"little bastard, what are you talking about nonsense, the old man doesn't understand what you mean."

I heard what Ning Tianlin said, magic sand Patriarch's heart jerked, his complexion obviously changed differently, and at the same time he was constantly speculating about the other party's origin and intentions in the heart.

"Ai, sure enough, Lord Patriarch seems to really want to do that..."

After seeing Patriarch’s unusual reaction, Cang Lei took a deep breath He has been following the patriarch since he was a child. How can he not see the abnormality of patriarch at this moment? If it is normal, he would definitely not talk like that.

At the same time, in the heart, he also thoroughly understood what patriarch wanted to do, otherwise it would not be the reaction now.

"Bah, you shameless old bastard, don't pretend to be confused anymore, you can lie to you with a little trick, you are ignorant clansman."

Ning Tianlin looked at the other party's slumped appearance, said jokingly, not caring about his fierce eyes at all, he couldn't kill him a few more times.


The person on the side who noticed something was wrong, coughed in a dry cough, and said to Cang Lei's secret voice again.

"This kid really seems to know something. You are closest to patriarch. You said that patriarch can really use that rare treasure to break through to the Lord of Universe?"

"Well, if there is no accident, it should be possible!"

"However, this advancement is extremely dangerous. As long as a little carelessness, patriarch will be completely turned into nothing by the rare treasure. "

Thinking of the extremely small probability and the terrifying consequences, Cang Lei also gave a wry smile, shook the head helplessly, and continued.

"But if patriarch resists the past, it will really produce a very strange evolution. What will happen? I am not very clear about this. Only patriarch knows about this kind of thing... ."

Cang Lei only knows this. This was because he knew about the rare treasure when he went with patriarch.

After that, even he never saw the rare treasure again. It was always carefully collected by patriarch, and no one has seen it again.

"S...breakthrough to Lord of Universe! It turns out that there is such a possibility. It is simply too tempting. No wonder patriarch will..."

Strong Suppressing the turbulent heart at this moment, he sucked in a cold breath of air severely and deeply. He was only guessing before, not very sure, so he only felt that patriarch was betting on the future of the Demon Sand Clan.

After being confirmed by Cang Lei, Cang Li looked at patriarch from his back with profound meaning. If it were himself, he would do the same in the face of such temptations. This is indeed Too...

After the time has lasted for a while...

"You old bastard, there's no end to it, haven't you told you all about it? You can't die My..."

"Fuck you, are you crazy? Come again, you have to fight..."

"Hey, let me take a break and wait for you to fight Tired, let's continue talking..."

Ning Tianlin, who reunited his figure again, said with a speechless expression. In this moment, he was once again bombarded by the magic sand patriarch. Nearly a hundred times.

The magic sand patriarch, who constantly used his killer moves, became more and more anxious. He kept changing back and forth, using different methods to kill Ning Tianlin, but it really didn't work at all.

Even if it is the top undead powerhouse in the universe, there is a limit that it can bear. After each kill, their Spirit, Soul and Qi breath will be weaker by one point, and it cannot be truly Do not die.

But for the youngster in front of me, Life Aura simply shows no signs of abating. Every time the body is reunited, it still looks like a lively dragon and animated tiger, without any change.

"Should the body not be self-destruct exhausting? When did it become so easy to breathe?"

Magic sand patriarch, who has exhausted its methods, is The more he fought, the more frightened he became. He was a bit about to doubt life. After living for hundreds of millions of years, he also believed that he knew all kinds of strange secret histories in the universe.

However, Ning Tianlin's situation, not to mention having met, he has never heard of it, this is simply an invincible existence.

"Is it...?"

Can't find any reason to explain. Under Ning Tianlin's situation, Mosha patriarch felt that he had a problem. NS.

"Hey, No way, try again..."

Immediately, a horrible energy group flew out again, but this time the goal was no longer It was Ning Tianlin, but turned to a fragmentary building next to him.


As he expected, the extremely hard building shattered after being attacked by energy.

Seeing that the terrifying power in the energy is still there, the magic sand patriarch looked at Ning Tianlin suspiciously, he really had no way to take the other party.

After failing to kill Ning Tianlin successively, Mosha patriarch had some suspicions just now, thinking that there was a problem with his own battle strength, so he didn't bombard the opponent.

Until, after seeing the building next to him shattered under his attack, Mosha patriarch realized the real problem, this Ning Tianlin is really unkillable!

After the patriarch sighed extremely helplessly, the scene was silent...

"You disobedient old bastard, what are you doing so much in vain..."

Ning Tianlin, who was once again condensed in figure, stretched out a comfortable lazy waist at random, shook the head rather helplessly, and said to the enchanted sand patriarch with a mocking look.

Magic Sand patriarch's Old Zhang face is also ugly to the extreme. In these hundreds of millions of years, no one simply dared to speak to him like that, let alone a hairless brat with hairs not even grown yet.

"Observing?" He dignified Head of a Clan, who would you like to listen to? It has always been others who listened to him, and those who were disobedient had already been killed by him in this desert.


coldly snorted, the magic sand patriarch wanted to kill Ning Tianlin so madly, just to stop him from talking, how could it be effortless ?

It's just that those attacks on Ning Tianlin didn't have any effect. If the attack was on another Lord of Universe, the magic sand patriarch was sure that it would definitely blow the opponent with bones and scum.

"old bastard, I know a secret history about your magic sand clan, it is quite violent, do you want to hear it?"

I ignored the vicious pair of magic sand patriarch With a look in his eyes, Ning Tianlin cleared his throat and continued loudly said.

"If the battle strength of the magic sand patriarch reaches the Lord of Universe Peak, then if there is enough chance, there will be a chance for a strange evolution."

" Hey, are you listening to old bastard? Tell the clansman to you, am I right?"

Looking at the magic sand patriarch playfully, the expression on that face is constantly changing, Ning Tianlin He paused intentionally and said jokingly.

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