After reaching a certain level, suddenly, a majestic energy was quickly poured into this new energy body.

At the same time, a Ning Tianlin in an illusory state floated out. At first, he closed his eyes tightly, but he trembled slightly. After an instant, his eyes suddenly opened.

The original dark eyes, but now they have a different look, one side is the dark eyes belonging to the youngster.

On the other side, there are muddy eyes that belong to the elderly. Both appear on the same person at the same time, which is extremely strange.

"Is this the power of the nine segments belonging to the Lord of Universe, it is really strong!"

Feeling the majestic energy suddenly rushing from the body, after a long time, Ning Tianlin Mumbling to himself, it seems that in terms of pure battle strength, his gap is indeed very large.

Just when all the soldiers of the Mosha tribe thought that the trapped Ning Tianlin was inevitable, they suddenly discovered that a majestic ripple of strength suddenly centered on Ning Tianlin. Burst out.

I saw where the vigor passed, the countless small pieces of meat that were shattered in the energy spiral, quickly moved towards, and the illusory body of Ning Tianlin gathered in the past.

"Fuck, he is still alive! He has been explodes into waste, and he is not dead yet!"

"What the hell is going on? How can this be alive? Go down!"

In the gaze of hundreds of Demon Sand Clan soldiers, Ning Tianlin not only didn't, but fell as they expected.

On the contrary, on the original basis, the battle strength realm suddenly skyrocketed for several stages, and the energy spiral body that has been steady and steady also gradually appeared some small fluctuations under this change.

In one after another shocked and incredible gaze below, Ning Tianlin, who was in an illusory state, gradually condensed a substantial fleshy body at the speed visible to naked eye.

This sudden change made the soldiers of the Demon Sand Clan a little bit overwhelmed. They knew the destructive power in this energy spiral better than anyone else.

Ning Tianlin's realm simply can do this, even more how is being explodes into waste.

But at this moment, they do feel Ning Tianlin's strength again, and that kind of strength is not like a paper tiger, it is a flash in the pan of bluffing, but the real powerhouse should have the surging energy .

"Is this youngster hiding his true strength at first? Is this his real realm?"

"It shouldn't be, if you really have this ability , Can he stupidly make us blast into that terrible picture?"

"I think so, it is no less than the painful torture of frustration and ashes, it is really not what ordinary people can bear. Unless the guy is a pervert and has serious self-masochistic tendencies!"

"According to my estimation, this youngster suddenly became stronger because of his use of some secret technique."

"Yes, it must be the case. This kid really took the risk, relying on the secret technique to improve his strength, it will definitely not last long, and after the maintenance time has passed, he will definitely receive a greater backlash."

Ning Tianlin is still alive. This has obviously become a reality. Those Demon Sand Clan soldiers can only focus on the realm changes of Ning Tianlin at this moment.

Using the secret technique to forcibly enhance strength will bring irreversible repercussions. This is common knowledge in the universe. Even the magic sand tribe who have never left the desert sea sand naturally know these. .

And they also know that the higher the stage of realm promotion, the more serious the consequences will be.

Obviously, these Mosha soldiers all think that Ning Tianlin's current state belongs to this situation.

It’s the so-called, the last crazy counterattack of the trapped beast. Simply don’t worry too much. Even if they don’t do anything, as long as they maintain the formation, Ning Tianlin’s end will not be much better. go.

Looking at the void again, the expressions of the soldiers of the Demon Sand Clan changed from shock at the beginning to full-faced contempt.

Even if your Ning Tianlin becomes stronger, it’s just a grasshopper after autumn. It is estimated that before the energy spiral body has jumped out, you will suffer a serious backlash, because they feel it from Ning Tianlin. The person has gone through several stages!


Ning Tianlin, who has adapted to the surging energy in the body, slowly floats in the energy spiral, although it will still be shattered again.

But with Ning Tianlin’s current battle strength, the speed of the condensed fleshy body is really much faster. Compared with the speed of recondensing, the speed of breaking the fleshy body is not enough to threaten Ning. Tianlin is gone.

