Repeat the same action, both of his hands are being driven by the body while rotating at the same time, and under the effect of the reciprocating inertia, the rotation speed is getting faster and faster.

At this moment, Ning Tianlin is like an electric drill that drives the horsepower to the maximum gear, and the Dualbladed Halberd in his hand is just the hardest part of the drill.

The faster his body rotates, the more precise and violent the fixed-point destructive power produced by Dualbladed Halberd.

Accelerating suddenly, the two violently rubbed together, and the sharp and ear-piercing Weng sound suddenly exploded, spreading to the entire void.


As the sound passed into the ear canal, the Mosha soldiers directly shook the hearts of the soldiers below, looking at Ning Tianlin in horror. Strong offensive, for fear that he would break through the wall of energy.

Ning Tianlin relies on the agility of the movement method, every time he rotates his figure, a dazzling circle of afterimages will be drawn. Dualbladed Halberd's offensive is also continuous like waves.

Although the energy wall is constantly replenished by the soldiers below, the speed of self-repair is not slow, but under such a high-density fixed-point attack by Ning Tianlin, it has begun to collapse...

In this way, time quietly passed by one minute and one second, and Ning Tianlin's continuous offensive against the energy wall also showed the result.

"It's dizzy..."

The continuous high-speed rotation in a spurt of energy makes Ning Tianlin a little unbearable, and the symptoms of dizziness and vertigo are also random From here.

The strangeness of forcibly pressing the body, just when Ning Tianlin was about to vomit himself, the resistance to Dualbladed Halberd was suddenly much smaller...

"True Hard, it's just a hard poke!"

"But, is it finally going to be broken now!"

As Ning Tianlin's voice fell, the piercing buzzing in the void suddenly came to light However, the Dualbladed Halberd in his hand was directly on the energy wall and drilled a halberd-pointed hole.

The strong penetration of Dualbladed Halberd directly caused one after another larger crack to spread on the wall of energy.


As the Dualbladed Halberd was suddenly drawn out by Ning Tianlin, the energy spiral that seemed to be still strong burst from the entrance of the hole.

“bang! ”

A muffled explosion resounded across the sky, fragments of energy spirals flying all over the sky, broken energy blocks permeated the void, with the The energy has completely passed away before it disappeared.


"How is this possible, this is Clan Protecting Great Array, it will simply not be broken!"

The void is shattered. In the scene, the magic sand soldiers below were all taken aback, their faces almost sluggish.

In their eyes, this big formation represents the last line of defense of their family. In these hundreds of millions of years, they have relied on this Formation to resist foreign invasion of the Powerhouse, and they have never failed once.

Today, Clan Protecting Great Array was forcibly shattered by a youngster by the strength of oneself, which made them unable to relax for a while.

Because of the maintenance of Formation, these magic sand soldiers are required to continuously infuse energy. Now that the Formation is broken, the terrifying energy strength of Backlash is also reflected.

"Pu chi!"

At this moment, the blood of those Mosha tribe soldiers rolled, a mouthful of Yinhong blood, violently gushing out of their mouths, sluggish faces The above is even more pale.

The different positions of their original levels are finally broken and chaotic, and they are better able to stop their body shape and barely stand in place.

Those soldiers of the Mosha tribe with poor strength directly flew upside down, lying heavily on the yellow sand.

At the same time, at the moment when the energy spiral was shattered, a shadow exploded fiercely from it. In an instant, it appeared in the void above the head of the Demon Sand Clan soldier.

"Fuck, I've beaten Laozi for so long, now it's Laozi's turn to beat you!"

The anger hidden in Ning Tianlin's heart finally broke out completely, Dualbladed Halberd suddenly waved, and the surging power entrained every sound of violent sound.

With a speed that is not as fast as the eye, moved towards the nearest Demon Sand Clan soldier below, fiercely blasted it down.

Ning Tianlin wanted to give it a try, how strong is the ultimate battle strength in his body now, so he didn't use battle strength formation, but swooped down in his current Peak state.

He feels that with the blessing of the Nine Emperor Gods Recording Law Jue, it is somewhat difficult to kill these disintegrated Demon Sand Clan soldiers, but compared to just smashing the Clan Protecting Great Array body , It should be simpler.

