
"Look for Ning Tianlin!"

"Let’s go out in a group and look for this Ning Tianlin, although we are not him The opponent, but as long as we find his clues and report him to a powerful person, we can also get a lot of income!"

"It's much better than just staying on our planet!"


Someone has a sudden change of mind and dreams of getting rich.

Although Ning Tianlin can't be killed, as long as there are clues to him and report to the people in the Temple of Wuwang, they may not have to worry in their lives, and they will be richer and richer.


"Let’s go out and look for this Ning Tianlin, maybe we will run into it!"

"It’s not thinner at this time. When will you stay!"

As the man said, there was something agitated.

For a time, the whole teahouse was a little noisy.

It’s like when a criminal was wanted in Earth, and someone offered a reward. Whether or not the criminal’s opponent was, there were many people chasing him, just let yourself run into it. That's it.

A single clue is a high price.


Only at this time, a clear female voice rose up in this teahouse.

Although there are only two simple words, it contains a very ironic meaning to these people.


"Who is talking!"

Everyone in the teahouse suddenly stopped in their voices, looking for the source of the sound.

For a moment, too many people's eyes focused on the woman sitting in the corner.

Not for anything else, because in the whole teahouse, she is the only woman!

"Did you curse someone?"

A man dressed in coarse cloth and showing his breasts asked the woman.

"Why do you curse!"

"We are discussing Ning Tianlin, what does it have to do with you! If you don't go, can't you let us go?"

Everyone focused their eyes on the woman, but they didn't do anything.

Nothing else, just because this woman has a sword beside her!

Just looking at the appearance, this sword is not Mortal Grade.

Although the other party is a female stream, it is also a Martial Artist. No one dared to step forward rashly without seeing the reality and fiction for a while.


It’s just this woman, who simply didn’t answer the man’s question, she slapped the table directly, the long sword rose, and then the cold light flew, a great head , Just rise in this teahouse.

She doesn't want to talk nonsense, and she doesn't want to argue with others.

More often, she will choose to do it.

And she is not someone else, it is the second discipline that Ning Tianlin received.

This discipline, named Bu Yunyan, is extremely talented, because her soul is the first soul bestowed by the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower, and all the innate talents are concentrated on her.

It is precisely because of her that Ning Tianlin won the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower.

On the same day, Ning Tianlin gave him a star cave-level spiritual brocade dress and countless resources, and let her go through the universe on her own.

Because Ning Tianlin feels that by staying by her side, she has nothing to teach her. After all, her own battle strength growth method is different from others. There is no step by step at all, so we can do it steadily. .

Therefore, it is better to let her wander in the universe.

Just ask him if he encounters any problems.

There are resources, battle strength, treasure, and even the means of escape are given to Bu Yunyan. Therefore, Ning Tianlin is also more assured that she will roam in the universe.

"No wonder the master told me that when the universe is tumbling, don't mention that he is your own master."

Bu Yunyan in the heart wrinkled secretly, "It turns out that master Knowing that his enemies are all over the world, the Martial Artists of the entire universe are looking for his whereabouts. If he is now yelled and he is Ning Tianlin's discipline, I am afraid that it will not be long before he will be tied up by the five flowers and placed in the extremely high realm of Martial. In front of the Artist."

Bu Yunyan also knew at this time that the master was really doing her good.

And these people are talking bad things about the master here, coveting his situation, and even going out to look for him, and report his situation to Wuwangdian. They really can be killed!



Countless people exclaimed, they didn't expect, this woman didn't even say anything, I just started killing people, and didn't look at them at all.

I couldn't help but stared at her tightly to prevent her from violent and kill everyone here.

Some people have even begun to step back to prevent being affected by the fighting here.


"If you don't even have a Star Domain, you dare to boasted shamelessly!"

Bu Yunyan is coldly snorted, and ignores the people around him , Rose directly into the sky and left here.

After three years of traveling abroad, she has also become a star king with her excellent innate talent. Originally, she was thinking about contacting and visiting the master again after some time, but now it seems that she has to go and help the master.

At the very least, she wants to go out and see if this universe is all looking for a master, or is it just that the storyteller just said nonsense and told a story directly.

If Martial Artists in the entire universe are really looking for a master, she will definitely help him.


The body shape is flashing, and you are about to leave this planet.

"Demonic girl, where to go!"

Just then, a voice rang in her ears, and then a big hand, falling into the void, moved towards her body straight Go straight.


"courting death!"

The sword light flashed, and Bu Yunyan directly took out the long sword in his hand, moved towards giant palm welcoming go.

She simply doesn't care.

She just came to this planet to rest and see if there is anything to eat or drink. In her exploration, this planet is just a low-strength planet. Most Martial Artists don’t have much battle strength. .

The tallest one seems to be just a Nebula Martial Artist.

With this kind of existence, she can pinch to death with one hand.

So, she didn't feel how huge might this sudden palm appeared.

It is the master of this planet who has come, and she can kill with a single sword!


Only when her long sword is in contact with the giant palm that descends from the sky, her whole body is like being forcibly suppressed by an unrivaled mountain , Fell rapidly.

The long sword in his hand is like a thorn on a piece of gold, bursting out brilliant sparks.

"Not good!"

"It is the Star Sage!"

"The master of this hand is actually the Star Sage!"

Bu Yunyan simply didn't expect that the owner of this palm was actually the Star Saint, a level higher than him!


Even during the fall, she involuntarily vomited a mouthful of blood.

complexion changed, without even thinking about it, enduring the severe pain, directly moved towards the lower side and flew away.

Put this planet through a hole and fly out from the other side!

If not, she will only be caught by this star saint!


The long sword flashes in his hand, moving towards the dirt below.

Wherever they passed, Jinshiju opened up and made way for her one after another.

Just wondering in my heart, how can there be a star saint in this place?

This is just a very ordinary planet!

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