"Unexpectedly, you are here too!"

Ning Tianlin was shocked.

Because of this Heavenly Fox Race, he once saw it.

Not elsewhere, but in Mugu Abyss, on a jade pendant worn by the senior who was released!

At first, he Ning Tianlin simply didn't care about the jade pendant, because there was only one fox on the jade pendant, but what interested him was that the fox's tail was six tails!

Not so much!

This also reminded him of the Nine-tailed Fox legend on Earth.

According to legend, the nine-tailed fox represents nine lives, and the mana can reach the sky. It is the Totem of many races in China.

So, he also wanted to ask from the senior's mouth if it was right.

After all, there are six-tailed foxes engraved on the jade pendant. This senior should know what is going on.

Unexpectedly, this turned out to be a race!

It’s not a fox. The fox is just Ancient Era. The bloodline of Heavenly Fox Race under Earth, but it’s already extremely thin and there is no spiritual power. It’s almost impossible to cultivation.

The most important thing is the senior's expression when he talked about the Heavenly Fox clan. He was happy, but mixed with sadness, as if he was thinking of someone very close to him.

Especially when talking about the this family at the end, he saw that when the senior looked at the jade pendant, his expression, such a look, looked like if he was looking at his lover!

This also made him extremely shocked.

However, he didn't ask anything, the senior didn't say anything, just in an instant, he recovered his emotions, and then said something, he bid farewell to Ning Tianlin.

Ning Tianlin was also at that time, knowing that there is a family of Heavenly Fox in this world!

But what shocked Ning Tianlin was that the senior said that the Heavenly Fox clan has disappeared. In this world, there is no Heavenly Fox clan anymore, but now, how come they have appeared!

Moreover, Ning Tianlin noticed that it was obviously the eight-tailed Heavenly Fox who had been hiding in the void for a long time, and she entered when all the powerhouses had entered.

It seems that I don't want people around me to know her existence!

"It doesn't matter, go ahead and talk about it."

Ning Tianlin still decided to enter the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower first, after all, there is his own Heaven and Earth.

Only there, he is the Sovereign of equivalent to Lord of Universe!


Just when he was about to enter, a tall metal body appeared in the starry sky.

"Machine Race?"

"Dare to come!"

Ning Tianlin did not expect that the powerhouse of Machine Race would dare to appear here.

Don’t know you have the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower?

But he also sneered in his heart, because he knew at first that this Machine Race would not be kind, and he would not tell anyone the news that he owns the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower.

Once they came, they wanted to snatch it themselves.

Secondly, they have suffered a big loss in their own hands. How can they not let these people be like them?


It's just that the Machine Race powerhouse did not follow the yellow sky great valley, but wandered outside for a while and recorded Some things were then hidden in the void when someone rushed over.


"It doesn't matter."

"Whatever your idea, now, it's time for me to harvest!"


Just for a while, nearly a hundred Martial Artists entered.

And all of them are either Xinghuang 9 Dan or Xinghuang 8 Dan!

On the outside, all are super powerhouses.

But now, in Ning Tianlin's heart, they have all turned into turtles in the urn!


The figure flashed, and he entered the space of the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower again.

"This is Netherworld!"

"This is Bridge of Helplessness!"

"This is the other shore flower!"

"This It’s in the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower!"

"My God, we are all in the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower!"

As soon as Ning Tianlin entered, I heard that name The crazy cry of winged humans.

Even his body is violent, flying from here to there, and from there again, judging whether or not what he said is accurate.

Because this is too shocking.

It's incredible!

Because I have not heard of the first floor of the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower in the hands of Tower Mountain King, who else in this world has mastered the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower!

Because he comes from the Holy Land of Human Race, he certainly knows what the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation tower means.

The sacred artifact of the universe!

A universe sacred artifact comparable to Lord of Universe!

Whoever masters it, who is here in Heaven and Earth, is equivalent to Lord of Universe!

So, what he wants to determine now is whether the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation tower has been refined or not a masterless object!

If you have not been refined, then today is definitely the day of splitting heaven and earth apart. Whoever gets the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation tower can be promoted to the real powerhouse, the Lord of Universe, and will be a guest. The super powerhouse is polite!



His figure is constantly flying, looking for all possibilities.

"Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower!"

"This is really the space of Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower!"

This is also not long after many Martial Artists came in The object of suspicion.

After all, they are all nine dans of Star Desolation, very close to the super powerhouse of Lord of Universe. The things they have experienced, seen, and their knowledge and knowledge are far beyond the comparison of ordinary persons.

Even if Ning Tianlin does not have the battle strength system, it is not the same level as them.

So, almost a percent of seventy-eighty Martial Artists, after a few quarters of an hour, they have determined where this is.

A certain space in the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower!

100% sure!

Excited, terrified, unbelievable, and extremely happy.

Because we all know that if this space has not been refined, whoever gets this treasure will have the right to speak in the universe! Especially there are no creatures here, indicating that this place is very likely to be a land of no owner!

Unfortunately, they all began to frantically search for the core of this treasure.

If you could find it and be refining by yourself, what a crazy thing would be!

For a while, they all looked at the purpose of this trip, and they had no interest in finding Ning Tianlin.

In this place, there was originally a place that could show that there was a master here, and that was the Tianlin Temple!

The name of Ning Tianlin is printed on the plaque above that.

Unfortunately, it was ruined by the Demon Lord during Machine Race.

Ning Tianlin has not had time to recover for a while.

Because of this, Martial Artist is even more crazy, thinking about how to occupy this Nine Revolutions Reincarnation tower.


"There is still a space here!"

Soon someone found the entrance to the Nether Space.

This is also something that no one knows.

Even in the Holy Land of Human Race, Tashan King never opened up the nether space in the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower, but used a big battle strength to separate it from the Netherworld. Simply no one can enter!


"Maybe the core that controls the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower is in this space!"

The first one I found, It is the powerhouse with wings and walked out of the Holy Land of Human Race.

He knows more about the situation here than anyone.

My heart is flashing, so I rushed in!

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