"These essences, I don’t know how far I can grow."

Now Ning Tianlin's fleshy body battle strength alone has reached the sixth stage of the Star Saint After combining with Wanzu centipede, the Fleshy body directly soared to the 9th dan of Xingsheng!

At the age of thirty, reaching this point is not unbelievable.

If the 10,000-pole essence turns into battle strength, he estimates that with his fleshy body alone, there will never be any problem with the breakthrough Star Sage, and even the Star Austrian high stage is possible!

As for directly crossing Xingao and becoming a Martial Artist of Xingwu.

That is somewhat impossible.

After all, every time a great realm is crossed, the consumption of essence points will be an astronomical figure, which is completely increased by a hundredfold and thousandfold.

"Keep it here first."

"We'll talk about it when we really get out of this Machine Race."

Ning Tianlin still decided to get out of the Secret Realm first and leave Let's talk about Machine Race.

Now that it’s the last juncture, I can’t be sloppy.

"Go in!"

Ning Tianlin was not in the heart relaxed until the entire Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower was swallowed by the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower. No matter what happens, this Nine Sun Hongji also entered the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower.

It can be regarded as entering his back garden.

As long as the magic crystal is mature, he can pick it.

There is no need to specifically come to Machine Race.



In this way, the Secret Realm of the sky is constantly being swallowed by the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower. As time goes by, there are already The one third entered the nether space of the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower, and after three more days, compared to the territory of 2/3/2021, it also entered the nether space.

"Run away!"

"If you don't run away, there will be no time!"

A machine race member moved crazy towards the exit of Secret Realm in the sky and escaped .

If it hadn’t been for just now, the golden light in the nether space bends when swallowed by him, his whole body would be swallowed in, but the three companions around him, But it was badly handed.

They were all swallowed in.

I don't know the life or death!

What frightened him in particular was that he saw that wherever the golden light was shrouded, there was nothing left, not to mention companions, but the original space was gone! In other words, the space of Secret Realm is disappearing!

“bang! ”

“bang! ”

So far, he moved towards the entrance of the cave madly.

He knows that Secret Realm is definitely undergoing a big change. If it is slower, he will probably disappear without a trace just like his partner.

At this time, he saw Machine Race life wandering here, and he notified him.

"What's wrong?"

The other party was a little dazed.

He has been here for more than ten days, why should he leave?

He still has Secret Realm and hasn’t probed?

But the other party simply doesn't kill him, and it's quite interesting to say it to you. It's a matter of whether you leave or not, and letting you know is to give you a chance to live.

As for Believing or Not, who cares about you?


This mechanical life simply didn't stay, and rushed towards the entrance directly. He was afraid that it would be later and he would be enveloped by the mysterious golden light.

The speed of that thing is too fast, if it does appear, it can't be avoided at his speed!

"Your sister!"

"What crazy!"

The three Machine Race members who were notified, look at me, I look at you After a while, he directly chose to ignore it.


Why are you leaving?

In danger?

Is it dangerous and difficult to leave?

What a joke!

They enter the Secret Realm of the sky, of course they know that they will be in danger! The Secret Realm is full of dangers. This is a fact that the entire Machine Race knows!

If you run away in danger, then enter the Secret Realm and ask for it!

Furthermore, the more dangerous it is, the more opportunity it will accompany it? Opportunity and danger often coexist!

So, they didn't retreat, but prepared to explore it. Maybe if they continue this time, there will be some big gains, and the battle strength will be greatly improved!

Besides, the clansman's battle strength just now is lower than theirs. The opponent wants to escape, doesn't mean they also want to escape!


There was no stepping back, and the three of them moved forward together, wanting to see what happened.

Just when half a day later, endless golden light swallowed them all, they all regretted endlessly, regretting how they didn't listen to their companions just now. It's just that when they appeared in the nether space and saw the Machine Race companions again, they felt that it was really make a fuss about nothing just now!

The mysterious golden light just now didn't terrifying much, it just sent them to another place.

Looks like the golden light, but it's just a teleportation function.

But the decline in battle strength also shocked them all, and guessed if they came to a place where Rule Power was extremely powerful. If not, how come their battle strength's formidable power doesn't even have one ten-thousandth of the original?



After a while, the machine race who ran away finally saw the entrance of the Secret Realm , Without even thinking about it, he jumped in directly. And behind him, five Machine Race members followed.

If you don’t believe it, you will definitely believe it.

In the end, after the six Machine Race members escaped through the Secret Realm exit, the entire Secret Realm was swallowed by golden light and finally disappeared without a trace.


"Come out!"

The machine race who came out first, saw that he finally escaped and ascended to heaven, in the heart long Take a long breath. At the last moment, he even saw the golden light in the distant space.

"What's the matter?"

"What is the golden light?"

"It's so dazzling!"

The other five The members of Machine Race were grateful in the heart at the same time. Fortunately, after listening to this clansman, if not, they might not be able to cope with the golden light. Although they don't even know what the golden light is for, it is definitely a very scary thing!

Otherwise, Secret Realm will not be swept across the sky.

"What is it?"

The first machine race member who escaped, smiled wryly, "How do I know what it is?"

"I only know , The Secret Realm of the sky will be gone soon!"

"It will be swallowed by the golden light! Anything illuminated by the golden light will have nothing, even the space will not exist! "


The surrounding five Machine Race members directly held breath cold air.


The Secret Realm is gone?

Don’t swallow that golden light?

What a joke!

How big is the Secret Realm of the sky? The space inside overlaps and overlaps. I don't know the geometry, how can it disappear!

But they unnaturally chose to believe it, after all, the sky full of golden light can't be faked!


"Fly farther."

At this time, the machine race member who escaped first said, "I see , Let’s fly farther, if the golden light not only envelops the Secret Realm of the sky, but also other places, it’s not necessarily safe here!"

"We still It’s better to stay far away!"


The rest are nodded.

It is true.

What if the golden light breakthrough Secret Realm extends to other places?

It's really not necessarily safe in this neighborhood.

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