"hmph, just a group of mobs, is your Lord Patriarch persuaded and still dare not show up yet?"

Enveloped with energy by Ning Tianlin The sound of billowing shouts, tumbling near the old castle, only a moment later, the sound gradually dissipated.

Seeing the opponent's actions, Cang Lei wrinkled tightly. In this situation, Lord Patriarch is indeed better on the scene. The opponent's arrogant posture from the appearance to the present is obviously prepared. Come.

They have been old monsters for hundreds of millions of years, and he can naturally see that Ning Tianlin's temperament is not forcibly installed, but only if there are enough cards to have this look.

But at this time, he can't allow him to think about it anymore. For the clansman who died in vain for the Mosha tribe, this youngster must be taken down no matter what, right hand raised high, it will be heard. Order...

However, just as Cang Lei's order was about to be issued, the space in front of the castle suddenly twisted strangely.

"This old bastard, finally can't help it come out?"

Looking at this scene, Ning Tianlin was not too surprised. He appeared so high-profile, that is To attract the mysterious magic sand patriarch.

In the next moment, a huge silhouette of Dao Body slowly floated out of the distorted space and appeared in the sight of everyone.

"pay respects to Lord Patriarch!"

All the soldiers outside the castle, after that silhouette appeared, suddenly all knelt down. The voice said in the void.

"Get up all!" Mosha patriarch waved his sleeves and replied to the soldiers.

"Hehe, he is a bit bigger than others, so it's no wonder that he can be a patriarch."

After seeing the opponent's appearance, Ning Tianlin gently put out a breath, low Teased with a murmur, as long as the other party comes out, it will be easy to handle.

After investigating the body of the magic sand patriarch, he was also slightly sighed in relief, it seems that the other party has not yet integrated successfully.

"Lord Patriarch, this kid..."

With the appearance of patriarch, Cang Lei whispered forward in his ear, and then backed slightly go.

The stern on the side, under the sign of Cang Lei, moved towards patriarch slightly and moved towards patriarch behind him, standing back and left, guarding patriarch in the middle.

"Boy, you can eat rice indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately. With your strength, you might not be qualified enough to lift shoes for my soldiers!"

Sky Above, the magic sand patriarch stared with a gloomy face, this youngster with only the second stage of the universe, and at the same time suppressed some inner emotions for a while, said Sen coldly.

"Didn’t I just say it, don’t you have bad ears and didn’t hear clearly?"

Ning Tianlin glanced at each other, and at the same time scratched his ears with his fingers. Next, looked at each other provocatively, and continued with a joking expression.

"As for believing or not, that is your own business, not everyone owns your brain."

It’s no wonder that old monster is skeptical. These things Ning Tianlin did to the Mosha tribe are estimated to be placed in front of any Lord of Universe powerhouse. It is estimated that they will not believe that they will feel that the other party is in a fantasy story.

The young Martial Artist in the second paragraph of a trifling Lord of Universe killed nearly 600 Lord of Universe Martial Artists in one year, and 90% of them were , Martial Artist above the second paragraph of Lord of Universe.

It's just the Martial Artist of Lord of Universe 9dan. There are already nearly a hundred people. How can trifling 2nddan be able to do it?

If you let them know that Ning Tianlin at the time was not the Lord of Universe, but the Martial Artist of Xinghuang, and I don’t know how they would feel...

"Okay , Okay, okay."

Listening to the bad taste in the other party’s mouth, Mosha patriarch said three good words coldly, a faint chill on his pupils, lingering in them, his face continued savagely. .

"old man, no matter what power is behind you, today you will only end up with this behavior, death!"

hearing this, Ning Tianlin's eyes provoked a faint touch Sarcastically, lightly said with a smile "Only you guys with big farts? I'm afraid I don't have that strength yet." Immediately, the conversation turned and continued.

"However, what I want to say is another thing. I think your clansman who follow you should be more interested in listening to me."

Ning Tianlin was half talking, deliberately hanging the appetite of that patriarch with great interest, while at the same time, glanced at the soldiers and looked at the different expressions on their faces.

