"Bold White Tiger, which of your tendons is wrong, you and I have always minds their own business, today, why come to my cave for nothing?"

When the Nine Nether White Tiger rampaged, inside the huge Cave Mansion, the angry roar of the Nine Nether Purple Lion was violently heard from the Cave Mansion.

As the roar sounded, a purple light and shadow flew out of the Cave Mansion like a lightning, and then rushed into the jungle where the Nether Nether White Tiger was.

"Purple Lion, don't talk such nonsense, I just came to you to fight, if I really want to find a reason, it just depends on your upset, okay?"

The Nine Nether White Tiger squinted its giant pupils and looked at the flying Nine Nether Purple Lion with a provocative expression.

The latter is a face of ignorance and doubt. I have lived for so many years, and I have never seen Nine Nether White Tiger before. I shouted in anger at the moment: "Are you sick? Come to me for excitement, do you believe it..."

Before the other party could finish speaking, Nine Nether White Tiger directly swung a pair of giant claws and rushed forward.

Suddenly, Guanghua exploded, and the two different energies continued to collide and spread out, and the huge jungle around was instantly destroyed into a mess.

"White Tiger, there is a kind of you don't run, stop the fucking..."

"Don't run? Waiting to be beaten by you..."


As the jungle continues to collapse, one white and one purple light and shadow, one chasing and one catching up straight into the sky, and then a fierce meet begins in the void a few thousand zhang away force with force battle.

After taking a glance at the battle between the two sides on the void, Ning Tianlin took Bo Wen and started the action. He did not choose to fly over the void, but stepped on the ground with the soles of his feet, and his body was fast. Only an afterimage remained.

Quickly rushed into the jungle, and then took Bo Wen, along the way, specially selected some relatively secret places to settle down, and rushed towards the hole on the top of the mountain.

After a while, Ning Tianlin and Bo Wen have rushed to the jungle where the Nine Nether White Tiger had entered, and when they entered their eyes, they saw many huge Spirit Beasts with poor strength, lying on the ground directly. .

This scene also made Ning Tianlin in the heart secretly like it. Nine Nether White Tiger's strength is very good, just click as far as it is, and it did not bloody slaughter these Spirit Beasts. .

Although the Spirit Beast on the ground can help Ning Tianlin redeem some essence points, he doesn't have time to do this at the moment.

In this situation, there is no need to be so irreconcilable with the Nether Purple Lion. Soon, the soles of the feet quickly passed over the bodies of these giant beasts, and then took Bowen out of this piece. jungle.

After the two got out of the jungle, the huge hole suddenly appeared in their sight.

Some guards Spirit Beast at the entrance of Cave Mansion have also been attracted by the new Nine Nether White Tiger. However, due to the tight time, there are still a few Spirit Beasts left. At that time, they were trembling with fear looking up at the fierce battle of white and purple in the sky.

The aftermath of the battle leaked from the void, he made them crawl on the ground instinctively, and kept shaking.

frowned looking at a few scattered Spirit Beasts not far from the entrance of the cave, Ning Tianlin, in order to avoid attracting more Spirit Beasts, took the jungle around for a while and moved towards the entrance of the cave. Going over from the top.

With the help of the cover of the rock, I quietly came to the top of the cave entrance, staring closely at the Spirit Beast that was trembling constantly.

Slightly hesitated, the body suddenly jumped down from above the hole, the body volleyed in midair, both feet lightly stepped on the ground, and Bowen behind also fell in the same posture, and then The two suddenly shot into the cave.

When Ning Tianlin and Bo Wen just disappeared into the tunnel in the cave, among those Spirit Beasts, a Spirit Beast with a little stronger strength moved his gaze towards the entrance of the cave. .

However, after not finding anything, he turned his gaze back with a puzzled look, and again under the pressure of the high-altitude battle between the two sides, he continued to shake his body, waiting for the final result of the battle.

After a while, I entered the cave, and the light in it was not as dim as previously imagined. On the surrounding cave walls, occasionally there would be some purple light flashes constantly. Moving.

The deep and spacious cave interior, under the embellishment of purple glow, is also a different kind of scenery. Looking at the almost naturally formed Cave Mansion, Ning Tianlin in the heart sighs, this Spirit Beast is not the same as being a fine spirit, but also knows how to enjoy a comfortable living environment.

Take Bowen and walked forward carefully, and did not meet the existence of other Spirit Beasts. Obviously, only the Nine Nether Purple Tiger lives in the Cave Mansion. Along the way, except for the small ones The sound of footsteps and slight breathing, no other sound.

After a while, after the two passed through the long cave passage, two fork roads appeared in front of them.

Squinting at the two forks, Ning Tianlin pondered for a moment. After knowing the direction from the battle strength system, he walked cautiously towards the left passage.

This passage is quite tortuous. The two of them walked out after turning several turns. As they got closer and closer, they suddenly discovered that the surrounding temperature was relatively rigid. When I came in, I was constantly rising.

Bringing Bo Wen to a halt, Ning Tianlin looked at Bo Wen who was already sweating a little, then moved his eyes to the distant exit that faintly exudes purple light.

After rubbing his hands, he immediately took a deep breath. The essence was slowly mobilized in the body. After making these preparations, he took Bo Wen to move forward.

The two of them lowered their footsteps as much as possible, and at the same time, their eyes quickly swept across the spacious cave, carefully observed for a while, before moving forward again.

After passing the exit close at hand, he came to the cave. Ning Tianlin looked around, finally staying at the center of the cave.

There, there is a square platform that is a full meter high and made of black stones. On the surface of the seven, a purple ball-shaped thing about the size of a head is floating steadily in the air.

Looking at the purple sphere carefully, Ning Tianlin found that the heat inside the cave and the purple glow were released from this thing to the outside.

Not only is Bo Wen's eyes leaking a little surprise, but Ning Tianlin himself, but also didn't expect that this thing can release such a huge energy just by putting it here.

Slowly bent down and looked at Ning Tianlin, who was looking at the purple ball. He was faintly struck by a heat wave mixed with energy, which made him marvel at it.

Because there are really not many things in this universe that can make him feel hot.

This purple ball is definitely terrifying existence!

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