Note: Thanks to book friends "Death Starry Dream——Blood Sword" for their crazy rewards! Thank you so much!


Just when the birdman with wings was just about to pass through a layer of space and head to the nether space, a huge palm appeared out of thin air, when he didn't react at all, he pinched his whole body.

Like a chicken, the huge palm lifted him up.

After a while, a huge human face appeared in the void.

Far away with him, there is endless irony in his eyes.

"Ning Tianlin!"

"You are Ning Tianlin!"

The complexion of the man with wings greatly changed and he instantly recognized Ning Tianlin's Appearance, after all, his purpose of coming here is to take this Ning Tianlin away.

"You...You have already refining the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower?"

Just a moment, the birdman thought of something, his face changed wildly.


"It must be!"

"This Ning Tianlin must have already refined the space of the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower, Become the real master here, if otherwise, he is a star saint, how can he restrain himself in an instant?"

Especially he struggles madly, but the palm of the opponent is completely motionless, like a steel bar. His body, even he has a feeling of being crushed.

"Isn’t it stupid and hopeless."

Ning Tianlin was coldly snorted, and then when he tried hard, he shot a wisp of Divine Sense out of his mind and plunged directly into the opponent In his mind, after the opponent had no resistance, he forcibly read all his memories.

The flaw of Ning Tianlin now is his lack of familiarity with the various races in the universe.

His purpose this time is to accumulate a lot of energy, and on the other hand, to take this opportunity to read and understand the secrets of some other races in the universe. After all, the Martial Artist who came this time occupies a very important position in all races.

I also know many secrets of the clan.

Engulfed their memory, completely equivalent to have a comprehensive understanding of this race.

Ning Tianlin also thought of a means to quickly understand the universe.

After all, what the battle strength system obtains here are all images, which is incomparable to forcibly reading the memory.


"It turned out to be from the Holy Land of Human Race!"

Soon, Ning Tianlin read everything, not only knew The origin of this birdman also knows a lot of the secrets of the human race holy land, and even a lot of news that the outer universe simply cannot get.

For example, this tower mountain king has three heads!

Every head has a thought!

Even using a certain secret technique at the end, when these three heads are gathered in one place, the battle strength will increase sharply and become extremely powerful!

"You...What are you doing!"

"You actually read my memory!"

When the birdman came out of a dizzy state When he recovered, he was both frightened and horrified, because his position in the Holy Land of Human Race was extraordinary, and he was in charge of many secrets of the Holy Land of Human Race.

The memory is read, doesn't it mean that Ning Tianlin also knows everything?

He never thought that his memory will be read one day!

As long as there is no other all-race wars at the Universe level, Lord of Universe will not attack him. In the same level, no one can read his memory, so the information he has, It almost covers the countless of the Holy Land of Human Race!

But now, everything is too late!

This Ning Tianlin, reading his memory, means that the other party already knows 99% of the secrets of the Holy Land of Human Race!

Equivalent to Human Race, the Holy Land is completely undefended against him.

If he goes to the Holy Land of Human Race in the future, I am afraid it will be a big problem for the Holy Land of Human Race!

"Not only read the memory, I will kill you!"


Ning Tianlin coldly snorted, directly give the birdman's body Kneaded into scum.

Although he read the memory, he was disappointed that there was simply no information about Earth Ancient Battle in the other party's memory.

If he was forcibly obliterated, he has simply never experienced it!

Ning Tianlin is extremely depressed.

His biggest thought is to see if he can find news about the Earth War.

Unexpectedly, people of this level don't have it in their minds!

Or, the only one who knows the secrets of the past is the Lord of Universe?


"The soul is out!"

This bird man has a soul, the fleshy body is broken, but the soul is still there, floating in the void, Facing Ning Tianlin, he bowed his head without thinking, "My lord is forgive!"

"My lord is forgiving!"

"My lord, please let me go!"


"My lord is forgiving!"

"I am willing to be a slave and a maid, please forgive me!"

While speaking, he bowed his head in fear.

The longer you live, the less you want to die.

Because they all have a great fear of death!

So, even if he loses everything, he doesn't want to die, he hopes to be alive.

"A slave or a servant?"

Ning Tianlin coldly snorted, what's the joke, he wants a birdman as a slave?

I stretched out my hand directly and turned my arm into a centipede shape.

With his mouth open, he swallowed the birdman’s soul directly into his abdomen.



Without much delay, Wanzu centipede swallowed the ground meat in the void It's clean.

"The first ring is here!"

Ning Tianlin hehe smiled and directly put the space ring of this birdman into the Promise Ring.

"Five thousand extreme essence!"

When this number was spoken from the battle strength system, he was taken aback.

Five thousand extreme spirits!

Greatly exceeded his estimate.

You know, it’s not that he didn’t kill the powerhouse of Star Wilderness. The last time he was at Machine Race, he killed one, but at that time, the powerhouse of Machine Race contributed to himself. The number of energy points is less than a few hundred!

But now, it has reached the madness of five thousand extremes!

Almost ten times!

But think about it, and it's quickly relieved.

Last time in Machine Race, he killed the one who just entered Xinghuang Martial Artist, and was not very stable even in the first section, and this is a super powerhouse that has been in Xinghuang 9th dan for many years. !

Although the two are both powerhouses, there are essential differences.

It is estimated that the opponent can destroy it with one hand!

"In this case, I am afraid I will post today!"

"As of now, there have been no less than three hundred Martial Artists, all of them are not Xinghuang Ba Duan. It is the 9th Duan of Xinghuang, and they are constantly coming!"

Ning Tianlin really feels a little crazy.

These universes are insane, for the sake of oneself, so many Martial Artists are sent out!

I'm afraid they will do it themselves!

"The ancient Number One Person, and Earth, left such a big shadow on them?"

Ning Tianlin was a little bit emotional about that person's prestige.

I don’t know how many hundreds of millions of years have passed since I heard from him, and even if I just got in touch with him, I didn’t know whether it was accurate or not, so many powerhouses were sent crazy!

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