I glanced at the leader of the Hunkang Division with the strongest strength among the eight Major Branch leaders. The patriarch, who was sitting upright, sighed softly and slightly straightened his back.

The breath of superiors exudes from all over the body. This is a kind of self-confidence that holds great power all the time. Before he can finish his words, he directly searched the Sea of ​​Consciousness through Divine Consciousness. It is urgent to know why all this happened.

After a while, after not getting any useful information, he said in a low voice: "Leader Cang, it seems that our Mosha Clan seems to be in trouble this time..."

"Lord Patriarch, forgive me for my incompetence. Who is he? How come I suddenly attacked my clan."

Cang Li said in a low voice with a solemn expression. On the way, he really didn’t think about it. In the end, what kind of terrorist force has been provoked, the shot is so mysterious and very ruthless.

At this moment, his heart is also a bit afraid, for fear that patriarch will anger him for a while and damage his Divine Consciousness. Fortunately, the things that he worried about did not happen.

"Hehe, do you still care about who the other party is?"

"Since they are so interested in my Mosha Clan, then the old man will play with them!"

Mosha patriarch slapped the table in front of him with his palm heavily, and the gloomy sneer echoed in the hall. Now he has been bullied to the door of his house. Should he continue to sit still and wait for death?

The already gloomy face is now terrifying, even faintly revealing a hideous, icy voice, revealing an unparalleled killing intent.

"Presumably, their next goal is here, when the time comes, they will definitely let them won but never returned!"

Being frightened again and again nodded, to So far, there is no news about the other party in the clan. Any clansman who has met each other has disappeared mysteriously, and even the body is gone.


"Do they really dare to come..."

The stern pupils shrink slightly, I can’t help in the heart secretly He thought, this headquarters is no better than other branches, it is simply the existence of Copper Wall Iron Bastion. He estimates that the other party does not have the guts.

At the same time, a touch of worry that is difficult to conceal is revealed. If they disappear out of thin air, who should be avenged by the evil sand clan...

It seems to understand After thinking about the thoughts in his heart, the patriarch also had no longer paid attention to, because he was sure that the other party would definitely appear, and the true foundation of the Mosha Clan was here.

"You go back first."

After letting Cang Li go to the side hall to rest and adjust, the magic sand patriarch slightly hesitated for a moment, seems to be thinking about another extremely important thing , The brows are slightly frowned from time to time.

Immediately, the guard Captain Cang Lei was summoned into the hall, and after careful warning, he disappeared out of thin air from the hall with a very complicated expression, as if he was anxious to do something extremely The important thing...

...After half a month, the Mosha Clan headquarters.

In the spacious hall, one after another was filled with fanatical and warlike gazes, staring closely at the guard Cang Lei with a serious face.

Especially those guards in strange costumes who were personally selected by patriarch, they were extremely excited.

"Hehe, you generals, now the patriarch needs us to protect it. It belongs to the final dignity of our Mosha Clan. In the future, the criminals will be completely killed, everyone can dare to fight to the death!"

Relatives guard Captain Cang Lei looked at the black heads in the hall, and said in a very high mood.

A variety of strange black animal patterns are painted on his battle robe. When the animal patterns connect to his chest, two hideous clansman figures of magic sand are revealed.

The head of the portrait was slightly lifted, as if it would break out of the shirt at any time, faintly revealing a strange aura.


The neat slogan sounded loudly in the hall. Even with the concentration of thunder, I couldn't help but feel a little touched in my heart, huge murderous aura Spread out from the hall.

The leader of the Hun Cang branch on the side is stern but browses tightly knit, looking towards Cang Lei with a somewhat anxious look and asked in a low voice.

"General Canglei, we are Lord Patriarch? Why hasn't he shown up yet, this is not like his previous style of doing things."

Cang Li has been the number one since he came to the headquarters. After seeing the patriarch once, I never saw the silhouette of patriarch in the clan again. In the past, this was basically impossible, let alone now, in such a crisis situation.

What makes him even more surprised is that now some things in the headquarters, no matter how big or small, are all communicated and arranged by the guard Captain Canglei.

Just as Cang Li was about to ask why, his face suddenly changed, his cold eyes looked at the void outside the great hall, and the cold voice said: "Sure enough, it's here!"


As the sirens sounded outside the castle, the violent sense of an outsider aura that did not belong to the Mosha Clan appeared outside the castle.

The Cang Lei on the side also felt something, his face was gloomy at the moment, the two looked at each other, and then flashed out of the great hall in an instant.

There is a black silhouette of soldiers behind, and they also follow closely from behind. Everyone floats into the void, moving towards the front and flies over.

After a while, outside the castle that was already on high alert, a group of elites led by Cang Lei landed.

At this time, in the sky above several hundred zhang on the city wall, dozens of huge pitch-black birds, under the control of the soldiers on the bird’s backs, are constantly circling staggered and circling a youngster. Surrounded by it.

And the youngster obviously didn't mean to do it right away, but neither fast nor slow stepped into the sky facing the castle.

The guard soldiers who didn't receive the attack order didn't know what to do for a while. They all clenched the weapon in their hands and looked at the youngster vigilantly.

"Is this person sick, and he dare to come to our headquarters alone? I'm afraid that he will be crazy..."

"And it's just a second paragraph of Lord of Universe Martial Artist, we probably don’t even have the qualifications to watch the gate."

"No, we are on a strict line every day and are on high alert. Isn’t it just to deal with him?"

"Look at the way that guy walks. It's not recognizing one's family. It's too arrogant..."

"I guess, it should not be that simple. Maybe there is another one behind him. The battallion men and horses are lying in ambush in the distance..."

"S, too, otherwise he would not dare to lend him ten courage!"

Many elite soldiers for a time It was also whispering, discussing spiritedly, they thought there would be a crowd of black and white people, and then fought for days and nights.

But in this current situation, the difference is not a little bit compared to what was previously expected. It's like preparing to release an atomic bomb, but in the end an ant came, both of their strengths. The contrast is too great.

And the youngster ignored the various strange gazes cast from the castle, he still stepped forward in the void without fast nor slow, and the place where he settled was only left in the void. A faint ripple.

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