox family, although they are not Peak forces in the universe, they must not be underestimated. They have tolerated it for so many years. At this time, it should erupt as well!

Especially Yao Heavenly Fox, who is now in charge, is one step further, like the Lord of Universe level!

As long as they are not the Lord of Universe, they will not be afraid!



At the same time, news of "Earth remnants" began to spread everywhere in the universe.

Some were shocked, some were terrified, and some were excited.

But no matter what, everyone seems to have acquiesced to this fact.

If you know that after Earth was broken, you still have to return in a swirl of dust!

It's just that not many people are willing to face the news at this moment.

. . . . . .


Machine Race is a hidden place.

Ning Tianlin's silhouette, rays of light flashed, appeared in the void.

As soon as he appeared, he controlled the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower and wiped out the red worms of the Star Void level brought by the insect race and replaced it with essence.

As for the Sleeping King, he did not move, and he planned to take it to the Yi Clan.

Before the ten-year agreement, there are only ten days left.

He should also set off!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, for obtaining 8,000 years of essence, at this moment, the total amount of essence is 130,000 years!"

The battle strength system sounded.

"Three years left, all the rest will be redeemed"!

Ning Tianlin instructed.

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