Although there are such ruthless words on his mouth, the mysterious black robed man also knows that the battle with the opponent can't be dragged on any longer, otherwise, the Nine Nether White Tiger next to him Although his strength was damaged, after a little recovery, he basically had no chance of winning.

"Threat? The threat I am least afraid of is the threat, do you have any other last words to explain?" Ning Tianlin's eyes flickered, obviously not intending to let the other party just like that, and said jokingly.

Mysterious black robed man's complexion also became extremely gloomy, no one has dared to talk to him like this for many years, even more how the other party is just a hairless brat, how can he not be angry.

"Okay, boy, old man, let’s see if you have this arrogant capital!"

Immediately, the hands of the mysterious black robed man began to dance constantly, and his mouth changed. He was reading a string of extremely obscure incantion, and the black mist that permeated his body suddenly fluctuated.

The black python standing in the void also shrinks at the speed visible to the naked eye. In less than a few breaths, it disappears completely, as if it has never appeared before.

Instead, it was a head-sized pitch-black energy ball that appeared in front of the mysterious black robed man, and it kept spinning.

The color on the surface of the energy black ball is darker than that of the previous black python. At first glance, there is almost a feeling that even the mind is drawn into.

People can't help but feel a sense of jealousy about this weird black ball, and it feels too gloomy and terrifying.

Mysterious black robed man immediately clenched the teeth fiercely, another blood spurted out, and his sleeves flicked fiercely, and the energy black ball suddenly swept out.

Ning Tianlin, who has been paying attention to the other party's state, just moved the mysterious black robed man, he was also mobilizing the essence of his body at an extremely fast speed.

The constantly changing weird handprints on the chest also suddenly speeded up, the afterimages flew, and the handprints suddenly solidified on a weird gesture.

At the moment when the handprints solidified, the vigorous essence of Ning Tianlin's body also followed its meridian through a specific route, and then naturally stopped. Suddenly, an extremely bright burst of light burst out from his palms. Light.

"Nine Emperors Stars Record!"

Ning Tianlin's surrounding space also fluctuates sharply, transforming into a fused Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower, pulling all the essence of the body away and gathering The energy after compression.

The heart moves with the spirit, and the condensed energy is under the blessing of battle strength formation, and the terrifying destructive power contained in it also increases dramatically.

Although the opponent is the existence of Lord of Universe Jiudan, after repeated injuries, it is already an arrow at the end of its flight at the moment.

In the case of Ning Tianlin using the secret technique, the strength of each other's strength was reduced and the strength of each other was increased, so it was enough to block the black energy that flew from the other party.


Ning Tianlin suddenly shouted out coldly, with fierce force on his palm, fiercely pushed forward and swept away at the black energy like lightning.

In an instant, the two different energies collided in the void like a meteorite. However, the expected bang did not appear immediately.

Two different terrifying energies are constantly eroding each other in the void. At the place where the two touch, the space begins to be extremely distorted, until it finally turns into nothingness.

“bang! ”

The stillness only lasted for a moment, one after another almost several hundred zhang energy ripples, just like substance, spread out from the junction.

The range of energy ripples is extremely wide. For a time, high winds roared above the sky, and the clouds flipped extremely fast.

The coercion contained in it directly caused some giant trees below to break in the sound of one after another crackle.

Even, some towering peaks, under the influence of this energy, burst straightly, the peaks collapsed, and finally brought countless boulders, hong long long smashed down from the peaks.

Although Nine Nether White Tiger has been injured, it is still the existence of the nine-dan of Lord of Universe after all. Naturally, it can withstand these spreading energy waves, so I did not choose to dodge, but stood completely motionless. .

After Ning Tianlin on the side released the energy ball, because the body's essence was consumed too much, the breath was sluggish a lot, and he supported his body, and immediately took the Bowen behind him back. go.

And that black robed old man was also due to the excessive consumption of essence in his body, the black mist covering his body suddenly became thinner. Obviously, the spreading energy ripples still caused some influence on him. .

"Damn it, when the energy was just released, how could I suddenly feel a sense of powerlessness, and the effect is much weaker."

Mysterious black robed man saw that the expected effect was not Achieved, although I was skeptical, but didn't think much about it, thinking it was caused by lack of energy after I was injured.

"This guy can release such a strong energy, how did he come from?"

Mysterious black robed man's face is extremely ugly, and there is a feeling of weakness in his body. It also made him feel a sense of panic. The weird black ball that he had cast before consumed the great energy in his body.

"Damn it, it's really unlucky, I killed such a guy halfway, forget it, let's get out..."

The thought of running away flashed through my mind again, mysterious black robed Man didn't hesitate at all, I'm afraid this is his last chance to escape.

After a muffled hum came out, taking advantage of this thrilling moment, turned around, the black mist surged all over, and immediately, like a black streamer, burst into the distance suddenly.


Seeing the mysterious black robed man fleeing, the Nine Nether White Tiger was also coldly snorted, and a roar came out, and only the mysterious black clothed person was not far in front of you The space suddenly twisted.

Mysterious black robed man once again waved his sleeves to completely release some Soul Power remaining in the black bag to resist the energy coming from behind.

Then, without looking back, he fled to the distant sky like a fatal man, looking at that mysterious black robed man's extremely embarrassed appearance, without his previous awe-inspiring appearance at all.

Nine Nether White Tiger was injured and entangled with the remnants of Soul Power, but failed to free up his hands to kill the mysterious black robed man, making his silhouette completely disappear in the sky.

Obviously, after this series of changes, this mysterious black robed man is also extremely aggrieved, Lord of Universe's ninth-dan terrifying strength, but the result is that Bai Xuanjing did not succeed.

In the end, he was not only seriously injured and escaped, but even the tens of thousands of souls accumulated on his body over the years were also used by him.

The time lasted for about a few minutes, and the energy ripples that had collided one after another gradually began to dissipate.

Finally, with their respective energies offsetting each other slowly, the center of the energy burst was completely annihilated.

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