"Ning Tianlin has entered the Secret Realm of the sky!"

"He has nowhere to go, surrounded by the Martial Artist of the Star Void, and entered the Secret Realm of the sky!"

Soon, news began to spread continuously in the powerhouse of Machine Race, and even Ning Tianlin's helpless entry into the Secret Realm video was completely in the hands of some powerhouses.

In the video, the expression of Ning Tianlin gnashing teeth and stake all on one throw made them feel extremely sour and refreshing.


Here it appears!


No way!

Although many of them don’t know why the devil mainly ordered Ning Tianlin to be captured, the rewards they gave out moved countless people’s hearts, and his order was to be a member of Machine Race. , No one dares to violate.

"It's just this bastard, how did you get into that horrible place."

Many powerhouses have some headaches.

This Secret Realm can be submerged even by Martial Artists. It is extremely terrifying. It is one of the Three Great Forbidden Lands of Machine Race. It seems that there are more hidden issues related to the roots of Machine Race’s life. .

I heard that is Demon Spirit King doesn't dare to act recklessly in the Secret Realm of the sky. He is also walking in the pioneering area when he comes.

This Ning Tianlin, if you walk into a place that they all feel terrifying, what should you do.




But no matter what, too many powerhouses still flew up and rushed to the sky.

No matter how dangerous the scene is, they have to give it a try.

One is the command of Demon Spirit King, and the other is this reward, which is extremely rich. They must capture this Ning Tianlin alive and bring it to the Demon Spirit King.

In a moment, there are thousands of star powerhouses, hundreds of star powerhouses, dozens of star powerhouses, and two star powerhouses. After entering this sky space, they are all ready to immediately bring Ning Tianlin Get caught.

Bring it to the Demon Spirit King.

Especially for Martial Artists, although the sky space is terrifying, but be careful. If you don't go too far, there is still no major event.

"Ning Tianlin, don't run away, you have no chance!"

And dozens of minutes ago, five star powerhouses have already followed Ning Tianlin, crazy Chase. Even in order to avoid the impact of the turbulence of water, fire and wind on them, Ning Tianlin deliberately slowed down.

Otherwise, at the speed of his Invincible Golden Body, here is a complete rampage.

Even when I encountered space turbulence, I was just swept away and couldn't die.

"A bunch of idiots, come chase me!"

"If I can't catch up, it's my son!"

Ning Tianlin went crazy while stimulating them .

At the very least, must lead these five star powerhouses to the channel entrance of the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower. You have to watch him enter it.

"Ning Tianlin, you stand still for me!"

"Otherwise, I must catch you, I must break your body into pieces!"

A star The Martial Artist yelled angrily, saying something he didn't believe.

"Ning Tianlin, this is the sky space. If you don't have a map here, you will easily fall here if you walk rashly!"

"Listen to us, stop obediently, Then follow us, it's better than dying in this Secret Realm!"

Someone, for the sake of Ning Tianlin's "safety", talked about good or bad for him.


"My life and death, you don't need to worry about your stinky irons."

Ning Tianlin laughed and didn't care.

Always keep a certain distance from them.

Neither far nor near.

"It's coming soon!"

"There is another minute, and I will be in front of the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower!"

Ning Tianlin was a little excited.

In this way, his plan will be implemented soon.

The reason for choosing this dangerous Secret Realm is nothing. Although the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower is mysterious, it can be recognized. Even if it changes its appearance, it is not impossible for a long time.

Moreover, these powerhouses are probably familiar with the plants and trees in the machine race territory. Suddenly outside, there is such a big strange space, anyone will be angry and confused.

Especially, he was the first to enter, and it was easy to be dismantled. He thought it was his work.

It's different in Secret Realm.

This place changes from time to time, and it is not that it is not unchanging. Especially this Secret Realm is full of crises. These Machine Races are not very familiar with this place. Especially there is a treasure, which they thought of first. , Certainly not dangerous.

But excited!

Excited that there is a secret treasure here!

After all, anything can happen in Secret Realm!

"Come on, catch me!"

"A bunch of trash!"

Already approaching the entrance, Ning Tianlin deliberately delayed for a while, right? The person provocatively said.

"Ning Tianlin, you will definitely be caught by us today!"

The next few people shouted crazy.

I'm almost dying of anger,

No matter how you didn't expect, this human being, how can he like to talk so much.

So much nonsense!

"Boy, you can't escape!"

But when Ning Tianlin turned around and was about to continue running wildly, a silhouette directly passed these five star virtual Martial Artists. Burst shot and attacked Ning Tianlin.

Martial Artist!

A more powerful existence than Martial Artist!

It is also the first Martial Artist to follow them.

"Do you think I was scared, uncle?"

Ning Tianlin coldly snorted.

I didn't do it, but after three seconds of forcibly stunned, he turned around and ran wildly. Under the attention of the five Martial Artists behind, he quickly entered the space of the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower.


"How is this possible..."

The five star-virtual Martial Artists can't believe it at all The fact that happened in front of us, this Ning Tianlin, is just a Martial Artist of Star Void, how can it escape in the hands of Star Powerhouse?

Furthermore, it was still a star powerhouse, and fell into a brief dizziness and lost consciousness.

This. . . . . . This is incredible.

When Xingyuan Powerhouse reacted, it was also a little dazed. The other party could make him lose his battle strength in an instant. It is worthy of the human being ordered by the Demon Spirit King to capture.


"What is that?"

"Why is there an extra entrance there?"

Quickly, when they continued to run along the direction of Ning Tianlin, an entrance, an entrance that had never appeared in the open map, appeared in front of them.

I can't help it, I was taken aback.

What's the matter?

When is there such an entrance here, and depending on the surrounding environment, it seems that there is a huge space.

After a while, everyone is endlessly excited.


Another treasure is born!

This is the emergence of new treasures!


Without even thinking about it, the star powerhouse broke in from the entrance.

This space should be newly generated, which means that there must be a new treasure born in it! Whoever gets in early will get it!

One step later, maybe I can't even drink the soup.

Even he is a little worried, if Ning Tianlin enters this space first, will he give the treasure first?

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