"Hehe, why didn't patriarch kill him yet, listen to his nonsense here..."

"What are we interested in? What we are most interested in now is killing you !"

"Yes, it’s chopped up ten-thousand times by a thousand blades, the kind of interest that slurps alive..."

Magic Sand Patriarch did not continue to speak. In his mind, he was also uncertain about what the other party was going to do. Anyway, it would definitely not be a good thing. He still understands the truth that more words must be lost.

However, the slight change in the slight expression can't escape Ning Tianlin's keen awareness. Although the patriarch is silent on the surface, his heart is tumbling.

"little bastard, don't be impudent!"

Slowly raise the magic sand patriarch on the right palm, and as the knots in the hands continue to change, the patriarch that permeates his palm The energy violently fluctuated, and moved towards the center of the palm began to condense.

In the end, it turned out to be condensed into a pale-yellow rotating sphere, like a substance, controlled by its spirit strength.


A ruthless magic sand patriarch flashed in his eyes, and his sleeve robe violently waved, that pale-yellow sphere was a kind of extremely terrifying The speed, moved towards Ning Tianlin on the opposite void, burst out.

The speed of the pale-yellow sphere is extremely terrifying, and wherever it passes, even the space is compressed into nothingness by that energy.

"hehe, this old bastard dog jumped the wall in a hurry. It seems that the same battle strength system is right." Ning Tianlin in the heart said.

As early as when the opponent condensed energy, Ning Tianlin was aware of it, without opening any Formation.

The energy contained in the energy ball is not what he can resist in the second stage of the Lord of Universe, and the attack speed is not what he can escape in time now.

With both eyes indifferently looking at the energy ball that was getting closer and closer, Ning Tianlin suddenly smiled strangely, obviously not taking the opponent's attack seriously.



Just when the energy ball was about to touch Ning Tianlin, there was a huge sound The muffled sound exploded on its body.

Under the gaze of all the clansman of the Demon Sand Clan, the aftermath of the explosion slowly dissipated, and the youngster just disappeared completely.

"This product is really a fierce person. It even blows up when you get so cruel!"

"Che, he played so coolly, I thought it was so powerful, but it's over? "

"That's not right, the battle strength is there, he can still turn the sky upside down..."

Looking at the self-destruct dead Ning Tianlin with a sneer, The hideous color on patriarch's face is also dissipated a lot, and at the same time in the heart coldly snorted, only the mouth of a dead person will not speak nonsense.

Before everyone had time to react too much, Ning Tianlin's figure once again appeared out of thin air in the position of self-destruct.

Ignoring the surprised gazes around, Ning Tianlin still stared at the magic sand patriarch and said with a sneer.

"I advise you, old bastard, to stop doing it again. You can’t kill me. If you don’t believe me, just try it!"

After seeing that the other party didn’t do it again , Ning Tianlin's dark eyes flashed a touch of cunning, and continued to talk about the unfinished topic.

"Lord Patriarch, to your heartfelt clansman, tell me about rare treasure."

Ning Tianlin deliberately wraps the sound with energy to ensure that those demons All the sand soldiers can hear it.

Magic Sand patriarch forcibly suppressed the killing intent in his heart, and at the same time, he was thinking about it quickly. Does the other party also know this? This rare treasure has been by his side since it was discovered. How could outsiders know the specific usage?

When I heard the other party's topic directly pointing to rare treasure, patriarch's face also appeared solemn, looking at Ning Tianlin's smiling appearance, it seemed that it was harmless to humans and animals.

But he knew that the opponent’s method would definitely not be too simple. The attack just now, even if it was also the 9th dan of Lord of Universe, would have to be a serious injury. As a result, the opponent was actually taken as a self. The way of -destruct, with no difficulty is resolved.

It also made him start to believe that what the young man said at the beginning is likely to be true. It can make the clansman skeleton of the eight Major Branch doesn't exist. This method is also very ruthless. and.

This rare treasure is no longer a secret to the members of the Mosha Clan’s headquarters. For a while, everyone was whispering and talking very quietly.