Ning Tianlin, holding the Dualbladed Halberd, arrived in the blink of an eye, and the soldiers of the Mosha tribe who couldn't stand back could only rush into the battle.


Dozens of demon-killing soldiers raised their arms fiercely, and the weapons in their hands were gathered and superimposed on the top to form a circular spear array.

The point of the sharp spear points, which are all crossed in one place, is the place where Ning Tianlin volleys down in the air.

“Ding! ”

As soon as the two touched, a metal clamor echoed, Ning Tianlin’s downward slash, surrounded by dozens of soldiers In the middle, it can stop the body shape.

"The power of this guy is really strong!"

The soldiers who were struggling to support swallowed the blood churning in their bodies forcibly, one after another spreading the cracks of several feet, From the yellow sand where they stood on their feet, they gradually moved towards the back and spread.

"hmph, overestimate one's capabilities!"

It's just the moment of stalemate. The huge force penetrated from Ning Tianlin's arm and gathered on the Dualbladed Halberd, and the huge power directly moved towards Smashed down below.


With a loud noise, the weapons blocked by dozens of soldiers were forcibly shattered in the stalemate with Ning Tianlin's terrorist power.

The figure descended to Ning Tianlin in the encirclement of the soldiers, stopped out of thin air, and re-turned the Dualbladed Halberd, taking the feet as the center of the circle, suddenly turning around once.

In the horrified eyes of everyone, the Dualbladed Halberd in his hand stood upright, and struck each soldier's chest in turn.

"Damn it!"

The Mosha soldier whose face was pale instantly, under the blow of Ning Tianlin, his figure moved towards different directions and flew upside down, with blood in his mouth In the void, it could not stop spraying out.


With a muffled sound, the soldiers who flew upside down fell heavily on the yellow sand below, and the aura in the body was also wilted. Many, obviously bode ill rather than well.

"One move!"

"This guy, how much battle strength is this guy now, he can do more than a dozen people with just one move!"

" Fuck, how do we fight with this abnormal battle strength?"

Seeing the scene of Ning Tianlin just now, the remaining Mosha tribe soldiers were all dumbfounded, and said to each other in amazement.

Ignoring the surprised gazes around, Ning Tianlin looked far away indifferently, looking for the densest place where the soldiers of the Demon Sand Clan gathered.

A sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, holding Dualbladed Halberd tightly in his hand, and flew past, staring at one after another with horrified eyes.

Dualbladed Halberd with fierce strength, fiercely hit the forehead of the nearest soldier of the Mosha tribe in that direction.

Suddenly, a deep crack was cut, from the left forehead to the right ear, and the white bones inside were smashed together. Yin Hong’s blood shot out from the inside, almost The whole head was stained blood red.

"Pu chi!"

Not surprisingly, under Ning Tianlin's full strength attack, the soldier who was too late to make any resistance, his brain was shattered, with a bunch of After the minced meat burst out, his body also fell straight down.

"It's so cruel, he is just a butcher!"

"What a terrifying lunatic!"

Being a soldier of the Mosha tribe behind, look When the soldier's miserable situation came, he was terrified at Ning Tianlin's cold-blooded means, and they all took a breath of cold breath and said in panic.

"It's not that he uses the secret technique, and the duration will not be very long. How do you see that he is still full of energy?"

I originally thought that Ning Tianlin was forcibly increasing the battle strength. When breaking through the Clan Protecting Great Array, it will definitely consume its own energy very much. Even if it can continue to fight, it is basically impossible to be as strong as it is now.

In the moment when these Mosha soldiers were talking quietly, as Ning Tianlin's hands rose and fell, several more soldiers fell to the ground in the same tragic manner...


"It's over, it's dead..."

"It is estimated that we have to be beaten to death by him before he is backlashed by the secret technique!"

Looking at Ning Tianlin's terrifying and bloody offensive, some timid soldiers from the Mosha tribe trembled slightly, and their chests kept undulating.

"No, you can't just sit and wait like this!"

And after recognizing the status quo, another group of soldiers of the Mosha tribe knew that timidity had no effect. The fierceness in the body was aroused, holding on to the idea of ​​letting go, and fighting to the death.

