Staring at this mysterious purple orb, Ning Tianlin said thoughtfully: "No wonder this thing, after being merged by Wuyou Jiulian, will directly help Bo Wen Promote to the strength of Lord of Universe."

Due to the limitation of Bowen's strength, although she can feel the terrifying energy inside, she can't feel exactly how huge it is.

Ning Tianlin circled the purple ball, and said to Bowen tsk tsk's praise: "This is really a good thing for you..."


"Bo Wen, with your cultivation talent, with the help of Wuyou Jiulian, if you can absorb the energy more quickly within a year, it is estimated that the improvement is not only expected. The second paragraph of Lord of Universe is so simple, I am afraid it will only be higher!"

"Is this thing as powerful as you said? So much energy can't burst Wuyou Jiulian! "Bowen frowned said puzzledly. She felt that being able to reach the realm of the second stage of the Lord of Universe was already a good result.

"How can it burst? You too underestimate the Wuyou nine lotus on the center of your eyebrows. The number of petals will continue to change with the improvement of your ability. It is not limited to nine flowers. , Which means it will continue to advance."

Ning Tianlin will explain to Bo Wen about Wuyou Jiulian that he knows from the battle strength system.

"It’s not an exaggeration to say that the energy that helps you ascend to the 9th dan of Lord of Universe is all placed in Wuyou Jiulian, and will not cause any damage to it."

After the explanation, Ning Tianlin will know from the battle strength system when he smashed his mouth, and continued: "The Nine Nether purple lion outside is itself a Spirit Beast of an extraordinary natural talent, otherwise it would be difficult for it to become a Lord. of Universe."

"This kind of Spirit Beast, because of the bloodline, every several millions of years, there is a probability that this kind of purple sphere will be formed in its body, and this probability is also Very small."

"It is also because the time spent in the belly of the Nine Nether purple lion is long enough, so the pure energy it contains is quite impressive."

"Listen to you speaking of which, this purple ball seems to be very difficult to deal with, and it's very rare!"

After listening to Ning Tianlin's explanation, Bo Wen looked towards The eyes of the purple ball suddenly lit up, and a pair of jade hands were ready to grab the purple ball.


Just as the palm of her hand touched the purple ball, Bo Wen gasped in her mouth and quickly took away her outstretched hand. go back.

"The temperature on this thing is so hot, how can I take it away?"

Looking at Bo Wen's palm burned by the terrifying energy inside, Ning Tianlin hurried from the battle From the strength system, I took some medicine powder for scalding and applied to her.

"You should calm down first, so that it can store such a pure concentration of energy, its temperature is of course high, and this purple ball has been completely connected by the Nine Nether purple lion and this square stone platform. Let’s go together."

"If you want to get rid of it, then dig it out of the within cave along with the stone platform."

Ning Tianlin looked at Bo Wen's stalemate. Smiled and joked.

"Dig it out, you treat me stupid, but I saw it just now. I don't know how deep the cave is under the stone platform."

hearing This, after a pair of beautiful eyes fiercely on Bo Wen's pretty face, Ning Tianlin glanced at it, and then swept up and down the stone platform again. With her own strength, she may not be able to dig it out even if she digs for a few months.

sighed, Bo Wen turned his attention to Ning Tianlin, who is taking pleasure in other people's misfortune. If she can only dig, then only he can dig it out. .

Look at Bo Wen's eyes, but Ning Tianlin shook the head, said with a smile.

"Don't look at me, although I can get this thing away for you, but it caused too much movement, it will definitely attract the Nine Nether purple lion outside."

"Also, even if we did take away the stone platform, you would be impossible to break the purple ball open."

"What do you mean, if you don't break it open." , Then how can you use Wuyou Jiulian to absorb the energy in it, wait for it to overflow by itself, and slowly absorb it?"

It's already this step, Bo Wen doesn't believe Ning Tianlin There is no way to bring her here. That is not his style of doing things, so he asked hurriedly.

"Indeed, this purple ball needs to be forced open to collect the energy inside. However, for some reason, it is difficult to force him to open with any attack."


"In other words, the shell of this thing has a devouring effect. Any attack from the outside world will be swallowed by it." Ning Tianlin watched Bo Wenlin spread his hands and continued to say with a smile.

"Or, you can try to swallow it into your stomach, and try to see if it works?"

"Swallow it in? No way..." Looking at the foot There is a purple ball with the size of her own head, Bowen corner of mouth twitching, not to mention the high temperature above it, just because of this volume, even if her throat bursts, she can't swallow it.

"Hey, Big Brother Lin, you don't want me to make fun, okay, if you can come and help me find this thing, then I must know the way."

Slightly distressed For a while, Bo Wen was in the Sea of ​​Consciousness of the old monster of the Hoo clan last time, but there was no memory of how to break the purple ball.

My heart moved slightly, what others didn't know, it didn't mean that Ning Tianlin didn't know, there seemed to be very few things he didn't know in the universe, and immediately, he turned his head and smiled and looked aside Ning Tianlin.

"If you rely on brute force, you really can't open this thing. In addition to the Nine Nether purple lion outside, you can open it. If you want to open it, there is another way to do it. "

"What's the method? Tell me quickly." With joy on her face, Bo Wen hurriedly asked.

"hehe." laughed, Ning Tianlin said: "The creature that lives in my body can do it!"

" mean, Wanzu centipede Can it be done?" First, she was taken aback, and then Bo Wen suddenly said, she knows how terrifying the ten thousand centipede and the powerful teeth are.

"Yes, in this universe, there is no thing that the centipede of ten thousand races cannot be broken."

Ning Tianlin nodded, watching Bo Wen’s reaction said with a smile, For Wanzu centipede's ability, he still has this confidence.

"Although the outer shell of the purple ball is hard and can be swallowed by external attacks, no matter how powerful it is, it is not a problem in front of Wanzu centipede."

" Then you don't have to hurry, it made me anxious for so long." Hearing this, Bo Wen also hurriedly urged.

"Okay." Ning Tianlin laughed, and then waved his sleeves, and the centipede, who was also concealed, was called out.

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