"They have all set off, you can go too."

Human Race Holy Land.

Someone also got this news.

Without much consideration, two Martial Artists went to Huangtian great valley.

And it's all nine dans of Star Desolation!

One step further, you can become Lord of Universe!

insect race.

"Ning Tianlin!"

"There is news of Ning Tianlin!"

Since Ning Tianlin escaped from the hands of the insect race expert, insect race I'm looking for Ning Tianlin like crazy, because this person has too many secrets in his body, not only can't be killed no matter what, even the Martial Artist of Xinghuang can be stunned!

This is incredible!

Nowadays, I have heard that Ning Tianlin is from Earth, and it is very likely that he has obtained the inheritance of the ancient Number One Person.

So they are immediately, thinking they understand everything.


Only the ancient Number One Person who obtains his inheritance can be so genius, so many weird methods, and so Eternal and Undying!

"Go to Human Race!"

"Catch him Ning Tianlin back to me!"

This time speaking, it is the king of insect race!

One of the three great experts of the real insect race!

He is also the one who values ​​the ancient number one expert of Human Race the most!

If it wasn't that he couldn't go to the Human Race himself, he would like to take the action personally and bring Ning Tianlin back! After all, he was sent to Star Wilderness Powerhouse, and Human Race, this time I am afraid that Star Wilderness Martial Artist will do it!

After all, this is a major event about the ancient Number One Person!


It is 38 Martial Artists who are creeping in the starry sky!

And all of them are star barren nine dans!

Unlike Human Race, Human Race Martial Artists are relatively rare, and they add up to only a thousand people. Insect race has reached nearly 10,000. As a result, the breeding ability of insect race is not at all Human Race can be compared.

Secondly, there is no infighting in the insect race.

The remaining Martial Artist is much more than Human Race.

Especially this time in the Human Race site, they must send more powerhouses.

If not, you will be in the territory of Human Race, I am afraid you will suffer a big loss.

Even if I saw Ning Tianlin, I might not be able to bring it back.


After speaking, breaking through the starry sky, Qi Qi disappeared into the territory of the insect race.


A barren and barren continent.

An Ox Head Man taller than the sky, a ferocious crocodile crawling on the ground with a big mouth, a grizzly bear on all fours, standing respectfully on a huge, like Vajra Around the general Ape Race.

Listen to his teaching.

"The three of you are super experts in my clan, and all have the Illusion Technique. This time, I will send you to the Huangtian great valley of the Human Race to capture Ning Tianlin for me. It is necessary Done!"

"High Priest has predicted that this Ning Tianlin is the most important person to disturb the future starry sky!"

"Must bring him back to me!"


"Remember, live!"

"I just live!"

"He died, you die!"

This The huge Ape Race is born like a flood, echoing in this vast land for a long time.



The three tall orcs roared to the sky, and then the silhouette slowly disappeared into the void.

Heavenly Fox Race.

"patriarch, Ning Tianlin has news. He is now appearing in the great valley of Huangtian of Human Race. Numerous powerhouses have already begun to stir and are ready to capture him!"

"He is from Earth, and he is guessing that he is very likely to have the inheritance of the Number One Powerhouse of the ancient Earth clan back then!"

This is a race of handsome men and women.

Sit on the golden crown is a beautiful demon fox with eight tails.

Listening to the report below, frowned deeply.

"patriarch, send me!"

"I must find a way to safely bring Ning Tianlin to our Heavenly Fox clan!"

" It’s not safe where he stays now, hiding in our place, not many people will know."

A male fox with the same eight tails but a short tail at the end, facing The beautiful white fox road above.

"No way!"

White Fox thought for a while, and refused directly, "You have just entered the Martial Artist of Xinghuang, only a period of Xinghuang, and it is far from being able to compete with Xinghuang. Contend with paragraphs."

"This time in the great valley of the yellow sky, it must be almost all martial artists competing!"

"You are not without much use if you go. "

"I'll go there myself this time!"

The eight-tailed white fox decided to go there by myself.

This is a bit more certain.

After all, she didn't go to kill Ning Tianlin, she wanted to take him out safely, as long as he was willing to follow him, maybe there was still some strength to fight.

"No, patriarch!"

"If you have any damage, what should we do with the Heavenly Fox clan!"

White Fox said this After coming out, everyone around Clansman was shocked and hurriedly persuaded.

"Nothing to do!"

The white fox shook the head, "The Lord saved me back then and passed on my cultivation method. Now it is very likely that he will reappear, even if he is guarding him. Inheritance, I will try my best!"

"Even if I die, I have to protect him thoroughly!"

The words of the eight-tailed white fox are extremely firm, and even finally confronted the one just now The same gray fox with eight tails but a shorter one said, "Kiyo, if in the end, if I really do not come back, you will inherit the long position of Heavenly Fox Race!"

"I mean It's decided, don't have to persuade me!"


Speaking, directly split the space ahead.

Disappeared before the eyes of Heavenly Fox.



Heavenly Fox is not much in number, but at this moment, they are really blessing their patriarch, Able to return safely.

At the same time.

Elf Race.

Stone Golem Race.

Avian Spirit Race.

Mu Clan.

The experts of countless races, who are all receiving news from Ning Tianlin, immediately dispatched the experts, even the Machine Race, which suffered a big loss, is the same.

However, the Martial Artist that the Demon Lord has already instructed to go, do not enter the great valley of Huangtian, just watch the battle outside, maybe Ning Tianlin and all races both sides suffer, let them pick up one Leak!

But if you enter the great valley of Huangtian, I am afraid to send as many deaths as possible!

This is also the secret that his demon master only knows.

He won't tell anyone this news!

His Machine Race is down with blood mold, and other races, like them, should suffer a big loss in the hands of Ning Tianlin!


"Someone is coming!"

When Ning Tianlin taught Bu Yunyan a period of growth experience, his brows raised. .


Someone has finally arrived!

And the first one that appeared was a green snake!

Followed by an expert from Human Race!

"Yunyan, wait for me here first, and digest the experience I taught you!"

"Without my order, no matter what happens outside, you should not leave here Fang space!"

Ning Tianlin waved his hand, before Bu Yunyan could answer, locked her in an Independent Space.

There will definitely be many experts who will come, and she has no need to be by her side.

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