At this moment, he has also become extremely hideous, his eyes are staring bitterly, and he is waving the Dualbladed Halberd Ning Tianlin, that looks like he can't wait to smash him into pieces.

"Why do you care so much? Anyway, it's death anyway, I'm trying to fight!"

The sneer of the gnashing teeth, the physical fear, and the mentality The frantic anger on the upper hand was suppressed.

After smashing the last Demon Sand Clan soldier in the area to the ground with the Dualbladed Halberd, Ning Tianlin glanced indifferently, the corpses of the Demon Sand Clan soldier standing in a row under his feet, with a cold voice. shouted.

"It's so happy, go on!"

This kind of pleasure is something he has never experienced before. In the past, he basically relied on different secret techniques to force each other Suppresses his battle strength, and then unexpectedly uses methods that the opponent did not expect to defeat him.

But this time after fusion with Ao Ming, it was different. With the rapid increase in battle strength, Ning Tianlin did not use other secret techniques anymore, but instead focused solely on fighting with strength.

There is also the combat skills learned when killing the hundreds of clansman some time ago, and using this battle method to kill those soldiers.

"When you just explodes me into waste, didn't you think you were very difficult to deal with? Was it arrogant?"

"Why? Now you have become a bunch of soft guys Now, is this your fierce Mosha Clan?"

"Bah, a bunch of wastes without a bottom line!"

In Ning Tianlin's mouth, one after another is wrapped in energy The sound of cursing suddenly sounded, resounding non-stop over the castle to ensure that the sound could reach the ears of every soldier of the Mosha tribe.

The timidity of some Mosha soldiers before a fight is not what Ning Tianlin wants to see. It is important not to waste as easy as pie. It is important to reverse the situation.

But what Ning Tianlin wants to be eager to have a try is that in the battle, release the energy in his body.

It's cool to be able to fight head-on, heartily and heartily in battle!

The sharp and piercing sarcasm reverberates in the minds of every soldier of the Mosha tribe, like thorns, piercing their bottom line, and at the same time, they The only reason was pierced.

"You all hurry up, don't persuade, if there are more seeds, come and fuck me!"

As Ning Tianlin's voice fell again, those Mosha soldiers They all stared with scarlet eyes, and murderous aura bursts out of their bodies, floating around.

With the sudden change of the imposing manner of the soldiers of the Demon Sand clan, the gathering of murderous auras caused the temperature in this area to drop linearly on the original basis, and it became cold.



Under the scream of the first soldier of the Mosha tribe, soldiers from different directions, One after another, bursts of shouts came up.

The screaming under this kind of formation caused the monstrous killing intent of the soldiers of the Demon Sand Clan to burst out completely. Just this crazy imposing manner is enough to make anyone shudder.

"That's right!"


With a loud shout, Ning Tianlin's eyes full of killing intents are deadly Staring at the Demon Sand Clan soldiers who were slaughtered, the heavy stepping sound made the sandy ground under this foot a little shock.

With the first touch of the two parties, a battle of death and death, where only you live, suddenly broke out in such a murderous atmosphere...


Suddenly, one after another collision of different weapons, the sound of metal clashing blasted out of thin air, and the thunderous thunderous thunderous thundering sound came out from the sound of metal clashing out of thin air.

Ning Tianlin holding the Dualbladed Halberd, sometimes the body bursts forward, sometimes suddenly and then back and forth, or volleys with a halberd, or slashes down with the halberd...

One after another different energy fluctuates frequently, and the two are entangled with each other. One side finally can’t support it and collapses...

Occasionally, a strand of energy aftermath leaks out from the center. The moved towards the outer empty area spread over and landed on some hard-textured buildings.

Suddenly, the fragmented buildings that have stood for hundreds of millions of years, under the repeated raging aftermath of the battle, fell to the ground and shattered into slag, and a few zhang high sky filled with yellow sand.

In the scene, thrilling screams reverberated in the void, and with every heartbreaking cry, there would be a life quietly falling down.

Among these, a silhouette is particularly dazzling. Unlike most other silhouettes, this silhouette is more powerful and agile.

Amidst the strong siege of all the surrounding silhouettes, he was still able to move around in an orderly manner, using the weapons in his hands to end the life Aura of the attackers in the constant strange movement.

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