As the centipede of ten thousand races vomited the space rings of those soldiers from their abdomen, Ning Tianlin roughly estimated that there are about 110 space ring holders in total.

At the moment, his figure flickered again, and under the prompt of the battle strength system, he came to a secret room in the Huncang branch and paid him all the immense wealth accumulated over the past hundreds of millions of years. In the space ring.

For Ning Tianlin's disappearance again, Enlightenment Daoxuan has become accustomed to it. For those belongings, he does not take very seriously, just things outside the body.

What he is more curious about is that the space ring on Ning Tianlin's body can hold many things, will it really not be blown up?

Let’s not talk about the things that Ning Tianlin had installed in the space ring before, just for the short time they were together. Ning Tianlin has packed all the belongings of the eight major branches. Now...

However, Wu Daoxuan did not ask Ning Tianlin too much. He knew that everyone has his own secret, but Ning Tianlin seems to be a secret all over his body. Nothing is normal. The place.

"Enlighten senior, the matter is over, let's go."

As Ning Tianlin's figure reappeared, he also pulled Wu Daoxuan's thoughts back, and after a wry smile , Helplessly shook the head, I only think that Ning Tianlin is too mysterious.

The two turned around and walked towards moved towards the branch. At the same time, for safety, with the help of Ning Tianlin medicine pill, their breath was completely hidden.

Then the bodies of the two slowly floated into the void. After a while, they turned into two black spots and disappeared into the distance.

Shortly after the disappearance of Ning Tianlin and the two, the Barrier Array arranged in this chaotic branch became weaker and weaker until it completely lost its function...

... At the same time, the Mosha Clan headquarters.

In the depths of the Cang Desert Sea Sand, among the endless yellow sand, unexpectedly began to have many grotesquely shaped huge stones.

Behind these rocks, there is an extremely magnificent castle. There is the most mysterious and powerful headquarters of the Mosha Clan!

Perhaps it was also because of receiving orders in advance to implement martial law. Now the city gate of this castle is closed tightly, and fully armed soldiers from the Mosha tribe are patrolling around the castle back and forth.

Even above the castle, more than a dozen large, pitch-black birds hovered back and forth. The generals of the Mosha tribe on the backs of the birds were looking down sharply.

And constantly scanning outside the castle, even the huge boulders in the distance are no exception, they are also within the range of scanning.

Any bit of wind and grass will be discovered by the generals of the Mosha tribe on the back of the bird, and will make a timely prediction.

If there is a trace of abnormality, it will be directly caused by the dark big bird, neighing in the void, moving towards the castle and sounding the alarm.

If Ning Tianlin and the others are here, they will find that the overall strength of the guard soldiers of this ancient castle is definitely stronger than the strength of those eight Major Branches that were destroyed by them before.

Moreover, among the Demon Sand Clan soldiers guarding, there are occasionally some Demon Sand Clan generals with weird costumes.

These weird generals are all with indifferent expressions, standing on the castle like pillars, and within several hundred zhang around them, no other Demon Sand Clan soldiers dare to set foot in it, obviously , Those soldiers are quite afraid of these magic sand generals with weird costumes.

They are all personally selected by patriarch to form the most intrepid guards of the castle, specifically responsible for the security of the castle. This is also the strongest Mosha Clan headquarters apart from the patriarch. A guarantee of

At this moment, in the distant sky, a black dot suddenly appeared. In the blink of an eye, it was the carrier's sharp wind breaking sound, moving towards the huge castle, bursting away.

Shortly after the black spot appeared, it was discovered that the pitch-black bird above the castle made a loud neigh under the sign of the Mosha tribe soldier on its back.

Suddenly, with the sound of one after another siren resounded, all the guarding soldiers became alert, and some even raised their weapons high, ready to shoot the offender at any time Falling.

When that silhouette was about to reach the hundred zhang of the castle, he suddenly stopped in the air. After bending down, he made a slightly cold voice, which was wrapped in energy and passed forward.

"Huncang branch leader, stern, pay homage to Lord Patriarch!"

Hearing this sound like a thunder, resounding in the desert, the surrounding alarm The sound also stopped abruptly, and the guarding soldiers returned to the original designated area of ​​responsibility, and everything seemed well-trained.

In the spacious and luxurious great hall, compared to other clansman clansman, a figure is huge, sitting on the large seat directly above with a gloomy face.

The gloominess on the clansman's face suddenly stretched slightly, and he looked up outside the great hall when a black shadow shot in like lightning.

"Finally someone came back alive..."

I saw that silhouette that entered the great hall, and the person on the seat couldn't help being slightly sighed in relief.

In this year's time, among the eight Major Branches of the Mosha Clan, there were seven branches, completely losing contact with the headquarters.

For these billion-year-old Martial Artists, one year is nothing at all. At most, there are cases where they have not been contacted for several consecutive years.

So, at the beginning, I didn’t pay much attention to this. Just a few days ago, after the Huncang branch found that the situation was not right, it sent a message from looking towards patriarch and said that he would go to the headquarters. .

After some investigations, all the high-level Mosha tribes were shocked, and the branches that lost contact were all like a stone sinking into the sea, completely silent.

In hundreds of millions of years, such a situation has simply not happened, and the branches have not sent any distress signals before.

The culprit responsible for all these scourges is like disappearing out of thin air. No breath can be detected. The elite soldiers sent out are all won but never returned.

What makes this angry even more is that just not long ago, the only remaining Hun Cang Division was completely lost, and before that, the Hun Cang Division had been completely The blocking happened...

No one knows what happened at that time.

"Lord Patriarch..."

Entering the silhouette of the great hall, the figure is slightly sturdy, and the slightly lowered head is faintly revealing a fierce breath.

A thin shirt was casually draped on the body, and it was also a little messy at the moment. Obviously, this was caused by the extreme speed on the road.

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