"You will only bring disaster to yourself!" In Huang Mo's eyes, he made no secret of the greed that surged in Ning Tianlin's eyes.

If it hadn't just been jealous, this kid wouldn't know how many times he had died!

Ning Tianlin is coldly snorted in his heart, surging with killing intent all over, ready to make a full shot at any time. He really wants to play against a Lord of Universe dignifiedly now.

It is also possible to try the biggest battle strength today.

Even if he really loses, he still has ample life-saving method, not to be afraid.

"I'm afraid you won't make it, long-winded!"

Although Ning Tianlin didn't say anything, the ridicule in his eyes has already explained everything.

And Huang Mo's complexion was completely gloomy.

"smelly brat, you are too unscrupulous. I will capture you first today. I have my own way to learn the dizziness secret technique."

An angry shout, Huang Mo vast swept out of hiding the sky and covering the earth.

A terrifying Devouring Power suddenly burst out from the surrounding space, and suddenly, hiding the sky and covering the earth burst out of its body without warning.

Ning Tianlin reacted very quickly, almost like a conditioned reflex, his body shape retreated thousand zhang, and finally he forcibly stabilized his body shape, swallowing the blood that was shocked to his throat.

Huang Moben was quite confident with a trick that he thought would be able to stun the bull-faced person in front of him, but he was underestimated by himself. This kid really has the capital to be rampant!

"Fuck, let me bleed before you start to fight! This Lord of Universe is really a crushing existence."

Forcibly swallowed a mouthful of extremely hot blood, Ning Tianlin Qiang thought to himself, on the surface forcing composure, his gaze also regained his gaze at the Old Guy.

Although this Old Guy show mercy is mainly based on temptation, the forced resurrection of Arras just now also consumed a lot of him!

"There is no super kill, or else one move will solve your Old Guy!" Ning Tianlin adjusted his breath.

"Super sound wave!"

The sound wave burst out suddenly, like a substance, heading straight towards Huang Mo.

Huang Mo didn't give Huang Mo any reaction time. At the moment when the sound waves soared into the sky, the big ring knife in his hand suddenly slid a strange arc in the sky.

Immediately, a blood line with the thickness of a thumb flashed into the void, and the blood line passed over the place. This world seemed to be cut in half.

Half of the dark clouds are rolling, thunder is bursting, and half of the blood energy is soaring to the sky, murderous-looking, following the sound waves!

"hmph, overestimate one's capabilities!" Huang Mo mobilized the energy of his whole body. He knew where the sound waves were terrifying, and his whole body was wrapped in an invisible energy, waiting for him.

He even knew that if he was hit by this sound wave, he might be dizzy for a while!

That's how Arras was killed just now!

But he is the Lord of Universe after all, I want to try to see if this is the same attack method as Ning Tianlin!

Make Lord of Universe stunned!

Moreover, even if he is really dizzy, he has absolute confidence to survive this dizziness. He is Lord of Universe, and the other party is just a Martial Artist!

Does the other party still want to learn Ning Tianlin, and solve him in one move?

What a joke!

There is only one Ning Tianlin in this world, and there is no second one, and he is already dead! impossible to live again!

Even he has an illusion that this super sonic wave has locked him down, and he can't avoid it any way he wants!

Because of this super sound wave, you can travel through any space! Come directly on him! Instead of attacking in a straight line!

He can only forcibly withstand this blow!

"Weng!" With a crisp sound, a fierce energy fluctuation violently rushed out with Huang Mo as the center.

The moment the sound wave hits the energy cover, the strong sound wave spreads out, almost radiating the entire territory, but there are still monstrous energy fluctuations spreading out.

The sound of dull bells is so common that many clansman with low battle strength in the territory feel stuffy in their chests, and those with poor battle strength even spew out blood and even burst into death!

Only a moment, although Huang Mo has done adequate defense, he still feels dizzy in his mind, sound wave energy penetrates into the body, a burst of numb energy, rapidly spreading, no matter how to mobilize the essence of the body to expel it, No effect!

There was a stern look on his face, but his heart trembled, his chest became stuffy, and his head buzzed, completely sinking into dizziness.

The last scene is that Ning Tianlin, who broke through the air in midair, hacked and killed wantonly, and he immediately fell into a vertigo.

"Six seconds!"

Immediately after taking advantage of the Old Guy energy to break open, causing dazzling for six seconds, Ning Tianlin followed closely with a big ring knife, which contained strong power. !


Suddenly, within several ten zhangs of both sides, an empty circle was shaken open.

Even if they are far apart, the Blood Race clansman in the territory can feel the energy contained in the sound waves. If they are involved in this battle circle, they will definitely die.

I didn't dare to go and watch, turning around was desperately moved towards the direction far away from the top of the mountain.

The falling speed of the big ring knife is also getting slower and slower, as if it has fallen into a heavy quagmire. In the end, it finally solidified when it was half a foot into Huang Mo's forehead.

"This is the power of the sixth segment of the universe!"

"Even the astral qi of the Lord of Universe can't be broken!"

Ning Tianlin It didn't use any other auxiliary means, but directly used the power of Martial Artist belonging to the sixth stage of the universe.

Even the power of the centipede was not used.

"Old Guy, this is just the beginning!"

"Try this now."

Ning Tianlin's face is cold and he used a lot of With strength, he drew the big ring knife from the astral qi, freed his hand, and formed a series of serial killer moves during the dizzy time.

He is naturally aware that he needs to seize the best opportunity at this moment, concentrate his mind, and his body's energy will turn sharply.

"Sacred Star Pen!"

Immediately, I stretched my arms, my fingers suddenly hardened, my hand lifted and the pen fell, and the nib three light gray terrifying vigor, suddenly spread out, three The famous Martial Artist of the same level with a big ring knife also appeared quietly.

It flashed directly in the void, and then, like a three-headed beast, it swiftly rushed towards Huang Mo who was still dizzy.




It is just these three astro-level Martial Artists, Soon, he flew upside down, even more unbearable than his Ning Tianlin.

The astral qi didn't even break open, and was directly counter-shocked.

"However, in any case, this is the power of the cosmos level!"

"The Saint Luo star pen is still good."

Luo Chenmu There is not much disappointment, but satisfaction in his eyes. If one day, when he grows up to Lord of Universe, he exchanges his essence points for other brushes of Universe level. When the time comes, it will be the holy star. When the pen plays the most huge might!

Every stroke is a servant like Lord of Universe!

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