"This power is completely controllable, it is simply free!"

There is an almost numb look on Ning Tianlin's face, and the fleshy body is constantly broken and reunited. , This kind of pain is extremely painful, and the more times it repeats, it really doesn't feel anymore.

"Try this power first!"

In the energy spiral, Ning Tianlin waved his fist out of thin air, mixed with the horrible vigor that makes people have one's hair stand on end, fiercely The moved towards the energy wall smashed in anger.


With a dull sound, only a few small cracks appeared in the energy wall, but these damages were supplemented by the energy of the soldiers of the magic sand clan outside. After that, it was restored to its original state again.

"Although it is very hard, it still has some effect, not bad!"

This result is better than Ning Tianlin's previous expectations, based on the energy in his body. In terms of the degree of vigor contained.

It is not enough to have the power to solve the energy wall, but after passing that blow, Ning Tianlin found that the latter's ability to withstand blows is not invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable.

"I really don't know the immensity of heaven and earth, that kid actually wants to break the energy wall with his fist, it's ridiculous!"

The soldier of the Mosha tribe below saw Ning Tianlin After the actions, they all said with a sneer confidently. In their opinion, this is basically impossible.

Although they don't know how strong Ning Tianlin is after using the secret technique, but from the effect of Ning Tianlin's previous collision with the energy wall.

It is also possible to see the leopards in their own eyes. Although it is very strong, it is still within their controllable range.

At the same time in order to guard against the unexpected, still continue moving towards the spiral body inputting energy until the latter reaches saturation.

"A group of mentally retarded people, really think this can trap me?"

After seeing the toughness of the energy wall, Ning Tianlin coldly snorted, in the heart is also ready Plot against, although there is a half probability, it is enough for him.

Looking at the energy wall faintly, Ning Tianlin's hands changed various strange gestures on his chest, and the different energies in the body were also constantly activated under the mobilization of Fajue.

"Nine Emperors Stars Record!"

According to the previous experience, Ning Tianlin is already familiar with the cooperation between law determination and gestures.

Immediately, one after another fierce energy in his body rushed and leaped, and as they merged with each other, there was a burst of muffled thunder.

His complexion calmly felt the changes in the energy of the body's essence, Ning Tianlin's faster and faster gestures also came to an abrupt end.

After a moment of silence, he gently put out a breath, his right hand stretched out slowly, and Dualbladed Halberd also held it out of thin air from his palm.

The fusion energy in his body, at this moment, is like boiling water, violent, and the circles are rich enough to be like a substantial energy body. Under his control, moved towards the Dualbladed Halberd in his hand. Infuse the past.

Under the fluctuation of energy, Ning Tianlin's sleeve robe rises automatically without wind, hunting and hunting, and his body, without any leverage, begins to levitate up in the air.

The Dualbladed Halberd in his hand slowly moved up, and finally pointed at a certain fixed position of the energy wall diagonally. At this moment, the Dualbladed Halberd trembled slightly, just for a moment, the cold glow rose sharply.

"This hole, I have set it!"

The anger fell, the horrible energy fluctuated, and finally a riot, a fierce energy, like a breakthrough in the sky , Hiding the sky and covering the earth bursts away at the energy wall.


The hard energy wall, under the pressure of the fierce Dualbladed Halberd, actually burst into one after another crack that spread to the several feet.

Feel the terrifying power on Dualbladed Halberd, the demonic sand soldiers below were all sluggish and panicked by Ning Tianlin's sudden destructive power!

"Crazy man! This power is too terrifying."

The terrifying power contained in this hit has exceeded their limit of Ning Tianlin's strength estimation, because in In their cognition, no one has yet been able to blast the energy wall out of the cracks.

I thought that Ning Tianlin's secret technique to improve advanced battle strength was already his strongest battle strength, but any one of them would not think that Ning Tianlin would build on this basis. It can increase the battle strength several times again!

"How is this possible, how did he do it? You know, his true strength is only the second paragraph of Lord of Universe! The second paragraph of Martial Artist!"