"Huh...what does this guy mean, what can rare treasure do, is it to help our demons, the breakthrough seal?"

"Yes Ah, besides this, does this rare treasure have other functions?"

"It shouldn't be, but patriarch hasn’t said anything else, how could this guy have our patriarch know There are so many, it must be nonsense..."

The soldiers of the Mosha tribe are all speculating about the meaning of Ning Tianlin's sentence, but because of the limited level, they can't get a clue for a while.

After a while, the killing intent in the gloomy face of Mosha patriarch is also thicker. This rare treasure, except for himself, should not think about the idea of ​​hitting it. For him, it is really too important. .

But he had nothing to do with the people from this year, just now, in order to prevent Ning Tianlin from talking nonsense, he killed the opponent dozens of times.

But none of them had any effect. They were all easily resolved by the other party's self-destruct method, and the figure that was condensed again was not damaged at all, even the mental state was the same as the previous one. Exactly the same.


"old man don't know what you mean by this. This rare treasure can help my family cut open seal, apart from this, there should be nothing else Is it useful?"

Masha patriarch sighed helplessly. While speaking, his eyes were fixed on the youngster, trying to see the weak spot on the other side.

"What's the meaning? It can break the seal, but you old bastard, it seems that you don't intend to use it like that?"

As Cang Lei closest to patriarch, first of all After reacting, it seemed that he had thought of something, and his face suddenly changed.

Because they could still feel that the seals in the clan are gradually decreasing, but in recent years, it seems to have been static. The seals have been maintained in the previous state, and there has never been the slightest Variety.

Cang Lei turned his head fiercely, and after looking at each other with Cang Li, he whispered in a horrified secret in his heart: "Could it be..."

"It shouldn't be Well, patriarch will definitely not do that, he must use that rare treasure to lift the seal of our Demon Sand Clan..." Cang Li took a deep breath, whispered secretly.

Both of them were full of stunned faces. Obviously, they knew something. Ordinary soldiers were even more impossible to know the secrets of the clan.

However, when I think of patriarch’s weird behavior in recent years, and the seal of the Demon Sand Clan is still in the same state as it was a few years ago, plus the youngster suddenly said that, they are also a little different. confirmed.

"This...Is patriarch really going to do that thing? But apart from this thing, there is no sealing thing anymore. There are other reasonable explanations."

Cang Li wanted to deny the idea in his head, but he himself couldn't think of a more reasonable reason.

"But... if you use rare treasure to do that, the failure rate is extremely high. If there is a slight accident, patriarch will be in great danger, when the time comes , Our magic sand clan can just..."

Cang Lei shook his head vigorously. If the guess is true, then patriarch’s approach is too risky and continues to face Cang Lei. Li Miyin said.

"Ai, Lord Patriarch has been staying in the 9th Dan Peak of Lord of Universe for too many years, maybe he is a little impatient."

"Although he usually doesn’t look I care too much about this, but I have been around him all year round, but I know that patriarch wants to be stronger."

After listening, Cang Li also let out a soft sigh, why can't he do it, realm? Staying still and anxious, but this is really too difficult.

"But now the main thing is that, regardless of the success of Lord Patriarch, the rare treasure is completely damaged, and it is still irreparable."

I just feel that the cost of doing this is too great, and the chance of success is too slim, because no one has ever succeeded before.

"If patriarch is really successful, then his strength will also become the Number One Person in this universe, presumably the seal in the desert sea sand can no longer trap him, but If it fails..."

However, no matter whether Lord Patriarch succeeds or not, this rare treasure can no longer be used for other purposes. This seal will always exist, and the magic sand clan can never be used again. There is no chance to get out of this deserted sea sand.

Both of them are sucked in a breath of cold air, lifts the head, and cast their complex eyes on the normally most respected patriarch. This is a gamble on the hope of the entire race NS.

If it is true, the price will be too great. Although their Mosha Clan has lived in this desert sea sand for hundreds of millions of years, although they can adapt, the environment here After all, it is too bad.

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