Note: Add chapter 4 for "Tears Without Marks".

Although Ning Rong and Chen Xi were originally ordinary persons, they have never stopped in their ears according to Feng Shui. No mirror can face the bed, and no one can have a sleeping head. Crossbeam, what door can't be right, all kinds of feng shui taboos emerge one after another.

Besides, they are the kind of people who would rather be trusted but untrustworthy, so hesitated in their eyes when they heard this. If the feng shui is not good enough to live in, their family will continue to be unlucky like this Cao Dafa, then buying this house is not the same as buying a bomb.

"Big brother, sister-in-law, so you must not buy the house here, it will be unlucky! I am a lesson from the past." At this time, Cao Dafa continued to persuade.

"Cao Dafa, what are you talking nonsense!! Hurry up, pull him down for me!"

At this time, walked into a middle age person with eyes from outside the door, four He was more than ten years old, wearing a decent gray coat, shiny leather shoes, and five or six brawny man behind him. As soon as he walked in, he heard Cao Dafa instigating guests not to buy a house, and his lungs suddenly exploded.

His house can't be sold, what does he eat and drink! What does he use as a developer to pay his employees? This Cao Dafa is completely a mouse now and wants to spoil a pot of porridge! Disgusting!

With a wave of your hand, you have to let the brawny man behind you drag this Cao Dafa out quickly, and when these people are gone, you will be able to break the door with this Cao Dafa!

"What are you doing!"

"What are you doing!"

"If any of you dare to come over, I will hack someone to death!"

Of course Cao Dafa saw the group of people who walked in. Not only was he not afraid, but he turned around and took out a Mountain Splitting Saber with a sheath directly from the pants on his back. It was more than a foot long. Pointing at five or six people angrily roared.

He even dared to hit the door today, that is, he has the heart of cutting off one's means of retreat. If he can’t repay the house today, within a few days, his company will completely break the capital chain. When the time comes, he can only sleep on the street!

I still don’t fight, do I really want to fight on the main road?

"Dad, mom, Tianxin, you stay behind."

At this time, Ning Tianlin stepped forward and pulled his parents' younger sister behind him, he didn't Expect, bought a house, and watched such a good show. He even took a bald middle age person not far from him and followed the two bodyguards, leaning back, obviously not wanting to wade into the muddy water this time.

"Cao Defa! Put the knife down for me! If you dare to mess around here today and hurt your guests, I promise Liu Zhixiang that you will definitely be in prison for a lifetime! I'll sit for you in one less day!"

Middle age person Liu Zhixiang squinted his eyes, and a cold light radiated from the glasses. For many years, no one dared to move a knife in front of him. Cao Dafa really didn’t know. How to write dead words!

In Beijing North City, although Liu Zhixiang can't hide the sky with one hand, but you, Cao Dafa, are more than enough! He eats black and white!

"Go to jail?"

"I'm so scared!"

Cao Dafa complexion changed, but he still gave up and said with a sneer loudly, "Today If you don’t return my house to me, and you don’t need to send me in, the clients that my company owes in bankruptcy will send me in!"

"Anyway, it’s all going to jail, what am I afraid of! "

"Whoever dares to come over, I will stab someone to death!"

Although Cao Dafa is a nouveau riche, he is also such a nouveau riche. There is a rash who is struggling from the bottom. The air, coupled with a sturdy figure, a tall head, and soaring, really frightened the other five or six people so that they wouldn't move for a while.

“Ding! ”

At this moment, Ning Tianlin’s ear suddenly heard the voice of the battle strength system, “Feng Shui is a unique metaphysics of Earth. The technique is illusory, but there are also traces to follow. Since the host has personally contacted the Tao of Feng Shui for the first time, he should get a good understanding and practice."

"The mission is now released to change the destiny of Cao Dafa! "

"Since his luck was defeated by Feng Shui, let his luck be prospered by Feng Shui again! This can also help the host to buy a new home in Feng Shui. Lose."

"The mission is completed, rewards two thousand vitality points. If the mission fails, five thousand vitality points are mandatory."

Where is this!

Ning Tianlin was a little dazed, watching a scene with good deeds, unexpectedly came a mission! It's still about Feng Shui! But his Ning Tianlin is not even aware of this Feng Shui, how can he help Cao Defa in this Feng Shui!

However, he was also shocked. The battle strength system said so. It seems that the ruin of Cao Defa's house is really related to this Feng Shui! Feng Shui really restrained his vigor!

He used to just listen and play, but now, he can't ignore it. After all, their family is about to buy a house. If the feng shui is not good and things go wrong all the time, although he has the battle strength system, he is not afraid, but it will definitely be a lot of trouble to deal with it.

Just, how can he help Cao Defa? Change his fate that was corrupted by Feng Shui.

"Are there any secrets about Feng Shui in the exchange platform."

Ning Tianlin was the first to think of it, of course, the battle strength system. It can only be seen from its body. Could not find the breakthrough port.

""Feng Shui Metaphysics", the price is 5,000 points." Battle strength gave the answer directly.

"So much!" Ning Tianlin was taken aback, the price is too high, five thousand points of energy, he now has less than 300 points, and he simply can't afford it! And he also knew very well that these five thousand points were just the essence points needed to redeem this "Feng Shui Metaphysics".

Whether you can understand it or not learn it is another matter.

"How many points do you need to thoroughly master this secret technique?" Without the master's instruction, Ning Tianlin thought that he could only control this secret technique directly through the exchange of essence points, which was directly added by the battle strength system. To yourself, it is simple and effective.

"There are seven chapters in "Feng Shui Metaphysics". To master First Chapter, you need two hundred essence points. Second Chapter four hundred, Third Chapter eight hundred, Fourth Chapter sixteen, and so on, all multiplied by Two."

Your sister!

This is over 10,000!

Ning Tianlin's head was stunned, and after such a calculation, from the exchange of "Feng Shui Metaphysics" to complete mastery, there is no 15,000 points of essence, and it can't come down!

"No way."

"I have to think of a way."

Ning Tianlin directly dispelled this idea, so it’s not cost-effective to calculate it like this, besides. This kind of feng shui metaphysics, I don't know whether it is useful or not after I walk out of Earth. The current essence points should all be used for upgrades and battle strength.

But soon, a silhouette appeared in his mind, an old man with a beard and gray hair. Since he knows fortune-telling, he should have dabbled in Feng Shui.

Note: There is still a chapter in the evening. It is estimated that it will be around one point. If you are sleepy, let's watch it tomorrow morning, sorry.

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