"hmph, just leave if you want, but with my consent..." Indifferently looked at the black energy that was about to be hit by the thorns enveloping the essence Smoke, Ning Tianlin coldly said.

Nine Nether White Tiger next to him watched the man in front of him. He didn’t say anything. He is not a stupid Spirit Beast. When it’s very ruthless, he will also consider everything possible. The bane of existence is completely killed.

At his level of powerhouse, when to be ruthless and when to be good are all very accurate.

Above the void, the spike with the sharp splitting the air sound will pierce into the black mist at first sight. However, just when it is about to succeed, the change will start again!

At the moment when it was about to be hit hard by the spikes, the black smoke suddenly shivered, and an extremely powerful energy suddenly burst out.

Mysterious black robed man's gaze hidden in the black mist, looking viciously at the youngster who was shooting, a strange laugh filled with killing intents in his heart.

"The arrogant boy, how can you kill the old man at will? You are courting death!"

In the black mist, a mysterious black robed man waved his palm, a mark With the black bag of the mysterious rune, he suddenly broke out.


Immediately, there was a sudden whining sound, with excitement, anger, and sadness. Various voices gathered together and came out from the bag.

The black bag suspended in front of the mysterious black robed man, exuding a strong soul fluctuation, looked at this black bag with a little distress, the mysterious black robed man did not hesitate, but fiercely gritted his teeth Ah.

As soon as the handprint moved, the black bag suddenly inflated, and as the mouth of the bag opened, an illusory Soul Body was ejected from it.

If you look closely, that illusory Soul Body is made up of tens of thousands of different souls.

The depth of the color have nothing common with each other's soul in that Soul Body, which is constantly moving around, forming one after another black streamer around it, which looks extremely strange.

Even the surrounding temperature is constantly decreasing, and the faintly cold breath constantly diffuses out of the Soul Body, radiating toward the surroundings.

"Thousands of souls are flashing!"

As soon as Soul Body appeared, mysterious black robed man spouted out a blood mist to wrap it up, and was wrapped in blood mist Soul Body also seemed to feel some excitement.

At the moment, I was struggling violently, and tens of thousands of souls began to agitate fiercely. One after another, the crazy soul fluctuations continued to spread.


Mysterious black robed man waved his arm, and the restless Soul Body in the ray of blood mist suddenly turned into a black bloody mouth. python, brings up the screaming oppressive wind, stands upright in the void.

Mysterious black robed man manipulates the black python made by the Soul Body condensed from tens of thousands of souls. In the end, like lightning, it quickly greeted the spike.

He has no time to feel sorry for the tens of thousands of Soul Power that he has accumulated and continuously condensed over the years.

Unless it is absolutely necessary, the mysterious black robed man will use this trick. This kind of loss is not insignificant to him.

As long as he can escape, it doesn't matter if he strengthens his great injury, these souls will have a chance to condense again in the future. If they die, then there is really nothing left.


Only slightly paused, black python turned out to be a spike formed by directly condensing Ning Tianlin with the essence, shocking life into nothingness.

Moreover, the speed of black python's advancement only stopped for a while, and it continued to move towards Ning Tianlin at the previous speed.

"Control the soul? Interesting..."

After seeing the other party releasing tens of thousands of souls, Ning Tianlin couldn't help but be a little surprised. The soul in Human Race is not, Anything can be stored, and the requirements are extremely demanding.

From the state of the soul released, it seems that the soul in the bag has not suffered any damage, but compared to other ordinary souls, it seems to be more prone to excitement and irritability.

"You're still a bit of real ability, better than those embroidered legs outside..."

Ning Tianlin takes a step forward, blocking Bo Wen behind his body , Feeling the sudden offensive of the mysterious black robed man on the opposite side, his dark eyes flashed with dignity.

The surging essence in the body is also running to the extreme, and the Dualbladed Halberd in the hand is even held in the air. With each wave of the halberd, it will threw away a huge amount of more than ten feet in the void. Vigor.

When colliding with the black python, there will be heaven shaking, earth shattering energy explosions, terrifying energy fluctuations, and even the surrounding space will be shaken and distorted.


Above the void, Dualbladed Halberd and black python are constantly intertwined in the void, occasionally intertwined and separated quickly.

"Okay, happy, continue!"

Ning Tianlin loudly shouted, carrying Dualbladed Halberd directly moved towards the black python and flashed away, silhouette flashed, but Dualbladed Halberd in his hand It suddenly formed a strange arc.

From an extremely tricky angle, he stabs obliquely towards the black python in the void, and finally pierces directly into the body of the black python condensed by the power of all souls.

Dualbladed Halberd retreated with one blow, and Ning Tianlin body flashed out of the attack range of black python.

Give a glance at Dualbladed Halberd, as Ning Tianlin expected, because the other party is in the state of soul, no trace of blood burst out.

But judging from the violent fluctuations of the black python body, the previous blow still has some effect, but compared to other situations where the soul state is not, the Dualbladed Halberd destructive power is still weaker. .

Looking at the black python that caused some souls to dissipate because of the blow just now, but they are also being filled by souls in other locations, but the overall color is slightly dimmed, mysterious black robed man Said with a gloomy expression.

"What a tricky Halberd Art, I really don’t know where you came from!"

"Who are you!"

Pass Several times before, the mysterious black robed man also has no longer paid attention to the cold posture of the old man before him, and now it’s snered, saying: "Boy, if you let the old man go and leave, this matter will be wiped out, if not. , The consequences are definitely not something you can bear!"

If the kid in front of you can be scared by him, it would be best for him to leave here. The soul condensed in this soul bag, mysterious The black robed man really does not want to waste too much.

Ning Tianlin did not pay attention to the words of the other party at all. He has heard too many threats, and he has long been numb to hearing. The dark eyes are full of fierce killing intents, and his heart is more Is an endless sneer.

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