Cang Ming now fights unintentionally. He is afraid that he was not beaten to death by the opponent, but frightened to death by the secret methods of the opponent alive.


This was Cangming's first reaction at this time. Instead, he hoped that the other party could let him point. He felt that the positions of the two parties had been reversed. It is not the Martial Artist of Xinghuang, he is the real Martial Artist of Xinghuang in the eyes of the other party.

But it’s still too late, I can’t let Cangming feel too much...

At the same time, the Dualbladed Halberd in the hands of Ning Tianlin is constantly energizing Instilled, full of fierce strength.

Ignoring Cang Ming's extremely ugly expression, Ning Tianlin bends both knees slightly, holding Dualbladed Halberd tightly on the palm of his hand.

As an explosion sounded from the soles of his feet, his body exploded. Fiercely's face had turned against the body, and the slow Cang Ming slammed past.


The strong energy that suddenly struck before him caused Cangming's face to change wildly again. However, his actions at this moment are in the eyes of Medusa. Under restraint, it is too slow.

Don't try to stop the opponent's attack, even if he wants to turn around and escape, it is too late.

In that moment, in Cang Ming's extremely horrified eyes, Ning Tianlin's attack struck, and Dualbladed Halberd was fiercely fiercely, hitting his chest.


The dull sound of the contact between the two once again spread out in this empty battle circle, causing the soldiers around him to retreat. Avoid it.

The fierce enthusiasm from his chest directly made Cang Ming's face turn white, and his body suddenly fell backward.


Although Cangming suffered physical pain after being hit, he was much relieved mentally. At this moment, it seems that he is a From the hands of the most vicious bandits, the weak little girl who escaped from the dead is like a weak little girl.

Fortunately, at the last moment, Cang Ming forcibly controlled his body shape and flipped in midair for a few weeks. Finally, relying on his strong body hardness, he stumbled and fell into a pile of soldiers.

Although Cangming’s essence is partially trapped, his body movements are also slower, but as the powerhouse of the 9th Dan of the Lord of Universe, his fleshy body strength still exists. One blow would not kill him completely.


A mouthful of blood spurted again, Cang Ming, supported by the surrounding soldiers, has long lost its prestige, and the aura is wilted to the extreme.

"You all go together, kill him for me, remember the great work!"

His eyes swept across the soldiers, Cang Ming’s weak voice sounded, he really didn’t I'm in the mood to fight each other again.

There was a battle between the two sides just now. It seems that you come and I keep on going, but only between the calcium carbide sparks, I thought Master Cangming would kill this arrogant youngster.

However, none of them expected, and it was only a moment's time, that Lord Cangming, the strongest battle strength, would be defeated in such a manner.

"Master Cangming, defeated..."

"This style of painting has changed too fast, and it is completely different from what we expected..."

The soldiers who had reacted also didn't know what they were wrong for a while, looked at Master Cangming who was ailing, and then looked at the youngster who was only slightly injured...

"Hurry up, hit me. Tell me, it’s not true, I’m not dreaming..."

"This youngster is too powerful, we can’t make it yet..."

" Go up? You are stupid, Master Cangming is like that, you think you can do it, you go up..."

"What are you afraid of, there are so many of us, I don't believe he can kill him. He has also crawled him down..."

"Yes, Mr. Cangming just said that, remembering a lot, I have all the cultivation resources for this life..."


...Among the many soldiers, there are many brave and reckless soldiers who begin to stir there, and more are those who are lucky enough and want to follow behind to make a bargain.

However, when a high reward is offered, brave men will come forward, after hearing the generous terms given by Cangming, those soldiers are a little bit mad and want to go up and try.

Driven by a small number of soldiers, the soldiers behind, no matter what the above mentality, are all holding various weapons of different shapes, constantly approaching forward, and gradually shrinking the encirclement of Ning Tianlin.


After hearing the first shout, all the soldiers were ruthless in their hearts, waving their weapons in the direction of Ning Tianlin, and rushing over.

"A group of flies, it's really annoying!"

Feeling the monstrous killing intent emerging from all directions, Ning Tianlin still stands in place, bursting out of his mouth with a foul language out.

Immediately, the body's essence was mobilized extremely quickly, and the throat was constantly rolling, and the mouth was slightly opened, moved towards the soldiers who rushed over, shouted in a low voice.

"Super sound wave!"

The strong sound wave burst out suddenly, like a substantial ripple, centered on Ning Tianlin, moving towards all directions spread out.


With a crisp sound, a fierce energy fluctuation directly penetrated the obstacles of the space, radiating almost the entire chaotic part in all directions.

The sound of dull bells was so common that all the soldiers of the Mosha tribe felt their heads dizzy and their chests become stuffy.

As the sound wave energy penetrates into the soldier's body, one after another numb energy spreads rapidly, no matter how they forcefully mobilize the essence of the body to expel it, it will have no effect.

Even if some generals who react quickly, when they feel bad, they instinctively mobilize the body's essence and make adequate defenses to resist the sound waves, but they still have no effect at all.

"Damn it, what a weird sound wave, why do I feel so dizzy..."

On the pale face of Cangming behind, a look of shock appeared again, he only Feeling that as his chest becomes stuffy, his head is also buzzing, and he is completely in a coma.

"Six seconds! There are still many things you can do!"

Ning Tianlin shouted in a gloomy heart. At the same time, at the same time as the release of the super sound wave, he also recorded through the nine emperors. The Fajue of Fajue merges the different essences in his body to double the effect.

At this moment, Ning Tianlin's body is full of shocking ferocious power, and Dualbladed Halberd is clasped in his hands.

With the pressing sound of tearing air, fiercely's body was unable to move, and the soldiers of the Demon Sand Clan blasted over.



With a dull sound, on the demon sand clan soldiers It sounded quietly, although the voice was low, but it contained the real horror power in Dualbladed Halberd.

Each swing of the Dualbladed Halberd in Ning Tianlin's hand was extremely precise and blasted at the neck and neck of the most vulnerable soldiers.

The bodies of the soldiers who were hit were due to the original stress response of the body, and after a violent tremor, they moved towards the ground and fell straight.

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