
A silhouette full of wild Desolate Qi came here, and the fortitude face of harmless to humans and animals revealed that it was not commensurate with his age. The composure and calmness.

This kind of temperament and temperament is far from what Ning Tianlin's age and level can match.

For Ning Tianlin at this moment, this journey of meditation was not deliberate. Just now, he borrowed the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower and Bo Wen’s body essence to become Lord of Universe two Martial Artist.

After all, Heaven and Earth here is the headquarters of the Mosha tribe. He is better prepared.

This method shocked Enlightenment Daoxuan.

He never thought that there is actually this kind of terrorism in this world, which can borrow a powerhouse body, and it is 100% manipulation.

Even the skills are their own.

As for these days, he didn't use the essence points accumulated by Ning Tianlin. He estimated that if he accumulates some more, he can break through the star famine in one fell swoop and reach the stage of Lord of Universe.

He walked all the way through the air, and now, the energy in his body has been fused with Bo Wen.

Now it seems that there is no place for abnormal people, and the energy has been completely controlled by his body.

"Sure enough, as the battle strength system says, this Mosha Clan headquarters is stationed with the most elite soldiers in the clan..."

After a while, Ning Tianlin has already left. Entering the attack range of the soldiers on the old castle, his eyes slowly swept past the soldiers who were waiting, and his expression became a little more cautious.

With the reminder of the battle strength system, he is naturally able to find some details that are difficult for others to perceive. The magic sand soldiers on this castle have exactly the same breathing rhythm.

The breath of each other is entangled with each other, and if you attack any one of them, you will be continuously attacked by other soldiers.

In addition to the positions of these soldiers, they are all very particular about it. At first glance it seems to be commonplace, but if you look closely, you will find that when these soldiers are facing the enemy, Each was able to watch and help each other in time, almost as if they were one.

If you act rashly, you will be attacked by all the soldiers, and under siege, even the top powerhouse in the Lord of Universe must temporarily avoid its edge.

"It is worthy of being a tyrant in the desert sea sand, and there are still two brushes."

With a cry, Ning Tianlin is the leader of the magic sand clan. The general couldn't help but take a high look. It must have taken a lot of time and energy to adjust the deployment of these soldiers to such an extent.

However, in his opinion, it is only aimed at others. For him, the subtle deployment and the skillful tacit cooperation are of no use.

When the Super Stealth is turned on and the Immortal Body is in the state, these defenses are all virtual, and they won't get any restraint effect on him.

At this moment, he and the castle are only close to hundred zhang, but the scene is quiet and silent, and time flows quietly while both sides are looking at each other.

Looking at Ning Tianlin's extremely calm expression, two lights and shadows outside the old castle slowly rose into the air, Cang Lei's cold voice, containing a little coldness, wandered in the void.

"Who is the newcomer, why did you trespass into our area without notification? Can you know the crime?"

Cang Lei, who also doesn't know the situation, decided to act like a precedent Said a sentence, and then made a judgment based on the reaction of the other party.

The common martial artist who is only in the second stage of the Lord of Universe, makes him really unable to consider the terrorist force that used mysterious means to destroy the Masha Eight Major Branch.

When he wants to come, he can completely eliminate the eight Major Branch of the top secret in just one year, and at least he must have a terrifying power comparable to that of the headquarters, otherwise he will definitely not be able to do so. of.

This is also the reason why he has not chosen to do it for a long time. I am afraid that this youngster is just a decoy. There may be some secret forces behind, I am afraid that they have already lurked around this ancient castle.

His gaze swept over the demon-sand clan leader with weird clothes, and the youngster found that he should have a high status in the demon-sand clan.

Because since he spoke, the soldiers behind him have also begun to secretly mobilize the energy in the body, waiting for his order, and they can make a sudden move at any time.

Ning Tianlin didn't pay attention to the other party's tone, but slightly raised his chin, her dark pupils shrank slightly, staring at the other party, faintly opened the mouth and said.

"My name, Ning Tianlin."

The plain and simple words float slowly on the huge castle, making people unable to hear the feelings in it. .

"Ning Tianlin?"

Cang Lei was taken aback?

I have never heard of this name.

Is it famous?

The doubtful eyes met sternly, and both of them shook the head immediately.

"What's the matter with you, if you dare to tell a lie, I don't mind letting you blood on the spot!"

Cang Lei's cold eyes swept over the youngster. Sweep, after reconfirming that his final battle strength is the second stage of Lord of Universe, coldly said.

The soldiers who had just been sent out to check the peripheral situation have also reported the results to him through the secret voice. No other abnormal situation was found around the headquarters.

In other words, the guy named Ning Tianlin has no accomplices, but he is really alone, so he doesn't need to be so cautious.

"Hehe, what's the matter, I'm afraid to scare you when I say it."

"Put your ears up and listen carefully. Within a year, you Mosha eighth I did the thing that completely destroyed the Major Branch."

Ning Tianlin slightly smiled, without paying attention to the other party’s unkind tone, and said softly, as if he was doing the same thing, telling this extremely Common things.

...this remark of Ning Tianlin is like smashing a huge boulder into a still lake, causing violent ripples, and it continues to spread rapidly...

All the gazes of the entire Mosha Clan were focused on Ning Tianlin, a pair of extremely scarlet eyes.

Like an angry wild beast, on the verge of running away at any time, without concealing his crazy killing intent!

If the eyes can kill people, Ning Tianlin in this case, I am afraid that there will be no more scum that will die, scattered ashes and dispersed smoke.

"Kill him!"

"Kill him..."

The monstrous killing intent that broke out instantly changed the atmosphere at this moment With swords drawn and bows bent, all the soldiers just waited for an order to go up and tear Ning Tianlin completely.

However, even in the face of such a battle, Ning Tianlin still remained calm and calm, and at the same time, the Slaughter Qi in his body suddenly burst out.

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