Because the a man and a beast above the void caused too much movement during the battle, many Spirit Beasts in the distance were disturbed and awakened from their deep sleep.

So, all kinds of strange beasts roared from the inside of Nether Sacred Land.

The world within the realm of Spirit Beast also has this extremely strict hierarchy, just like those Spirit Beasts that appeared in this area just now.

The low-level ones will consciously leave here with their tails in their hands. One is because of the extreme danger here, and the other is caused by the pressure of the Nether Nether White Tiger.

Spirit Beast, who can be qualified to follow this battle, basically lives in the depths of Nine Nether Sacred Land, and doesn't care about the outermost situation.

However, Ning Tianlin still discovered that there are a few huge Spirit Beasts standing on the top of a mountain like a group of beasts, staring tightly at the battle in the sky.

But they don’t mean to come forward to help, because they know very well that as the Beastmaster of Nine Nether White Tiger this level, whoever chooses to help without asking for help is An insult to the dignity of this king.

In this way, the battle in the sky, between you and me, has lasted for a day.

Nine Nether White Tiger, who has been following the mysterious black robed man tirelessly, stopped abruptly.

Purple's beast pupils are tinged with blood red, with sorrow and impatience, staring at the mysterious black robed man in the air.

"Can you still fight if you are intimidated? If you don't fight, just get out of the way. I don't have much patience left!"

Nine Nether White Tiger Low The sound roared, the dull sound pressure shook the surrounding air somewhat.

"Just one request, as long as the Tiger Royal General gives a hundred-year-old Bai Xuanjing to the old man, the conditions stated before will still be counted, and we will ensure that we will never disturb the Tiger King in the future."

Although he was chased for a day, the mysterious black robed man was not substantially damaged. It was still replied at a moderate pace. At the same time, the black mist spreading all over his body was still faintly discernible.

"If you don’t meet the conditions, please don’t talk about it. You guys who can’t tell good from bad, don’t cry and beg for mercy later!"

The carrier is angry. The howl roared from the huge mouth, and the white light on the Nether White Tiger's body became more and more prosperous. After a while, the strong white glow faintly had the momentum of covering the heavens, shielding the sun.

"Fuck, Ning Tian's big brother, this giant tiger can't help it for now, and it's finally going to enlarge its killer move!..."

Look at the Nine Nether White Tiger one The imposing manner of time was flourishing, and Bo Wen's excited head didn't return to Ning Tianlin with a secret tone, her eyes kept intent for fear of missing every detail.

The almost dazzling white glow on the Nine Nether White Tiger and the abnormal energy fluctuations on the body naturally cannot escape the detection of the mysterious black robed man.

Feeling the energy of the surrounding between Heaven and Earth, and the continuous weird surging, the mysterious black robed man has to be cautious. Within the several hundred zhang, the black fog is also constantly spreading and surge.

The white radiance that has almost blocked this world, after brewing again, the white glow no longer continues to expand, but shrinks fiercely.

In the blink of an eye, the white glow in the sky was completely compressed by the Nether White Tiger into a white beam of light only about several feet.

"bloodline awakening skill!"

After feeling the in one go energy of Nine Nether White Tiger, Bo Wen couldn't help but said to Ning Tianlin secret.

"Bloodline awakens?" Ning Tianlin was a little surprised to hear Bo Wen say this, and asked quickly.

"Big Brother Lin, it’s like I have the bloodline of the ancient roar on my body. When I release some skills after the bloodline is awakened, the breath of the ancient bloodline will be released."

Bowen was afraid that what she explained was not very clear, and continued.

"Just when the giant tiger released his ultimate move, I felt the breath of the ancient bloodline from him. This is also something that the successor of the ancient bloodline can feel. You don’t have it, so I can’t feel it.”

As soon as Bo Wen’s explanation was finished, the white beam of light on the void was flashing out like lightning. The speed of the beam was extremely terrifying, almost flashing, appearing in an instant. The mysterious black robed man is not far in front of him.

"White Tiger Wild Ancient Seal!"

When the white beam of light flashed, the low noise of the Nether White Tiger's tiger roar echoed in the void.

At the moment when the white beam of light flashed again, the tyrannical energy brewed in the palm of the mysterious black robed man had also been completed, and it was violently displayed by him.

"Black Sky Slash!"

Following the angry shout of the mysterious black robed man, the space in front of him fluctuates slightly, countless several hundred zhang huge black blades, They flashed out of thin air, and then tangled and twisted into each other, converging into a spiral high-speed rotation black giant blade, rushing out.

"hong long!"

Where the black giant blade and the white beam of light pass, the space instantly turns into nothingness, in a flash, in an extremely terrifying imposing manner Collide together.


The energy of the two sides collided slightly, and the black giant blade obviously lacked stamina. It fell into a disadvantage. It was only a moment before the huge black blade had begun to appear. After the cracks, it continues to expand.

On the other hand, the white beam of light is only slightly darker than before.

Immediately after the black giant blade burst open, the white beam of light pierced through the layers of energy remaining in the black giant blade in a crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood imposing manner. Finally moved towards mysterious black clothed person flew past.

At the same time, the huge body of the Nether White Tiger once again disappeared out of thin air, and the mysterious black clothed person is about to use a strange movement method to avoid the white beam of light.

Giant Tiger Claw flashed, five sharp nails, like spikes, struck the back of the mysterious black clothed person.


The mysterious black robed man in the front and back pinch state was unavoidably hit by the white light beam.

The mysterious black robed man flying upside down, with a fierce wave of his dry fingers in his sleeves, a black dagger full of weird runes, instantly took off his hand and shot at the Nether White Tiger. out.

The dagger just appeared, and even the space around it vibrated, and it was mixed with strong splitting the air sound.


Just as the dagger was about to pierce the body of the Nether Nether White Tiger, the opponent dodged him in a weird arc and keenly close to him.

"Not good!"

It was too late to stabilize the Nine Nether White Tiger, feeling the dagger behind him that had been dodged by him, and turning the angle to face it again Back attack.

After violently turning around, the horrified Nether White Tiger had no time to change her figure again. In a hurry, with the sharpest pair of front paws, they crossed and tried to resist forcibly. The black dagger shot from here.


With a very crisp sound, the sharpest part of the Nine Nether White Tiger's body was forcibly cut apart by the black dagger.

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