Beijing city.

The slaughterhouse.

"You are still so soft-hearted."

Bang! !

Leaping high, Ning Tianlin's big knife slashed on the neck of a cow. In an instant, the corpse separated, and the sound of the battle strength system sounded in his ears.

"It's not that I am soft-hearted, but I have my persistence."

Ning Tianlin of course knows what the battle strength system is talking about, but it does not poison the younger sister's "murderers" They were all killed, but only sixty-two were killed, and eighteen were only more or less punished.

Some have broken arms, some have broken legs, and some have just had a nightmare, not all of them have been killed.


"You ancient emperors also knew that imperial power was inviolable. What crimes of deceiving the emperor might be just because the other party said something that shouldn’t be said. He will be beheaded, with the Jiu Clan!"

"Does the meaning of the Jiu Clan be understood? That is to say, anyone who has a blood relationship with him, even if it is extremely thin, will be killed! Every time, There are not hundreds or thousands of people who will not give up."

"How can your future identity be comparable to the king of a small country? It is the lord of a planet and a galaxy. In front of you, bow your head and proclaim your courtiers. This kind of domineering decisiveness should be cultivated early!"

Whenever there is an opportunity, the battle strength system will educate Ning Tianlin in this respect, "If this matter is It’s up to me to do it. I will kill anyone who has a little relationship! Even the relatives of these people, I will also kill! I also want to kill the Nine Clan!"

"But I am not you." Ning Tianlin directly shook the head, "I have become too cold-blooded now, but I still know what my heart is. I don't kill them, I am not softhearted, or pity them, but I know what I should do and what I can't Do."

"I once told you that in Earth, especially Yangyang Zhonghua, I am impossible to kill innocent people unless it is a last resort. Because after I walk out of Earth in the future, They, maybe my compatriots, I come from the roots of Earth."

"I don’t expect everyone to love me and respect me, but I don’t want everyone to mention my name. Fear."

"This is also my persistence. Repaying gratitude, complaining, coronation without complaint."

Ning Tianlin knows what his heart is, he will persist. . And he knew very well that if he really let go of killing, it would definitely not take long before he would become a machine that only knew how to kill.

No humanity!

Even when the time comes, he didn't even know whether he knew his parents, younger sister, because at that time, any life in his eyes would probably be nothing, it was just spirit.

"Forget it, I can't tell you, and I don't want to argue with you. After all, you still have to go on your path in the future. Although I will plan for you, I will never force it."

This is the first time that the battle strength system recognizes counseling, but in his heart, the idea of ​​Ning Tianlin is completely snort disdainfully. The universe is so big and so vast. When that day, when your heart is pretending to be the entire universe, thousands of races, millions and millions of creatures, are just scattered ashes and dispersed smoke.

By then, who will you care about and who is not innocent?


Ning Tianlin didn't speak any more, and the big knife fell, madly killing the surrounding cattle. It’s just that the more you kill, the more a single thought rises. Cows are creatures, and humans are also creatures. For who is more noble than cows?

In the eyes of humans, cows are only food and tools for labor, but what can they be considered in the eyes of cows?

Four days later.


Ning Tianlin didn't know how many cows he had killed, or how much energy he had accumulated, just beheaded day and night. , To prepare for things in a few days.

Just now, his eyes are shining brightly.

Because of his centipede, after swallowing the souls of an unknown number of cows, it covers it. There is already a solid illusory shadow of the cow, which suddenly becomes an entity, and then directly sinks into it. The body of this centipede.

At the same time, Wanzu centipede's body began to change.

The flesh and blood are shattered, and they are constantly being reorganized, and the body is changing. Although it looks terrifying, Ning Tianlin does not feel the slightest pain in the body of the Wanzu centipede, but has some enjoyment.

Suddenly realized that the reorganization of these blood essences did not harm Wanzu centipede in any way.

“moo! ”

When the centipede's body shape has completely transformed into a cow, he raises his head and makes a cow call. It is powerful and thicker than ordinary The cow is more penetrating. Even the burly degree of its body is much higher than that of an ordinary cow.

The height of an ordinary cow is about 1.5 meters, but this one has directly reached more than 2.5 meters, with tight muscles, piece by piece, like a meat-shaped tank.

Especially the horns are black and shiny, and they are raised up high like a weapon. Even the four hooves on the ground can't compare with the two ordinary bowl mouths. And the cow hair on the body, as hard as a steel pin, is densely packed.

Ning Tianlin felt that if he touched it, he could pierce his hand.

"The fighting bull in the bull."

Ning Tianlin muttered to himself in shock, daring to be 100% sure. If the Spanish bullfighter is in front of it, I am afraid that even There is no courage to fight. It is estimated that a hoof can kill the opponent.

Not to mention the shiny horns, it is estimated that a few people can be worn in pairs.

"Xing Zhan, the cow turned into a centipede, does it retain its battle strength?" Ning Tianlin looked thoughtful and asked.


"100% retention." The battle strength system replied, "In other words, the battle strength of this cow has reached one hundred and forty."

After so many days of devouring, the body of the centipede has grown seven pairs of bare feet, that is, fourteen, each with a battle strength of ten o'clock, and a total of one hundred and forty o'clock!

"Not bad." Ning Tianlin released a trace of bright light in his eyes, so that Wanzu centipede's attack methods are much more. Moreover, he suddenly thought of a possibility, if he rides on this cow, how much wind it will be...

If this centipede swallows enough horses in the future, he will come The one who can ride is probably even better than the red rabbit horse of Lu Bu during the Three Kingdoms period!

Even Ning Tianlin thought of a crocodile. If the centipede becomes a crocodile, he will ride on it. I am afraid that in the rainforest and rivers, I don’t have to do anything...

"By the way, Xing Zhan, I remember you said that I can use all the abilities of the centipede, if I also become a cow, how should this battle strength be counted? Is it according to me, or Wanzu centipede?"

Ning Tianlin suddenly thought of this possibility.

Note: If you have something to go out, it is estimated that the next chapter will be around 10:30, sorry. I will update the fifth and sixth chapters without sleeping. Don't worry, thank you for your support! ! !

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