"Speaking of Ning Tianlin, in the eyes of countless people, it was crushed into dregs by Mu Clan's Star Sage Muze Art."

In the teahouse .

A storyteller, holding a paper fan, spitting stars indiscriminately, telling what Ning Tianlin has seen and done in Zhongducheng.

"How is it?"

"How is he?"

"Will he die?"

Hearing this, everyone on the side wondered in the heart whether Ning Tianlin was dead or not, and their minds were even a little nervous. After all, the fleshy body has been beaten into scum. In this case, nine out of ten will burp.


"How could Ning Tianlin die here!"

The storyteller hehe smiled and shook the paper fan, "He Ning Tianlin, although the fleshy body is broken, how can he die so easily? If not, how can he be worthy of his origin and origin."

"I will not waste my tongue here, talking about him. It's the story."

When the storyteller said this, he picked up the tea on the side and poured a few sips into his mouth quietly.

Cleared his throat, deliberately waiting for people around to ask questions.

"What is his background?"

"What is his background?"

"Where is he from."

"Quickly say Hurry up!"

Sure enough, everyone was itched by the hook. Even a woman sitting on the edge drinking tea, holding a long sword and wearing a veil, raised her ears. Hook up listening.

"The origin?"

"I want to talk about the origin of Ning Tianlin, telling it to scare you to death!"

The storyteller deliberately smashed his mouth. , Seeing that everyone’s attention was focused on himself, he faintly said, "This Ning Tianlin is from Earth!"

"Earth, you guys don’t know!"

This The storyteller stopped talking, waiting for everyone to ask questions.

Because he knows that what he is going to say next, whether right or wrong, is the information circulating outside recently, which is crazy.

There are even a lot of people who have begun to search for the information of Earth in a frenzy.

I heard that someone gave this news an unbelievably high price, and even the Temple of Innocence of Human Race is searching for clues to Earth.

They are a relatively backward martial arts planet, so there is still a lot of news that has been spread outside, but not many people here still know.


"What Earth?"

Everyone was taken aback.

They have never heard of this name.

They have all heard of Wuwang Palace, Star Dou Palace, and Human Race Holy Land!

"That's right, what is this Earth? Come on, what is special about him?"

Someone burdened it.

Even the woman holding the long sword held her breath for fear of missing useful news.


"Speak out and scare you to death!"

"This Earth, but the first star of the ancients, was longed for by countless Lord of Universes at that time Holy land! Before it was broken, the entire universe was ruled by it! It is the king among the countless stars!"

This storyteller is nothing more than news heard from the outside. I only know so much, but this does not prevent Earth from being extremely powerful. It was the holy land that countless Lord of Universe yearned for.

"Isn't it?"

"There is such a place?"


A lot People are skeptical about this, is it true?

Do you even yearn for Lord of Universe?

What an awesome existence this is.


"Will I say the fake here?"

"My iron mouth and bronze teeth Ji Lan, I said thirty here New Year's book, have you ever told a lie?"

"Don't believe it!"

Ji Lan waved her hand deliberately, took the paper fan in her hand, and signaled not to say it.

Too annoying.

"Don't, Mr. Ji, keep talking!"

"They don't believe it, we believe it."

Seeing this scene, someone hurried up At the same time, he gave away a piece of silver in his hand and flew into the bowl in front of Ji Lan.

After all, he makes money from this.

Even the woman at the very end, for fear that Ji Lan would not continue, she also cast a silver pair of this planet and put it into his bowl.

Some acquaintances who are familiar with Ji Lan's methods all smiled, knowing that this is a trick he used to show off, but he doesn't have money to support it. After a while, he will continue to talk about it.


"Count your acquaintances."

Ji Lan waved her hand, reopened the paper fan, and continued, "Since Earth exists , Then this Earth, known as the number one star in the ancient times, of course will have his master. All living creatures are masters."

This time, no one retorted.

Because this is all true.

As small as the ant kingdom, or a family, as large as a country, a planet, or even a galaxy, there will be a real master ruled.

This is the law.

Anyone is impossible to change.

"And the owner of Earth is also known as the ancient Number One Person!"

"No one opposes this, right?"

Ji Lan asked the people around Dao, saw no one shaking his head, and continued to say, "But no flower can bloom for a hundred days, no one is good for a hundred days. This is the law of time, the rule of the universe. When a person is so strong, there will always be a day of decline. "

"If there is yin, there is yang, and if there is strength there is weakness, this is the law!"

"So, one day, this ancient Number One Person will be He was conspired by the joint hands, in other words, he lost to the joint hands of countless cosmic experts, he said, his body was shattered and disappeared into the universe. "

"But the ancient Number One Person is the ancient Number One Person, although he is dead, his fleshy body is immortal, and his spirit is immortal, and he merges with the broken Earth, and he has no real death!"

"After all, he has reached his point. It’s not easy to die. No one can really kill him."

"Countless years later, Earth was reborn, and this ancient Number One Person was awakened as a result."

"So, in today's universe, countless big guys speculate that this Ning Tianlin is very likely to be the awakened ancient Number One Person. At least, he also inherited the inheritance of this ancient Number One Person."

"If not, how could he be such a genius, at the age of 30, he has the ability to kill the Martial Artist of the Star Void!"

Speaking of which, Ji Lan is in the heart long. Sighed.

I'm finally done.

"So, now countless powerhouses in the universe are dispatched to look for Ning Tianlin, the purpose is to get the inheritance in his hands, or to quickly kill him when he hasn't really grown up."


"If not, he will become the Lord of Universe again, I am afraid he will also be the overlord of the Lord of Universe!"

"No one can compete."

"When the time comes, his road to revenge opens, and the entire universe will be a bloody storm again!"

Ji Lan estimated that if it is really like what is now spread outside, this Ning Tianlin couldn't find it, it might be so!

"Your sister, Xingxue Powerhouse kills when you say kill. Hasn't he grown up yet?"

Someone slandered in the heart.

Xingwu powerhouse is already a real expert in the universe.

Ning Tianlin can even kill them, but he hasn't grown up yet?

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