
"This is definitely Netherworld!"

After patrolling some places, the demon master became more and more Excited, because the Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi here is exactly the same as the Yin Qi of Netherworld he got in the memory of others.

He even discovered famous landmarks such as Bridge of Helplessness and Sanshengshi.

"Find out the heart of the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower, and refining here, I am the master of this place!"

The Demon Lord has forgotten the true nature of his coming here. Purpose, the Machine Race person is not so important in his mind. If he can refining the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower, his battle strength can definitely soar to the ninth stage of the Lord of Universe!

By then, he will not have an opponent in the entire universe!

"must find the heart of the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower before Ning Tianlin and clansman!"

His heart flashed, his Divine Consciousness skyrocketed, and must dare to be in everyone Before, find the heart of the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower and refining it. Because Universe Supreme Treasure is different from other things.

Even if other things are refining, as long as you kill the owner, it can be forcibly deprived.

But it is different for Universe Supreme Treasure. When he is fused, he will be transformed into the other's Divine Consciousness bloodline. Even if the owner is killed, Universe Supreme Treasure will no longer be there.

Disappear completely!

Return to nothingness!

So, he must be immediately, to find the heart of the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower!


It was only more than ten minutes, but he was complexion changed, and his whole body was shocked, because in his up ahead, there was a dark void great hall, high ten thousand zhang, wide thousand zhang.

The most incredible and shocking thing for him is that on the top of this great hall, there is a plaque of Heavenly Dao.

There are only three words on the plaque.

Tianlin Temple.

"Tianlin Temple!"

"Ning Tianlin!"


"This The great hall is all made by the Great Dao's principle of the universe, this... This does not mean that he Ning Tianlin has already refined this great hall, and the great hall is named after him!"

His face turned pale instantly.

Because he thought of the great hall of the Human Race holy land. At the top of the great hall, there are three words called "Tower Hall".

Nothing else, because the true owner of this Human Race Holy Land is the Lord of Tower Hill!

"Ning Tianlin..."

"Ning Tianlin has refining the heart of the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower!"

The Lord just felt a little buzzing in his head.

It's like there is a handy wealth that appeared in front of his eyes, but when he was about to reach out to take it, a voice told him that this treasure cannot be taken because it already has a master.

These treasures are not his!

And it will never have anything to do with him.

"It has been refining..."

"It has been refining here..."

If you don’t Thing, the Demon Lord is impossible, but now this is the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower!

Universe Supreme Treasure!

He hasn't had one so far!

With it, he can immediately become the pinch of Lord of Universe cream of the crop!

But now, this Nine Revolutions Reincarnation tower belongs to someone else, how can he not be angry!

Furthermore, the picture turned, and various unimaginable things began to flash in his heart, and it became more and more ugly, because he thought of a possibility, and more than 90% of them were Reality!

In this space, simply is not the newly born Secret Realm Space, but it was arranged here deliberately by Ning Tianlin!

The purpose is to attract their Machine Race people over!

Good one after another beheaded!

Because here, he Ning Tianlin is the king and Spiritual God! Except for Demon Spirit King, no one is his opponent!

"The blame has to see clansman, now it seems that it is very likely that they are all dead!"

"It is his own existence, every move, I am afraid it is also under the surveillance of Ning Tianlin. "

The devil wants to go mad.

This turned out to be a trap!

The trap that clansman came to seduce!

"Ning Tianlin!"

"I know you have been there, you will come out!"

The demon lord is almost mad at the void loudly roared .

The space was shattered, and the ground of countless buildings began to collapse. The "Tianlin Temple" in front was also instantly shattered.

But these are simply not important, because these are all formed within the rules, his Ning Tianlin's mind moved, all the destroyed everything can be reborn, it takes less than a second.


"The demon lord is the demon lord. I discovered everything so quickly."

"I thought you still It will be a few more days."

Just after the words of the Demon Lord, Ning Tianlin’s silhouette, like a condensed void, slowly appeared in front of the Demon Lord, and it was a condescending look down. At each other.


Because he never thought that he could face a Lord of Universe in person so quickly, and he was still looking down at him from a high altitude!

In the past, this was simply something that I didn't dare to think about.

"Ning Tianlin, I can't think of it, I really can't think of it!"

"It turns out that I only treat you as an ant. Although you come from Earth, you are just an insignificant Earth remnant. But didn't expect, you unexpectedly gave me such a big surprise."

"You actually refining a floor of the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower!"

"Here, all have The strength of the Lord of Universe."

The demon lord looked directly at Ning Tianlin's eyes, his voice was cold, and it smelled of gnashing teeth. Because at this moment, he dare to be 100% sure that his Machine Race clansman is absolutely dead.

Not one is left!

Moreover, even if it was him, it was impossible to bring them back to life. Because it was a "Lord of Universe" who beheaded them, although he didn't really possess the power of Lord of Universe.


"You can see this, you are not blinded yet."

Ning Tianlin hehe smiled and taunted directly.

This demon lord, but ordered, must find Ning Tianlin, and then bring it to him, read the memory, and find clues about Earth.

These are all commands from the high-level memory of Machine Race.

"The mouth is very neat."

The demon master is coldly snorted, "But you Ning Tianlin probably don’t know yet. After refining the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower, there is only Lord of The strength of the first paragraph of the Universe, but I am the eighth paragraph of the Lord of Universe."

"Even in your territory, I can kill you with no difficulty!"

bang !

Speaking, a punch without warning blasted Ning Tianlin's fleshy body.


Ning Tianlin's fleshy body is also directly transformed into nothingness, not even flesh and blood.

Just a moment later, Ning Tianlin’s voice sounded again, even more frigid irony and scorching satire, "Kill me?"

"You are not only blind, but also blind."

"I am not as good as you in battle strength, but do you think you can kill me?"

"Here, I am the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower, and the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower is I. You think you can kill me, unless you can destroy the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower!"

"But do you think you have this strength?"

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