"break for me!"

Looking at the demon sand clan general who is still clenching his teeth, Ning Tianlin sneered, the remaining essence in his body is mobilized again And out, all poured into the Dualbladed Halberd in his hand.

At the same time, the originally dark pupils also instantly changed into the image of Medusa. When the opponent couldn't resist, let the battle strength drop again on the original basis!


As the Dualbladed Halberd's strength increased and the battle strength of the Mosha tribe generals weakened, the four pairs of originally strong and powerful arms unexpectedly emerged forcibly There were some cracks.


Under the stalemate that the two of them tried their best, only a moment later, the crack in the general's arm began to expand rapidly, and finally there was a clear sound In the middle, Youyou's arms were shattered by the terrifying force and turned into one after another powder.

Looking at the hard arm that he was originally proud of was forcibly shattered by the opponent in this way, a touch of astonishment appeared on the face of the Mosha Clan general.

Forcibly enduring some severe pain, his body shook strangely, and his legs, which had been buried under the sand, forced to retreat extremely quickly in the yellow sand.


After smashing the opponent's arms, Dualbladed Halberd continued to slam down. Although the opponent had retreated extremely quickly, the Dualbladed Halberd could not hold back. Finally, it was According to the original trajectory, a very wide dent was cut fiercely on the sand surface.

Seeing that the generals of the Mosha tribe dodged the attack, Ning Tianlin raised the Dualbladed Halberd and shook his numb wrist, the eyes of Medusa opened again, and the soles of the feet slammed on the sand. , Followed by the formation of another foot pit.

A lightning-like figure appeared in front of the retreating Mosha generals. Ning Tianlin sneered slightly, holding Dualbladed Halberd slantingly in the air with both hands, finally carrying fierce energy, and struck again. On the chest of the general.

Having suffered a terrifying blow again, the Mosha clan generals who were already pale in their faces have become paler, and the only blood color is almost pitiful.

"Pu chi!"

A mouthful of blood rushed out again, and the body of the demon sand clan commander was battered and exhausted, as if his internal organs and veins were broken The rolling wooden stakes are generally rolling on the sand surface, and a human-shaped sand pit emerges from several hundred zhang long.

Wu Daoxuan and Su Fei, who were always paying attention to the battle between the two, looked at the Mosha generals who were almost in the hands of Ning Tianlin and were completely passively beaten. Both of them secretly inhaled again. Take a breath.

If it is said that the Mosha clan will be ahead of the loss, it is because Ning Tianlin's appearance out of thin air hit him by surprise, making them feel that Ning Tianlin is a fluke sneak The attack is successful, there are elements of seize every opportunity.

And the current series of frontal battles are all real hard resistance, and they are also the most direct and violent fights without any other skills. It can be said to be a fight to the flesh. .

This also made everyone present, including those soldiers who had illusions about their generals before, deeply realized that this youngster who appeared suddenly, his strength is absolutely Above their generals!

"Tian Little Friend Lin, it took only a few years of trifling to defeat the Martial Artist of Lord of Universe eight paragraphs so indifferently. If it is later, it will be done!"

"Yes, his innate talent is really terrifying. It is estimated that in a short while, he will once again bring us a greater shock..."

Look at this clean and tidy Wu Daoxuan and Sophie were both envious and shocked by their fights, and they all began to wonder if Lord of Universe is the limit of all Martial Artists.

They might think so before, but when they see Ning Tianlin now, they vaguely think that maybe they can find the answer from this youngster, everything, time will prove...

On the ground like a rolling wooden stake, after rolling dozens of laps, the Mosha clan general barely stopped his figure, leaning on his feet that had already begun to tremble, staggering to get up.

Looking at Ning Tianlin's delicate and pretty face that is still harmless to humans and animals, I couldn't help but make my eyes red, lifts the head, and the resentment and ferociousness on the face make people feel chilling.

"little bastard, whoever you are, you will use some despicable means, how can you have the eyes of Medusa!" the demon sand clan leader hoarsely gloomy and coldly said.

He is really unwilling. He feels that the fight in this battle is really too awkward. He has a terrifying power, but in front of the opponent, he can't use it at all, and his body is like being restrained. Up in general.

But he also knows that no matter how weird the other party's methods are, it is also the ability of the other party. If he could have so many methods, he would naturally not mind using it on other Martial Artists.

When it comes to their level of battle, they don’t pay attention to the process for a long time. There is only one thing, and that is the final result. Winner is the king, loser is the villain is the same.

"Now, what you should care most about is yourself!"

"I think you should not have the opportunity to leave here. Do you agree with me?"

laughed, in Ning Tianlin's dark eyes, there are also cold killing intents implied, and they are also exposed without concealment.

Able to kill an eight-stage Martial Artist of Lord of Universe, as well as several Lord of Universe Martial Artists who are not low in strength, plus the space ring on them, will be A sum of energy is credited to the account!

So, regardless of the reason for the pursuit and killing of the enlightened Taoxuan senior, or for his essence points, Ning Tianlin will not allow these guys to leave here alive.

For the cold snorted, the generals of the Mosha tribe are indeed a little confused, even though he also wants Ning Tianlin to live better than to die, and even want to have the impulse to make him unfamiliar.

However, Ning Tianlin's previous terrifying strength has prevented him from treating the other party as a normal Martial Artist.

The arrogance before the Demon Sand Clan’s lead has been completely smashed by Ning Tianlin's various secret methods. His battle strength is in front of the opponent and simply can't get out.

He looked around, and when the corner of his eyes swept over the stunner woman who was not far from him, a grinning smile appeared at the corner of the mouth of the leader of the Mosha tribe.

Ning Tianlin was able to suddenly rescue the two of them, and the relationship between their three people should be good, and that woman is just a Martial Artist, and can start from her!

The man next to him is only the strength of the fourth stage of the Lord of Universe. He is not as perverted as that Ning Tianlin. Under his full strength, he is not impossible...

I kept thinking about the way to escape from Ning Tianlin's hands. I didn’t move my mind. Obviously it was impossible to have a chance to survive...

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