"This is really a new space, everything is so relaxed and joyful!"

The demon Lord feels the energy ahead, laughed heartily.

This is indeed a new space, you can't go wrong! He still has this confidence in himself!

"The mountains and rivers, everything is so fresh."

The demon lord lamented this new life. If it is something else, he may not care, because this new life he I often see it, but this time Heaven and Earth are different, because his new life is Universe Supreme Treasure!

He had encountered this level of space before, but he had never entered it. Because of his lack of strength, he was taken away.

That was the shame of his life!

But now, in this new space, no one takes him away, everything belongs to him!

As long as he has enough time, he can completely explore this space, and then find the Universe Supreme Treasure, refining it, and occupy it as his own. When the time comes, this Universe Supreme Treasure will add countless battle strength to oneself.

He is not afraid of the Lord of Universe in the upper nine chapters!

Even more holy!

Because after countless years of hard work, his current battle strength has reached the eighth stage of the Lord of Universe!


Without delay, he was like the sun, quickly starting to shuttle in space, wherever he passed, the fog dissipated, and all the sights appeared in In front of his eyes, even Divine Consciousness, without any blocking, began to spread.



"The products here are abundant, but it is a spiritual place!"

" The Universe Supreme Treasure that was born is not Mortal Grade either."

Every time he walks, he will laugh a little. If he really expected it, this would be a great opportunity for him. If it's about medicine, swallow it, maybe he can break through the Lord of Universe at one fell swoop and become a real universe controller. It's all possible!

"It's just that, so far, I haven't seen the lives of other Machine Races."

This is also an important reason for the demon lord to remain vigilant.

In the face of big opportunities, it is often accompanied by big dangers, and he may suffer a big loss if he is not careful.

Now he has dispelled a lot of fog, not to mention finding out the lives trapped here in Machine Race for hundreds of years, but he hasn't even seen any of them.

Unfortunately, the bad premonition in his heart grew stronger.

"Or the life of Machine Race, has it gone deep into it?"

He had to make such a guess.

He didn't want clansman to think of the worst result.

Maybe, they are all looking for Ning Tianlin, following him all the way deep, and they have already passed the boundary that they have explored.

This may not be impossible.


I just waited for an hour, and when he almost explored most of the territory, he still found nothing.

Involuntarily, his brow furrowed deeper.

"The situation is wrong!"

If his clansman is really just trapped, he won't find anything until now.

At least, there should be some clues.

But now, let alone the clues, even the shadow has not been seen. He has now broken through so many fogs, and his mental ability will cover all the places that have been explored, not to mention the huge Machine Race. silhouette, he can feel an ant.

Now, there is nothing!

He simply didn't find any Machine Race!


Unfortunately, he speeded up the flight.

It has reached the limit of no smashing void.

But what makes him frown is that he still hasn't found anything until now! simply doesn't have the slightest shadow of clansman.

“bang! ”

Involuntarily, floating the void, divine sense arrogantly rises into the higher void and into the underground.

He has just been investigating within a controllable range.

It is like encountering a mountain and he stops, and when he encounters water, he stops. Although he also entered the mountain and the depths of the water, he did not explore the bottom of the mountain and the bottom of the water.

Moreover, the heights of the void are like endless, never ending.


"This is?"

But soon, he complexion changed, a little bit happy.

Because after going deep into the ground, his Divine Consciousness drove straight in and broke through countless dirt, but when he thought it was endless like the starry sky above, his Divine Consciousness suddenly Breaking through a certain layer of diaphragm is like piercing through a layer of paper window with a finger.

He knows that he has entered another level of space!

"Let him discover it."

The body turned into the void, the void is him, he is the Ning Tianlin of the void, and he is always observing the demon master's The movement and silence, when the other party divine sense breakthrough below the soil and enter another layer, his mind is horrified.

This demon master still discovered Netherworld!

This diaphragm is the dividing line of Yin-Yang two sectors!

When you were in Earth, if you want to enter the Netherworld, you can enter through the seven connected places hidden in the Yang Sector. Just now, the space where the demon Lord stayed is this Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower The Yang Sector.

Now, he found Yin Sector.


The Demon Lord moved his mind without any delay, and went straight through the space he found and went in.

It's just that, soon, he just moved his mind.

Because of this place, there is no sunshine, no flowers and plants, no vitality, only endless yin and yin wind.

"This place..."

He was suddenly shocked.

I thought of a place.


"Netherworld in the Holy Land of Human Race?"

He has never been to this place, because there is the Lord of Universe of Human Race. Guard, he is a Machine Race, impossible forcibly broke in, and he was never invited in there.

So, he has never personally visited the Netherworld of the Holy Land of Human Race, which is the Yin Sector of the Holy Land of Human Race.

But he is very familiar with this scene, but he has forcibly read the memories of other people. In this memory, there are memories of the Netherworld. The scene looks similar to this.

But after all, without personal experience, he is still a little uncertain.

Furthermore, in other parts of the universe, it is not that there is no such scene as it is today. It is even more turbulent than the current one, and there are places that are dozens of times more powerful.

But Yang Sector for a while, Yin Sector for a while, the contrast can be so big, it seems that there is only the Holy Land of Human Race.


The Demon Lord was a little excited.

Because he knows that if this situation is true, he has developed!

It is very possible that he has encountered a certain floor of the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower which has just formed and has not yet recognized the Master.

Up to his level, of course, I know that the Holy Land of Human Race is formed by a certain layer of the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower, and even the 9-Layer of the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower gathers together. What does it mean? It's all clear.

But after all, he has never seen the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower personally, let alone what his original spatial form was like, so he didn’t notice it for a while. The space of the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower has already been recognized. Master is now.

He simply doesn't know.

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