

Bu Yunyan is nodded, knowing that something must happen outside.

In order to save her, Master must have revealed his identity.

Outside, there may have been too many powerhouses. After all, hunting down the master’s powerhouse, but simply not her level can imagine, they must be extremely powerful experts!

They shuttling through the void, just for a moment.


Ning Tianlin didn't say much, his figure flickered, and he appeared directly in a space, but he did not show up first, but was observing the other party. The movement.

Good fellow.

Xinghuang Jiudan!

This is really worthy of myself. The first one that appeared was a snake and the Martial Artist of Xinghuang Jiudan! One step further is the Lord of Universe!

"I just don't know, which force do you belong to?"

Ning Tianlin knows that there are definitely more than one or two places to find yourself this time.

Although until now, he is still unclear about the actual situation of the Earth Ancient Battle, and the battle strength system is even more secretive to him, but he already knows that all this seems to be related to the ancient Number One Person. !

And those who participated in this matter back then, apart from Human Race, I am afraid that all races in the universe have participated in it!

And this time his identity was exposed and appeared in the eyes of everyone, there will surely be countless powerhouses to look for.

"Wait first."

"No hurry!"

"Wait, we will kill together!"

Ning Tianlin Heart is coldly snorted.

These people are already like tigers in the cage, unable to get out, unless they are promoted to the Lord of Universe, or they can open up their own space, otherwise, no matter how hard they struggle, they can’t get out. out.

Let’s wait for a group of people to come in and take a look.


The figure flashed, and he left the space of the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower directly.

Invisible to the void, quietly observing how many people are preparing to enter.

"Haomang, I didn’t expect you to come too!"

A huge bull head appeared in the void, but it hasn’t appeared yet. The one below has pointed ears. The beautiful elf coldly shouted at the bull's head.

Without even thinking about it, he directly drew the golden longbow behind him, directly pulled a grand slam, and was about to shoot at the bull's head!


The arrow is like a rainbow, tore the void.


The bull's head did not show weakness, coldly snorted, opened his mouth, and struck a bolt of lightning, which smashed the incoming long arrow to pieces.

The beautiful long-eared man belongs to Elf Race, and the bull head belongs to the orc race. It itself has an absolutely irreconcilable hatred. It is a worldly hatred. No matter where you encounter it, there will be a heaven shaking, earth shattering. battle.

But at this moment, it's different.

As soon as the two met, an endless gray Death Aura appeared in the void. Wherever it went, the flowers faded, and the Spiritual Qi in the entire void seemed to be eroded by a layer of Death Aura.

"You two are stupid?"

"This is also the time when you do it?"

"If you two want to fight, go outside, Don’t stand in the way here!"

"When the time comes, then Ning Tianlin is gone, and was snatched by others, don’t blame your stupid IQ!"

What slowly emerged in silhouette was a huge reptile with four limbs. It was said to be an insect, but it was not appropriate, because it simply did not have the slightest Life Aura on its body, just like a ghost in the Netherworld.

The whole body is whitish and exudes a weird aura.

Every time you say a word, the temperature of the surrounding air drops by one point.

"Ghost Ghoul!"

Ning Tianlin recognized the origin of this thing at a glance, it turned out to be an undead!

The undead are here too!

Could it be that there were also members of the undead in the battle on Earth that year?

The undead are a very strange and terrifying race, because they are not afraid of pain, and it is difficult to kill them. For example, if the life of Human Race is killed into seven or eight stages, they usually die.

But for the undead, this is simply not a problem!

The head is turned off, but it is just a scar with the size of a bowl, and then without the help of any life, it can merge on its own.

Very scary!

Extremely hard to kill!

There is also the yin qi that rolls all over their bodies, which is more terrifying than the yin qi in the Netherworld, and can directly cause everything to wither.

In the realm of immortality, it is all deserted there.

There are no flowers, no trees, only endless desolation.

This ghoul does not belong to the high-end race of the undead. Generally, it is a low-level creature. It belongs to the low-level creature of the undead. But now, a low-level creature can be cultivated to the 9th tier of Star Wilderness. Needless to say, that innate talent and acquired effort are all first-class in the same level!

"Fight, why not fight, the more intense the fight, the better!"

Only at this time, another silhouette appeared.


But there are gray wings on the back. They didn't go up after Tianan. They seemed to be born with them. Don't guess, it is definitely a human race with good speed.

"You guys hurry up here, don't rush to tell the winner, so as not to stop me from looking for Ning Tianlin!"


This winged birdman, without waiting for Hao Mang to reply, directly laughed heartily and flew towards the great valley in front of the yellow sky.

His Divine Consciousness is so powerful, as soon as he appeared, he saw the difference there.

It is as if there is a layer of invisible Formation covering there.

Enter directly without even thinking about it!

Like the first Chengtian who entered with the Green Snake, he is a Martial Artist, and he is also a nine-duan! I think that in this universe, the places I can't go are printed in my mind!

There is no such great valley!

So, no matter where it is, he can go!

This is confidence in his battle strength!


The space ripples, and this bird man directly disappeared.

"Hurry up!"

"There is a secret space in the great valley of Huangtian!"

The powerhouses that keep appearing around are all shocked.

Hurry moved towards the place where the birdman flew.

Can't let him succeed alone!


It is the bull head and the elves who were just ready to do it. Regardless of any natural enemies, they gave up on their own and hurriedly moved towards which space to fly away.

They are here to look for Ning Tianlin. If someone else preempts them, how do they go back and make a relationship?


Qiqi moved towards the space ahead and rushed.

In a short while, a hundred martial artists have entered the space of the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower!

Almost all of them are star barren nine dans!

"There are all races, it seems that I have become a celebrity now."

Ning Tianlin is hidden at the edge of this entrance, watching these rush into Nine Revolutions The powerhouse in the Reincarnation tower space all sneered.


Enter now!

Wait, I will turn you all into my spirit!

"Heavenly Fox Race!"

"Heavenly Fox Race is here too!"

Just in Ning Tianlin, we are ready to enter, let’s have a big fight first When killing, a beautiful eight-tailed white fox appeared up ahead of him.

I glanced at the space in front of me, gritted my teeth, and passed away in a flash.

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