
"What is this sound?"

The sound of mechanical assembly is louder, just like gear friction. Although there was a bit noisy in the box, no one sang, and the sound of crack cracks was heard with sharp ears.

"That's it?"

After that, a few people began to look at all around in confusion, but when they looked at the door, they were all stunned, because one body was in a single size. The big silver white metal dog around meters is rapidly forming from the end to the end.

When they saw clearly, the other party's tail was installed, and even the eyes changed from blue to crimson, and even a pair of cold light flashing wings was completed.

"Mechanical dog!"

"It is a mechanical dog!!!"

I have seen science fiction movies, especially a middle-aged of Vajra. man, yelled abruptly, his expression is incredible. With just a "pu" sound, a red strip protruded from the mechanical dog's mouth and passed directly through the middle-aged man's throat. The sound was also abrupt.


As soon as the metal dog raised his head, the red strip was retracted from the air, and instantly sank into its mouth. It turned out that the thing was just it Tongue. And as its tongue withdrew, the middle-aged man's throat began to pu chi pu chi bled with blood.

At the same time, he tilted his head and fell directly on the sofa next to him.


Soon, there were several screams from the whole box, but soon, these screams stopped abruptly. Within fifteen seconds from beginning to end, there were more than a dozen dead bodies in the entire box.

Especially that Gundam Wada’s corpse was swept across his forehead by the wings of a metal dog that leaped up. One was decapitated, and the other was chopped upright from the middle of the forehead. Two halves.

These two people have been taken care of.


Tsukawa City.

In a rental house.

It's a little shabby, and it's strong with the Star Sea newspaper. It's a small house, neat and tidy that has been cleaned up, well planned, and there is a man and a woman lying on the bed. The man is a child, about four or five years old.

The woman is a young woman, twenty-six and seventy-seven. Obviously a mother and daughter.

Because of the late night, both of them lay on small wooden beds and went into deep sleep. From time to time, because of the hot weather, the little boy stretched out his two small arms and legs and kicked off the blanket covering his body.

“zi! ”

“zi! ”

Because the tail is still in midsummer and the weather is hot, the house still has windows open, just because it’s a bit dilapidated , In the corner of the screen window, there was a small hole, a silver-gray animal the size of a mosquito, flapping its wings, slowly flew in from outside.

As soon as I entered the house, I flew straight to the man and woman on the bed.


Very light, this silver-gray animal fell on the woman's arm, like a mosquito landing on the ground, without causing the other party to notice it at all. And before long, a thin tube about one centimeter protruded from the animal's mouth.

And when you look closely, the tube seems to contain some blue liquid. Although rare, the blue liquid still gleams in the dark.


Soon, the thin tube protruding from the creature’s mouth, like a mosquito bite, sank directly into the woman’s arm, and the blue liquid also It was slowly pushed into the woman's body.

After doing all this, the silver-gray creature, shaking its wings, flew to a corner of the table beside the bed, and did not leave.

And less than 3 minutes.

The woman’s forehead was already oozing sweat, and even her face was panicked, and the sweat was tightly knit and even densely packed.


"Don't come here! Don't come! You guys leave me quickly! Come here again, I will fight with you!"

Bewildered, the woman began to talk in dreams, even involuntarily, her body began to tremble, and her arms were open, with teeth and claws, as if she was really wrestling with someone in her sleep.



Women’s dreams.

The same rental room, the same bed, the same house layout, the same poster, everything is so real. What's just untrue is that three walking human-shaped skeletons appeared in the doorway.

These skeletons are human bodies, but their heads are made of skeletons. They have no face, eyes, and ears. They only have white skeletons and black holes. Some parts of the body are bloody, and even the internal organs are exposed. Came out.

Standing at the door, looking straight at her.

He even stepped forward slowly, spreading his hands, as if to come over and grab her.

"You go! Don't come! You guys go away!"

The woman leaned against the wall in fear, her body trembled and she just held her son in her arms , Opened his eyes and closed his eyes and waved his arms to keep these three bones from approaching. And the son in his arms, because of fear, was opening his mouth, crying loudly.

"Mother, I am afraid!"

"Mother, I am afraid! Are these ghosts!"

The son’s voice was crying, and the woman I can only hug him tightly and hold him in my arms. Although afraid, there was still a firmness in their eyes. They wanted to hurt their son, so they could only step on them!

"I'm not afraid."

"They're leaving right away, they're leaving right away."

The woman's voice was also very trembling, obviously she was scared herself To the extreme.



These three bones are walking very slowly, and they seem to be deliberately causing great Like pressure, the distance from the door to the bed, forcibly took more than three minutes.

In these 3 minutes, the woman was short of breath, she seemed to have no strength in her whole body, she could only hold her crying son, curled up beside the bed.


As if the wind whistling, I walked into the three bones beside the bed, making a very gloomy sound, and then stretched out my hand and slowly grabbed it. The woman's neck slowly moved up amid the intense cold and struggle of the other party.


The woman yelled from her mouth, then she sat up from the bed with a "pu", looked at all around in horror, by the weak Moonlight found that there was nothing around him, and he was still lying on his bed, and his son beside him was still sleeping in hu hu.

I couldn't help but let out a long breath.

It turns out that everything just now was just a dream, how can it be so real, it has never been real.


He took a long breath again, got out of bed, turned on the light, and saw that there was nothing in the room, and his son was still asleep , Then picked up the towel on the side of the washbasin and wiped the sweat from his face.

Her whole body is already soaked.

While wiping the towel, she did not see that a silver-gray mosquito-like creature also flew from the corner of the table, drilled out of the screen window hole, and sank into the dark night.

"Take a leave tomorrow. I will stop selling mobile phones. I will go to the temple and I will be too terrifying."

The woman patted her chest with lingering fears. She has a job selling mobile phones in a mobile phone hypermarket. Ning Tianxin bought her mobile phone from her hands.

Note: The next chapter is at eight o'clock. Thank you again "Thank you book friend "Tears" for the reward of 40,000 book coins today!!! Thanks!!!

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