“bang! ”

Looking at the Dualbladed Halberd that came from a tricky shot, Cang screamed angrily, and the soles of their feet slam on the ground with a violent sound and wave With both arms, the force of the forcibly coming shot shook away.


The huge backlash force caused a ray of blood to squirt out of Cangming’s mouth, and his standing legs were already trembling slightly, and he just borrowed the force from his feet. There was also a huge crack of several hundred zhang in the yellow sand.

"Okay, happy, go on!"

Ning Tianlin is not in a hurry to use all the secret techniques. It is a good thing to end the battle too quickly, but it is a good thing for Ning According to Tianlin's combat experience, this method is not very helpful except for the energy point.

Over the past year, he has constantly improved his fighting skills and experience in the battle with powerhouse, to make him even more weird and very ruthless.


Seeing that Ning Tianlin struck again with a halberd, Cang Ming was too late to make too many adjustments, and shouted in a low voice in his heart.

The toes touch the ground lightly, and the essence of the body is constantly mobilized, the huge body is like a fallen leaf in the wind.

Facing Ning Tianlin, he flashed away quickly, and at the same time, the strong arm flashed cold glow again under the reflection of sunlight.

"I still know that I took the initiative to attack. I still look down on you."

Looking at Cang Ming who went up against the trend, Ning Tianlin stopped out of thin air and looked back at the corner of his eyes. After taking a glance, his heart's countermeasures flashed by lightning, and his body jumped.

Both feet slammed back. At the moment when they were in contact with the surrounding soldiers in the rear, on the soles of the feet, the terrifying force in the body gathered, the legs were slightly bent, and there was a burst of energy immediately. The soldier retreated straight away.


The Mosha soldier who was hit, because he put all his energy in the battle between the two sides, under this sudden blow, the future He had to make any response in a hurry, and his body violently retreated backward under the strong force.

Only after smashing the encircling circle out of a human-shaped passage, the figure was able to stop. The soldiers around it were also smashed into pieces. For a time, it was tight. The encirclement of the promotion is also chaotic.

Ignoring the emptying in the rear, Ning Tianlin's soles of feet, with the help of the fierce counter-thrust just now, moved towards the direction of Cangming, and shot away.

"Eat my halberd!"

The body is in midair, after borrowing the force, Ning Tianlin, the Dualbladed Halberd in his hand rotates vigorously, under the homeopathic way of fully borrowing inertia , Mingled with fierce and unparalleled energy, slammed down at Cang Ming!

"hmph, what about using secret technique to trap my spirit? No matter what, I am still Lord of Universe, but you are not..."

The fierce energy brought by that silhouette above the head, the sizzling browses slightly wrinkle, but it doesn’t take seriously, and the heart is coldly snorted. No matter how secretive your methods are, the battle strength realm is there, you can’t turn the sky over!

He kept turning his hands in front of his chest, and after a period of obscure legal decision in Cang Ming's mouth, his arm was instantly wrapped in a light yellow wind.

"Magic sand trick arm!"

As the arm gathers energy and completes, there is a sound of breaking wind that pierces the eardrum. Heavy strikes are here. Shun Above the Dualbladed Halberd that hacked down.


A loud noise caused by the collision of the two, in the central square, abruptly sounded like a ripple, moving towards spreading around.

Suddenly, within several ten zhangs around the two sides, there was a powerful aftermath of the battle, and an empty battle circle was shaken out. Some soldiers with lower battle strength also retreated to the rear to avoid the aftermath of the battle. Injured by mistake.

Under the premise of using the secret technique of the magic sand clan, Cang Ming actually resolved the full strength attack of Ning Tianlin after the clear sound.

It has to be said that the hit-and-match just now caused Ning Tianlin to suffer a dark loss. The sudden increase in the strength of the other party caused him to also suffer some backlash.

He also understood in his heart that this was caused by the realm gap, and the vigor and vigor in Cang Ming's body was far from his comparable.

"Is this your limit?"

Forcibly suppressing the turbulent blood in the body, wipe the blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth, Ning Tian said inwardly.

Cang Ming temporarily received the buffer time, Sen Leng's face became more gloomy, and the expression on his face was constantly changing. He originally thought that forcibly using the secret technique would be enough to make the opponent suffer a serious injury.

It can be seen that the opponent can still stand upright there, and his heart sinks. The repercussions of the secret technique just show up, letting him collapse and stabilize his figure with a strong calmness.


Ning Tianlin, who is always paying attention to the opponent's situation, hasn't noticed Cangming's slight physical changes, and no longer hesitates at the moment, and no longer gives his opponent any A chance to breathe.

Looking at Ning Tianlin who was still about to fight again, Cang Ming's expression suddenly changed, and after murmured the other lunatic, he greeted him again.

"Medusa's eyes!"

The cold shouted heart made Ning Tianlin's pair of dark eyes begin to lose their original brilliance, replaced by all kinds of strange colors, Shoots out from its pupils!

"Fuck, there is still something to end, what kind of tricks this kid is going to play..."

Seeing a strange scene on Ning Tianlin's pupils, it's screaming I was a little confused again in my mind. What kind of secret technique is this time? At the same time, an unknown premonition arose in my heart.

Forcibly resisted the urge to scold his mother. It turned out that this guy didn't try his best in the battle just now, but was hiding his strength?

Cang Ming felt that if this hadn't happened to him, he would also think it was a bit unimaginable, and felt that his Martial Dao dignity had been provoked.

Are the Martial Artists outside the desert sea and sand now so arrogant? A Martial Artist of Xinghuang realm dare to single-handedly challenge Lord of Universe Jiudan powerhouse?

"This is simply an insult. I have a dignified Lord of Universe nine-dan fight with me. You haven't tried your best yet. Who gave you the courage to let you let me!"

Cang Ming only hopes that the secret technique used by the other party this time will not be too secretive, otherwise, he may not be able to deal with it.

Only after the splendor in Ning Tianlin’s pupils disappeared, two human-shaped snake-like Medusa images emerged, and the slowly illusory images condensed into substance, looking straightforwardly. Xiang Cangming.

"fuck, Medusa!"

"Still two!"

"How is this possible..."

Cang Ming's mood at the moment is no longer enough to describe it as shock. The previous inexplicable spirit was trapped, resulting in the inability to display the battle strength, which made him very aggrieved in the battle.

And now the legendary Eye of Medusa appears again. When it comes out, there are two directly. One is already very shocking...

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