“cough, cough …”

A violent cough sounded, and bloodshot spewed out from the Demon Sand Clan general’s collar, knowing that he was still in some His head in a state of ignorance finally came to a sense of clarity.

Staring at a pair of scarlet eyes, looking savagely at the youngster looking down on him, hissed: "Asshole, where the hell did you come out from? Just come up and fight. Do you know who I am?"

"Who you are is really not that important to me." shook the head, Ning Tianlin said with a smile: "I hit you, yes Because, you provoke two of my friends, so, not just you, all of you must pay the price!"

The pupils of the eyes shrank slightly, and the generals of the Mosha tribe stared at them. This youngster with an indifferent expression, he can be regarded as clarifying the current causality.

I took a closer look at the people this year. After a while, I was shocked. The strength of this youngster showed that it was only the Martial Artist of Xinghuang realm. The Martial Artist of this level shouldn't be seeing Lord. of Universe, just run away...

And this youngster still exudes some weird smell. He who lives in the desert all the year round, occasionally smells this smell, that is this Nine The unique bloody smell of Spirit Beast in Nether Sacred Land.

At this moment, it is at the junction of Nine Nether Sacred Land, and I can’t help but say in astonishment: "Who are you! How could you come out of Nine Nether Sacred Land alive?"

"Ning Tianlin." The youngster looked at the other party with a look of astonishment, and said three words slowly from his mouth. Although his voice was light, he went like death God's footsteps with death. The coercion.

"Enlighten senior, Senior Su, take a break next to you, these people, I alone will be enough!"

The voice fell, and the Dualbladed Halberd in Ning Tianlin's hands would go again The general's neck fiercely pressed, and at the same time he swept his gaze over several soldiers.

The soldiers looked at Ning Tianlin’s direct-shooting eyes, and no one dared to look directly at him. After looking at each other, they all appeared in the encircled circle, revealing a channel to make Wu Daoxuan and Su The two of the Philippines passed.

"Bah, are you stupid, don’t care about me, I don’t believe him, he can kill me in one move!"

"Hurry up together Come on, kill him for me!"

Being so insulted in front of the soldiers, the general's face became more and more hideous. In his opinion, it was just because of his carelessness. , So that this youngster can have a chance to succeed.

And his own comprehensive battle strength is far stronger than the opponent, how about being threatened by the opponent with weapons, he doesn't think the opponent has the means to critically strike himself.

If you want to have it, you will definitely use it just now. The youngster in front of you is not like a soft-hearted person.

Several of his subordinate soldiers have long been suppressed by the youngster's means of appearance, and there are also abnormal conditions in their bodies.

Under the commander’s shout out loudly, although he was extremely reluctant, but there was no way, he still drew out the weapon in his hand, and cautiously rushed towards Ning Tianlin.

At the same time, in the body of the generals of the Mosha tribe, the strong essence quickly swelled out of his body. Although, it was also secretly frightened, the speed of the movement of the essence in the body was obviously slower. many.

But at this moment, this situation does not allow him to think about it anymore. Four pairs of Iron Fist-like fists gradually began to wrap the energy of one after another by the essence.

Tightly clenched his fists, and then, regardless of the sharp weapon at the opponent's neck, slammed across the calves of Ning Tianlin.

"You are courting death!"

Following Ning Tianlin's humming sound, the Dualbladed Halberd in his hand, carrying a strong force, moved towards the magic sand The clan generals blasted away.

The general who thought he could evade this heavy blow by means of the movement method, was shocked to discover again that his body was not just as simple as the slow movement of his essence, even the original flexible movement method seemed to be It's the same as if it's paralyzed, and it's a lot stiffer.


This heavy halberd is not surprising. Before the general's pair of Iron Fist was about to touch Ning Tianlin's calf, it hit the opponent's hard On the chest.

"Pu chi!"

The power of the energy explosion produced by that heavy halberd blasted on the chest of the Mosha tribe general, and the surging energy directly caused He spit a mouthful of blood again, and was bombarded to the ground again.

Immediately, Ning Tianlin's figure flashed again, holding the Dualbladed Halberd in his hand, and slammed at the several Demon Sand soldiers who had been killed...

The original crimson skin , Now also becoming pale, the general shook his body and stood up, once again forcibly circling the essence of his body, his gnashing teeth attacked in the direction of the youngster.

At this moment, Ning Tianlin’s bursting figure passed through the defense of the famous soldiers of the magic sand clan. The right hand held the Dualbladed Halberd tightly, and immediately, suddenly out of thin air. Swing, under the control of its spirit strength, smash it horizontally.

Suddenly, all the soldiers struck by Dualbladed Halberd were hit by a blow. They flew upside down and fell heavily on the sand. Several people almost At the same time, a mouthful of blood spurted out!

In just two or three rounds, Ning Tianlin easily eliminated the few Demon Sand Clan soldiers without a trace of muddy water.

Then slowly turned around and held the Dualbladed Halberd in his hand, looking at the Mosha generals who were slow to move because of the battle strength formation, but still rushed as fiercely as death.

Holding the Dualbladed Halberd in a tight handshake, Ning Tianlin mobilized the energy in the body, and the soles of the feet slammed on the ground again, leaving behind a huge footprint and deep pit, the figure burst out.

In the blink of an eye, he sent his post first to the general and jumped fiercely, turning the Dualbladed Halberd slightly in his hand.

Suddenly, a heavy halberd with fierce and unmatched strength, fiercely furiously slammed down at the head of the general.

Mixed with the sharp wind breaking energy, the general's pale complexion is more difficult to look at. He hurriedly rushed out the slow energy in his body at the fastest speed while waving his arms. , And unavoidably, greeted the halberd that was split from above.


The crisp sound from the collision between the sharp body of the sharp and the general of the Mosha tribe was resounded in this area.

The four arms under their full strength just touched the sharp halberd that volleyed down, and the huge strength injected by Ning Tianlin on it was that the body of the general of the Mosha tribe suddenly One sink.

From the feet to the paint joints of the calves, they are all sunken deeply under the sand, and the downward trend continues.

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