“roar! ”

Looking at the black energy group that swept over, a roar like a roar from the huge mouth of the Nether White Tiger, with a huge back The white wings on both sides also shook suddenly.


There are huge white pillars of fire on the tiger's body that are as high as several millions, which are also completely separated from the body, and then hit the black energy group Away.

Two extremely large and terrifying energies collided in the void. At the moment of the collision, everything around them almost stopped.


A bang that could smash the firmament, blasted fiercely in the clear sky out of thin air!

In the fierce collision between the black energy group and the white pillar of fire, they madly release extremely terrifying energy. Where the two intersect, the space is directly transformed into nothingness.

The two different energies, after a stalemate and entanglement with each other for a few minutes, were finally exhausted due to the mutual loss of each other's energy.


In a muffled sound that resounded through the void, the two energies vanished out of thin air until they dissipated completely.

The mysterious black robed man standing still in the void, after the muffled sound of energy dissipated, finally moved.

I saw his body under the black robe, as if it turned into a touch of lightning, and instantly passed through the space that it had collided with.

Immediately, when he reappeared, he was already behind Nine Nether White Tiger, and the dry palms in his sleeves suddenly blasted out, and on the palms, there was a thick black mist. The degree of richness has almost been condensed into substance.

“bang! ”

The sound of the wind breaking from the palm carrier slammed on the surface of the body of the Nether White Tiger, and immediately sounded dull in midair. The sound.

However, the blow of the mysterious black robed man only left a dark black palm print on the dense pure white hair of the Nine Nether White Tiger.

However, only after a while, the dark palm prints were completely dissipated with the shock of the body of the Nether White Tiger.

I didn't care about the opponent's close attack, the huge head of the Nether White Tiger shook, the huge tiger mouth opened, and a huge white flame of several hundred zhang thick was shot out from the body.

The hot white flame made a mysterious black robed man, his figure stagnated slightly in the void, and his dry fingers were constantly turning and changing in front of him, forming a weird gesture.

"Crack the empty palm!"

As the mysterious black robed man's voice fell, a violent black hurricane continued to spring up in his palm, and then whizzed out, bringing the huge The white flame resisted it abruptly.

After seeing the white flame attack in the body ineffective, the strange purple in the Nether White Tiger beast eyes suddenly flourished, and the Giant Tiger Claw violently brought a gorgeous purple glow to attack.

I blasted down at the mysterious black robed man, where the giant claw passed, because the sharp nails were quietly exposed, there was a sharp sound wave, which pierced the void in the void. And ringing.

Feeling the powerful offensive of the Nether Nether White Tiger, the mysterious black robed man did not dare to neglect, the black air in his body once again diffused out, one after another, the black mist that was enough to envelop his whole body. The whole body condenses extremely quickly, forming a substantial black defensive cover.


Nine Nether White Tiger’s giant palm strikes are on the black defensive cover. Between the purple light and the flourishing, the crisp ka-cha sound will immediately defend the black The hood blasted cracks of different depths.


When the black energy shield reached its limit, it shattered suddenly, and black fragments burst out from the sky, gradually dissipating in the void.

"The blow of Big Brother Lin, Nine Nether White Tiger just now was so tyrannical that it broke the defense of the mysterious black robed man directly!"

Bo Wen, who is always paying attention to the fighting between the two sides in the void, speaks her own views from time to time.

After smashing the opponent's defense, the Nine Nether White Tiger's huge mouth roared with a low roar, and the huge body twisted slightly.

Except for the amount of violent violence that has just been revealed, the somewhat terrifying attack speed displayed at this moment is simply inconsistent with that huge body shape.

Faced with the continuous attacks pursued by the Nether Nether White Tiger, the mysterious black robed man can only resort to evasive methods. What a wise choice.

Above the void, the body of the Nether White Tiger keeps flashing, and the mysterious black robed man keeps retreating, although it seems that the Nether White Tiger is gaining the upper hand and chasing the opponent. , But the mysterious black robed man did not suffer any substantial harm.

Looking at the void all the time, the purple and black energies that burst out frequently from both sides continue to flicker.

As well as the weird and gorgeous fighting skills of both sides, the constant energy fluctuations in the void, resulting in space distortion and fragmentation.

Bo Wen secretly smacks her tongue from time to time. It is only the aftermath of their battles at this level that they may be able to easily take one or even several Peak-strength Martial Artists. Destroy it directly!

"Big Brother Lin, Nine Nether White Tiger's defenses and attacks are extremely tyrannical, the mysterious black robed man is rich in fighting skills, and the weird black energy is not weak."

In the battle between the two sides, Bo Wen couldn't see the clue for a while, so she asked Ning Tianlin through the secret sound.

"You said that if they continue to fight like this, when will they be able to tell the winner?"

Ning Tianlin looked at Bo Wen’s pretty face, full of curiosity He said with a secret tone.

"The difference between the two of them in real strength is not very big. If they fight like this, it is basically difficult to tell the winner."

Ning Tianlin Feeling that the results of the two sides will definitely not end in a tie, she continued to speak to Bo Wen.

"Unless one party can take the lead in playing the real hole card, then Scales of Victory will lean towards that side."

"Heaven, Big Brother Lin, I think It shouldn't be that. Nine Nether White Tiger has always been actively attacking. If this is the case, the energy in his body will be consumed too quickly."

"The mysterious black robed man does not. Similarly, he has been evasive all the time, and his fighting methods are a bit weirder than the opponent. If the Nine Nether White Tiger reveals a little weak spot, it will be hit hard by the mysterious black robed man."

As a girl, Bo Wen herself is more careful. In the constant chasing and fighting between the two sides, she discovered some existing problems.

"Hey, little girl observes very carefully. You have a good prediction. When the strength of both parties is equal, even the smallest details are deadly for the opponent! "

After listening to Bowen's analysis, Ning Tianlin smiled with satisfaction and replied. It seems that Bowen's progress is faster than he imagined.

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