
It’s just that over time, this space has all been sucked into the golden talisman, and even Nine Nether Lan Ji entered, and It did not end as Ning Tianlin imagined, but continued to swallow!

I have already crossed this space, but continue to move towards Secret Realm and start to swallow!

It is swallowing Secret Realm!

"My day!"

Ning Tianlin was a little shocked, but didn't expect that this Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower is no longer under his own control, to be more precise, This nether space is not under his control, and it is devouring the Secret Realm.

"I hope nothing will happen."

Ning Tianlin was a little stunned, this was too much of his expectation.

He still has some confidence in swallowing this space, but if it spreads to the entire Secret Realm, then it is a bit really unsure, and it is easy to be seen by other people in Machine Race.

No one knows how many Machine Race members are wandering in the Secret Realm at this moment.

If they find out, Ning Tianlin doesn't know if he can handle it.



In this way, golden talisman has more and more space to swallow, which has far exceeded his The breath, even the extremely terrifying space on one side, was swallowed in.

"This...what is going on!"

"Why is this space disappearing!"

Finally, with time As time went by, the golden light that swallowed the space was still discovered by the members of the Machine Race who were exploring this sky Secret Realm.

This is a three-person squad.

All of them looked horrified and looked at the front in disbelief.

There was originally a piece of black in front, but at this moment, it is as if there is a golden light shrouded, covering the endless black vortex. It is them, under the shining of this endless golden light, they are all extremely dazzling.

At this moment, they are just like in the early morning, looking at the rising sun, let the light shroud them with a trace.

"Not good!"


The three Machine Race members finally felt that something was wrong. If they don’t leave, they will also Swallowed by this boundless golden light. Although according to their guess, the golden light that suddenly appeared, there is likely to be a lot of treasure.

Is there a treasure that gave birth to this dense golden light?

They even have the urge to rush into the golden light and explore them even at first.

But in the end, they decided to give up. They felt that there was no need to take this risk right away. It would not be too late to come and investigate after the golden light passed.

Unfortunately, the speed at which they escape is not a level at all compared to this golden light. This golden light is not distance, but space! Overlap all the time!


In just a few moments, these three star virtual Martial Artists were swallowed in.

But they did not die, but entered the nether space like the Secret Realm!


"What's the matter?"

"Where did the golden light go?"

I regretted leaving The three Machine Races who were late were all taken aback when they saw the golden light disappear. What's going on?

You look at me, I look at you, there is no damage to their bodies?

And the place where they stay has not changed.

The surrounding scene is still the same, still in the Secret Realm!

What they don’t know is that the entire space has been swallowed. Although they are still in the Secret Realm, the Secret Realm is already not in Machine Race.




Seeing this scene, Ning Tianlin gently relaxed in the heart.


These Machine Race members were also involved. As long as he enters the nether space, everything is easy to handle. Just now, he has an urge to shoot at these three Machine Race members.

Avoid this matter from leaking out.

It seems that this is simply unnecessary.

Star Void Martial Artist has no power to fight back in this golden light, and the rest, even if they struggle a bit, may not escape the fate of being involved.

Even Ning Tianlin has some regrets.

If the demon lord is still here, it is estimated that he will be involved in the nether space. If this is the case, he might really even slaughter the Lord of Universe today!

Under the rush of 100 million times of battle strength compression, Lord of Universe may not be able to hold him for long!



Time goes by.

Almost four or five hours later, a dozen more Machine Race members were involved in the nether space.


"What's the matter?"

"How can my battle strength become so low!"

Soon, some members discovered the strangeness of battle strength.

After all, the space can be shattered with just one punch, but now, no matter how hard you use, the space is still that space, as if laughing at their incompetence.

"Rule suppression!"

"It must be Rule suppression!"

Seeing the same with the companions on the side, some people began to speculated.

But the suppression is too outrageous. Normally, it can be weakened by a few percent at most, more than ten percent, but now, it has almost been suppressed to the original tens of thousands. One part!

What is this?

The golden light just now is so fierce?

"Go and see!"

"See if everything is like this?"

"What major event happened in the Secret Realm!"

These Machine Race members all want to figure out what's going on, and some even guess in their hearts that if anyone can master the secret of this golden light outbreak, who can master the rules.

When the time comes, who is their opponent?

Forcibly turn the other party into the original number 1 in 1 million, and you'll fart!


These Machine Race members started to disperse, but they simply did not know that they had already passed away in the Secret Realm, but entered another Heaven and Earth.


Ignoring the Machine Race expert who was constantly involved, Ning Tianlin had surprise in his eyes after a period of time.

"Red Jiuyang Ji!"

"Red Jiuyang Ji!"

In this space now shrouded by golden light, there is a A huge red plant with roots and stems. At the top, there are red fragrant flowers with countless red crystals.

"Another form of magic crystal origin!"

Ning Tianlin was overjoyed.

Densely packed, enough to dazzle him.

It was especially exciting for him that, like Nine Nether Lan Ji, some areas at the top of the Nine Nether Red Fairy, some of the red magic crystal origins fell off, Ning Tianlin counted it, and it was twenty. Come on.


Ning Tianlin did not immediately do it, but when Jiuyang Hongji, including the space where it was, was involved in the nether space , He swallowed the Star Yaozhu and also entered the nether space.

The origin of some of the magic crystals that fell off around the Jiuyang Hongji was put into the space ring.

"Five thousand six hundred extreme essence points!"

This is the data obtained by Ning Tianlin.

In addition to what he originally accumulated, he has now exceeded ten thousand extreme spirits!

It's not unreasonable!

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