The soldier of the Demon Sand clan who reacted first, after seeing the cracks in the energy spiral body continue to expand, realized the thorny problem of the problem, and shouted at the panicked clansman.

"Don't be stupid, everyone, hurry, and quickly replenish energy for the big array!"

"Never let him out, otherwise, none of us can survive!"

"The energy must not belong to him. Everyone resists it. He won't last long!"

These Demon Sand Clan soldiers hurriedly dealt with it, one after another Jing Qi rises from their bodies, and finally converges in the past through the Formation moved towards energy spiral.

With this, the cracks in the energy wall stopped expanding, and there has been a trend of gradual healing.

Although the energy wall is supplemented by energy, it also has the limit that it can bear. After reaching the saturation state, it can only continue to be maintained, rather than continue to expand.

If energy is forcibly poured on this basis, the energy spiral will be burst and broken without waiting for Ning Tianlin to act.

"hmph, the reaction is quite fast, but it's still too late!"

"A bunch of idiots, no matter who this power belongs to, at least it can be mobilized by me now!"

Ning Tianlin is coldly snorted, this is only with the help of external force, it is not a so-called secret technique, as long as the crisis is still there, then this state can continue forever, let alone the so-called backlash .

It’s not a frog in well, but no one would have thought that a powerhouse of the 9th dan of the Lord of Universe would be completely voluntary by a Lord of Universe II. The Martial Artist of the segment temporarily merged.

"Today, I want to see how you are trapping me!"

The pupils of the eyes suddenly shrank, and his face became a little dignified. Ning Tianlin shouted in a low voice and held it again. Dualbladed Halberd bullied himself up, still in the same position where he attacked last time.

The difference is that this time, he desperately grasped Dualbladed Halberd with both hands, and started the most violent impact against the energy wall. The powerful imposing manner of the press forward is even better than I was more brave last time.


Suddenly, a loud thunderous noise exploded in the energy spiral, and a terrifying impact came out of the collision. .


A crack full of several zhang wide bursts again at the tip of the Dualbladed Halberd and spread out in an irregular shape.

The remaining shock wave directly penetrates the outer periphery of the energy wall, and continues to spread beyond the energy spiral.


The leaked impact seems to have been weakened a lot, but in comparison it is still huge. The object is directly split into two halves.

The neat incisions penetrated through, and some of the buildings that fell down, moved towards, fell down suddenly, and fell directly below to shatter, swaying several hundred zhang high billowing yellow sands.

"This impact force is too terrifying, I am afraid it is the full strength attack of the patriarch at the peak period, it cannot be done!"

Even if it is far away from Ning Tianlin , The shock wave that swept across the void still caused the faces of the Mosha tribe to change suddenly.

It was just a small aftermath that leaked out, and it was already so strong, the terrifying heavy blow in the energy spiral, they asked themselves, no one can take it down.

Even if you simply stand in the energy spiral, the aftermath of this heavy blow will touch these Demon Sand Clan soldiers, and they will probably be severely injured on the spot.

Don't dare to slacken the slightest, all the soldiers of the Mosha tribe are trying their best to replenish energy to the energy spiral. The battle strength displayed by Ning Tianlin has already made their hearts tremble a bit.

"This rubbish tortoise shell, hasn't it been broken yet?"

Ning Tianlin, whose battle strength has increased greatly, is also somewhat be eager to have a try at this moment. He is indeed full. strength attack, but he knew that it was not his limit.

"hehe, then I'll give you a bit more jerk!"

Ning Tianlin took a deep breath, still keeping the previous Dualbladed Halberd, the action of inserting the energy wall unchanged.

Before the energy repair of the crack was completed, he controlled his body and floated to a line with Dualbladed Halberd, still holding his hands tightly on it.

Immediately, he suddenly rotated his body, and the Dualbladed Halberd in his hands, driven by his arms, also rotated.

In an instant, he has completed the first three-hundred and sixty-degree positioning rotations, and the strong wind around him also brought up the slightest splitting the air sound.

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