

"Blood Sea Change.

"Ox- Head Human Body. "

"And it's still the realm of the universe! "

Huang Mo's eyes narrowed.

Vaguely unbelievable.

This realm creature actually killed the Martial Artist of the Star Desolation. If It’s not that he forcibly read the memory, and he can’t believe such a thing.

This is too terrifying.

He is impossible to do it himself.

Moreover, the final dizziness was too terrifying and weird, and even reminded him involuntarily of a person.

A person who has been beaten to death by all the Lord of Universe, Ning Tianlin! He! There is a secret technique that can make people dizzy in an instant!

And anyone!

Even Lord of Universe!

Even if he remembers this name At that time, his whole body was shaking a little. This was a fierce person recognized by the universe, and even the Lord of Universe was killed!

Moreover, he killed several in a row!

His realm, it seemed at the time That is, the realm of the universe!

If Ning Tianlin is not dead, it is a fact recognized by all Lord of Universe, and it is an Ox-Head Human Body character who killed Arras, if not, he Everyone will feel that it was Ning Tianlin's hand.

Ning Tianlin was resurrected!

"It's just that this method is too similar to Ning Tianlin's. Could it be that it comes from the same secret technique? "

Thinking about this, Huang Mo's heart is beating wildly.

If this is true, if he has learned this secret technique, what will he be like?

Maybe he is not even the 9th dan of Lord of Universe!

After making him stunned, he can be killed by himself!

"If this is the case If so, I must learn this secret technique! "

Huang Mo said in his heart. But he felt that this could also be another possibility, that is, in the dark, with the help of Lord of Universe, he killed Arras!

After all If a Lord of Universe wants to stun a Martial Artist, there should not be too many methods, that is, he has no less than ten kinds.

"Now, this is the Ox-Head Human Body. NS! "

Huang Mo's mind flashed, and then ignored Arras, his figure flashed directly, and the terrifying aura of Lord of Universe was unreservedly revealed.

He He has long contained all the creatures here. After all, he is not sure who killed Arras, maybe he is hidden in the endless Blood Race creatures.

"Such a powerful The coercion is worthy of being the Lord of Universe. Although it is only five stages, there is a huge gap in strength. "Ning Tianlin made a judgment in his mind.

The clansman in the blood race territory also felt some panic, and under this pressure, he lowered his head.

"However, , Huang Mo’s aura is a bit unstable, it seems that the resurrection will consume too much and cause damage, but even so, it is not enough to kill him, after all, there is no super kill...".

Ning Tianlin facial expression grave, looking at the Old Guy with unstable aura in the distance, the inner Qi breath is quietly running, but the body seems to be restrained in some way.

"what? interesting. "Huang Mo's mind flashed, and he noticed the bull-faced Ning Tianlin curled up on the top of the mountain.

Fearing other changes, but also in order to explore the cause, he used the power to restrain the starfield. Let’s restrain all creatures first.

After all, these creatures are not very good, but after all they have lived for hundreds of millions of years, Huang Mo still knows what it means to hide and play the pig to eat the tiger.


Besides, he came right after he died in Arras, maybe the other party hasn't left yet!

He also wants to know which Lord of Universe did this in his turf.

After the resurrection, everything will be known.

Even when he just resurrected Arras, all his mind was enveloped in the entire Blood Race, and he knew the slightest movement.

"Om. "

The figure flickered and came directly to Ning Tianlin's side.

"The Lord of Blood Race, Arras, but you beheaded? "

Looking at Ning Tianlin on the top of the mountain blankly, the sharp cold glow flashes in his eyes, and he asks knowingly.

"Are you nonsense? I have read all the memories and installed it here with me. "

Since they have been discovered, Ning Tianlin has not avoided it. He can clearly feel that the Old Guy is much weaker at this moment. With all his strength, he might really be able to kill him.

"hehe. "

Huang Mo smiled.

He didn't do it right away, but asked, "Does Ning Tianlin have anything to do with you?" Where did your vertigo secret technique come from? "

He is most concerned about Ning Tianlin's vertigo secret technique. He feels that these two kinds of secret techniques are very likely to make a secret technique.

Huang Mo's eyes are flashing rapidly, and Arras can It is said that it is the top existence of Martial Artist of Star Wilderness, but was killed by the Martial Artist of Star Universe in front of him.

Moreover, it was a spike that didn’t even have time to send out a help message!

This Ox -Head Human Body’s creatures might also have secret techniques!

Even his mind is paying attention to the void, in case another guess is that this void may also hide another Lord of Universe!

I peeped here in the dark all the time.

The mind is tight to prevent sudden attacks.

"The vertigo secret technique, you thought you asked me Would say? "

Ning Tianlin sneered, "This secret technique, of course, was given to me by Ning Tianlin, how about, afraid right?? "

Ning Tianlin said this deliberately, but also wanted to put aside the relationship with him. After all, the more mysterious he said, the more unbelievable the other party.

"hmph, speak wild words, not afraid of flashing Tongue. "

Sure enough.

Huang Mo heard what Ning Tianlin said, originally there was a slight doubt, and he was still dead, Ning Tianlin who would pass this thing to You?

If you want to say that you learned the same sect from Ning Tianlin, I might believe it. If you say this, he directly denied this speculation.

Even staring at the arrogant boy in front of him. Seeing the calmness of the opposite side, the clear eyes are like a pool, deep and unmeasurable.

Huang Mo even thinks that there must be an expert behind his son. The greater the probability, the greater the probability. Far away, maybe it’s concealed aura on the side, paying attention to it.

Although his fifth paragraph of the Lord of Universe is terrifying, even if he tries his best, under the sneak attack of another Lord of Universe, It’s not necessarily a good deal.

I couldn’t help but tighten my body to prevent a sneak attack in the void.

"Give me this stun secret technique and you can leave. ,how? "

Huang Mo tentatively asked.

After all, this first may also be possible, if the other party really has the same secret technique as Ning Tianlin.

Even he has already made up his mind, even if there is no Lord of Universe hidden in the void, he has to try it.

If the other party really knows this secret technique, after reading the memory forcibly , If he learns, in the future Lord of Universe level battles, he can be even better.

"Give you? "

"Do you really think that a Lord of Universe can do whatever you want?" "

Ning Tianlin sneered.

Then the right hand was unfolded, and a serial sword appeared in his hand.

Now that he is pretending to be Ox Demon King, Dualbladed Halberd, this weapon is temporarily unavailable.


He will see if his current strength can compete with a Lord of Universe hard steel! Even if it is really invincible, he has too many ways to escape!

The worst, in the Second Primordial Spirit of Earth, he can be resurrected at any time!

It can be said that he Ning Tianlin is immortal in the universe, even if trapped, he can self-destruct fleshy body and survive in various ways.

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