Note: This chapter is a third chapter added for "Tears Without Marks".

"Brother, what do you mean by this..."

Ning Rong looked confused, and didn't know what the other party meant by saying this to himself. Do you think that if you are so miserable about what you are saying now, I will give you money to buy a real gold necklace, or buy your car back at the original price?

"Big brother, I said this to remind you that this house cannot be bought!"

The bald guy almost cried, "Because these things happen In the last three months!"

"At this time, our company is about to go bankrupt, and all the stocks purchased have dropped their limit. As an absolute old driver, I have been driving for 20 years, and I am really good on the road. I was hit by a pig."

"Just drink cold water, I have a toothache!! But I brush my teeth every day, and never have a toothache! Once I went to the hospital for a checkup, I turned out to have a bad toothache. Wisdom teeth have grown! Big brother, have you ever seen someone at my age who still has wisdom teeth."

The bald-headed man said more and more aggrieved, and finally pointed to this hall and said, "big brother, you know this Why is it?"

"It’s because I bought a hardcovered house here three months ago and moved in the next day. These three months have continued to happen."

"I used to have a family of 200 million! But now, I have to sell cars and pants to pay off my debts! Next time I come here, I guess I can afford a public bicycle. You can’t even take a bus."

The bald guy wiped his nose and continued, "So, big brother, you must never buy a house here. I am a lesson from the past, a living example of bad luck! Maybe you bought a house here, like me next month, you are going to live on the street!"

"Big brother, the feng shui here is not good, it is a sign of breaking the house and worshiping wealth!"


"I...I feel bitter in my heart."

After the bald man said, the whole hall is very quiet, Ning Tianlin did not speak, Ning Rong did not speak, it turns out that the other party What I want to express is that the feng shui in this community is not good, which is very unfavorable to the owner!

"Cao Dafa, don’t talk nonsense. We are here in Feng Shui Treasure Land. There are so many officials and nobles who live here. Why don’t you see them going downhill? It must be you who have been memorizing recently, and you are out of luck. , That's the case."

At this moment, a sales lady in the lobby could no longer listen, and retorted. If this Cao Da made a mess, who would buy a house with them in the future? No one buys a house, what do they eat and drink!

Moreover, their sales ladies are no strangers to Cao Dafa. They all know that he has been here several times. It's just that they are sales ladies and not developers, how could they be able to solve his request.

"Feng Shui Treasure Land of shit!"

Cao Dafa was polite to Ning Rong, and to Ning Tianlin's family. First, because he had just made a mistake, he almost ran into Ning Tian. Xin, secondly, this one is not easy to provoke at first glance. He at the peak period may not be able to compare to each other. Besides, he lives in the bathroom poorly now, how dare he yell at others .

Although he was originally a nouveau riche, he still knows that the real upper-level figures are angry, which is really terrifying! If you move your mouth, you will be ruined and your family will be ruined!

But in front of these sales ladies, he Cao Dafa is not so good-tempered. At any rate, he is also a client. On the spot, he pointed to the sales lady’s face and cursed, "Feng Shui Treasure Land, I can become this. Looks like? Can Feng Shui Treasure Land make me on the verge of bankruptcy in just three months? Can Feng Shui Treasure Land make me unable to even afford Gold Chain now?"

"This prodigal Speed, Tamar is faster than I gamble!

Cao Dafa firmly believes that all of his is caused by buying this house! Before he didn’t buy this house and moved in, it went smoothly. But now, he is going to be hit by a pig on the road!

"What you said is true? "

At this time, the bald middle age person who was not far away, did not know when he came over, looked at Cao Dafa, and asked very seriously. He is also a person of Fengshui, for this, It is also very important.

This is the first time he has come to see the house. If he really thinks it is suitable, he will bring a Feng Shui master over. If the other party shakes his head and disagrees, he will definitely immediately. If you leave, no matter how good the location is, and the price is more favorable, he will not make any consideration.

Especially from the moment he becomes famous, he is very particular about this.

"Although I Cao Dafa is unreliable in doing things, my speech is definitely spitting and spitting. All my back words happened after I bought the house here and moved in! "

"I didn't believe this before, Cao Dafa, but now I really believe it, and I still believe it! "

"I came here today to completely tear my face with this developer. I have been here many times before without giving me any results, but today, if they procrastinate, If you don't check out, I...I just smashed this place! "

Speaking, looking aggressively at the salespeople around, even with Jingjing next to Ning Tianlin, she didn't dare to look at him.

"You want to check out ? "

This bald middle age person was taken aback. He had never heard of something. He hadn’t heard of a house that could be returned after he bought it. He only stopped buying and turned around and reselled it.


"Well. "

"I want to check out. "

This Cao Dafa also blushed, but his skin was a bit dark at first, and he couldn't see much, but he also knew that this check-out request was too ridiculous, so how could he buy a house and give it back to his legs? Yes, I thought it was buying clothes and vegetables.

It’s just that he really has troubles. He can’t open the company’s capital turnover now, and the capital chain has been broken. After trying every possible way, he can’t fill this hole. , And it’s getting bigger day by day. As long as the house is sold, this urgent need can be solved.

If not, he really wants to sell himself in the Cowherd’s shop!

And he also tried to sell the house to others, but those who can afford a house here are either rich or expensive. Few upstarts like him come to join in the fun. After all, the house price is at least tens of millions. , Not everyone can afford it.

And those who can pay the money will definitely ask in detail why he wants to sell the house and if something happened. According to those people Means, it’s not difficult to get the information you want.

When you hear that Feng Shui is not good, buying a house is extremely unlucky. How many people are willing to spend this amount of wronged money.

Therefore, he Cao Dafa was helpless, so he could only put this account on the developer, hoping that they could take back the house, even if they gave less money. But the developer is not easy to mess with, things are all like this. , How can the house be sold, it is absolutely impossible to give him back.

Moreover, there has never been such a precedent.

"Is it so evil? "

Ning Rong and Chen Xi looked at each other, and they could see the hesitation in their eyes.

Note: The next chapter is around 11:10, and there are two more chapters today. .

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