"What's going on!"

"Where did Ning Tianlin go!"

Just five star virtual Martial Artists are also preparing to follow When they entered, the powerhouse kept coming and asked them where Ning Tianlin had gone.

But the eyes are staring straight at this space, very excited.

Because they all know what the formation of this new space means!

In the Secret Realm of the sky, there is only one possibility for a new space to appear, the space is revived, and treasure is born!

In this space, there is absolutely no treasure!

“shua. ”

“shua. ”

“shua. ”

These people don’t even wait for five star-virtual Martial Artists Answered, and entered the space ahead first.

"This...Where is this?"

When they first entered, their Divine Consciousness was closed, everyone was separated, I can only see myself, feel myself, and the surroundings are foggy.

It's like chaos.

But everyone has no fear, but only excitement.

Here, it may be a newly formed space. Everything is new and separated. If there is no competition for others, who can get treasure is his own good fortune.

Everyone is confident, he is the man of fate.


Only at this time, one silhouette, floating in the void, appeared next to the first Xingyuan Martial Artist, watching him quietly. .

Without Divine Consciousness, he simply couldn't feel it. He was only surprised when he looked up and saw Ning Tianlin from the corner of his eye.

Ning Tianlin is by my side!

I don’t know how long I watched myself.


Not shocked, but extremely excited.

Because he knows that Ning Tianlin is just a Martial Artist of Xingxu, but he is Xingyuan. It is only a momentary thing to catch him.


Unfortunately, the mechanical hand stretched out and moved towards Ning Tianlin to grab it.

And not surprisingly, he simply held the opponent in his hand.


"with no difficulty!"

"The reward of the Demon Spirit King is mine!"

He feels that this is a reward from the heavens. If not, why didn't this Ning Tianlin be seen by others, but was caught by himself instead? This Ning Tianlin deserves to be unlucky!

Moreover, he couldn't help but loosen his strength, for fear of pinching Ning Tianlin in his palm to death.

Demon Spirit King, what you want is alive.

"You seem to be very happy smiling."

What makes him incredible is that Ning Tianlin, in his palm, simply doesn't panic at all, but talks about him Words.

What's the situation?

Do you still have the courage to speak?

Shouldn't you be scared to pee in your butt and beg for mercy?

You Human Race, don’t you all like to beg for mercy in desperate situations?

Unfortunately, no matter how you beg for mercy, it is all in vain. Today you will definitely catch me back.

"Of course I am happy."

Xingyuan Powerhouse laughed, "Do you know what the reward is for catching you? Xingshishield!"

" With it, it can block the three attacks of Lord of Universe!"

"You said I can be upset?"

This Machine Race member is more pleased to receive the final prize Speaking out, because what does it matter?

It must be his!

There is no doubt about it!


Ning Tianlin smiled, "You caught me, but do you think you can find the exit?"

"And , You haven’t noticed, what’s wrong with me now?"

Ning Tianlin didn’t do it right away, he was in the mood of cats and mice, here is his cat litter, these Machine Races, They are all the mice that broke into the cat's nest, waiting for his slaughter!

Although in Earth, cats may not be able to kill mice, there is no problem with him.


"Find an exit and what difficulty is there."

"If you can't find it in one day, then ten days, ten days If you can’t find it, then a hundred days. A hundred days can’t work for a thousand days. Our Machine Race has a long life. I live for hundreds of millions of years without any problems."

Provocation, laughed heartily, "As for what is different about you..."

He stared at Ning Tianlin closely, and after a while, he really found the slightest strangeness.

Because at the very beginning, Ning Tianlin showed the Martial Artist of the Star Void, but now, battle strength seems to be just a star sage, not even a star sage.

Is it because the mysterious energy here suppresses the battle strength?

It's just why he didn't?

He at the peak period!

"How did your battle strength weaken?"

He asked suspiciously.

The news he got, this Ning Tianlin is a Martial Artist of Xing Xu, not Xing Sheng.


Ning Tianlin smiled, "See it?"

He just used the body of slave Luo Jin, and now , But it's his own.

After all, he is here, but the existence of Supreme Supreme.

It is a Martial Artist of the galaxy, he can display the existence of Lord of Universe.

It just didn't wait for the other party to react, it turned into air directly in the other's incredible gaze, and flew out from his hand.


Then, without waiting for the opponent's reaction, a big empty hand appeared directly, pinched on the opponent's body, directly crushed the opponent's body, and then flooded with light , Gathered into a magic crystal.

He was also directly exchanged for essence points by Ning Tianlin.

At the same time, the Wanzu centipede was dispatched to swallow the fragmented metal into the abdomen.

"Get it done!"

Ning Tianlin smiled, feeling the continuously entering powerhouse, he was extremely excited.

These Machine Races have all entered his hunting grounds, it is impossible to go back alive.

“bang! ”

“bang! ”

“bang! ”

After getting this one, Ning Tianlin's figure Flashing, they kept appearing in the mist where other Martial Artists were, and started to kill one by one.

The star emptiness, the star element, and the cosmos level are not let go.

As for Xinghuang, it hasn't appeared yet.

"Where is this?"

"Why is it all gray?"

Ning Tianlin keeps killing, it also takes time, some Martial Artist, but slowly felt bad, because here, let alone find Ning Tianlin, it is Divine Consciousness, the signal is all imprisoned.

I can't feel anything.

Especially after flying for so long, they are all a little flustered because of this Heaven and Earth.

After all, the Secret Realm of the sky is an extremely dangerous place. Although it is not far from the entrance, it is not guaranteed. I have encountered something amazing.

So, stay vigilant all the time.

But no matter what they are, their lives are constantly dying out one by one. The original powerhouse with thousands of people has already suffered more than half of its casualties in less than three hours.

"They haven't come back yet?"

"Did they come out?"

The one guarding the channel entrance is a star barren powerhouse. He is It gave directions to all those who came, and he didn't think there was what he needed in it. After all, this place is not far from the entrance of Secret Realm.

There will be no real treasures.

Only catch Ning Tianlin. He doesn't believe that so many people have entered, and they haven't caught it yet.

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