The so-called move the whole body with a pull is like this. With Ning Tianlin’s first attack, it caused a large-scale commotion in the rear, and the horrible spirit that erupted frequently was permeated The void of the entire Demon Sand Clan’s headquarters...

At the same time, the concealed aura’s Enlightenment Daoxuan, after some careful searching and cleverly avoiding those sinister traps, is finally Found a hidden place and reached the coordinate position.

And the place where he looked at was the real body of the patriarch of the magic sand clan.

The magic sand patriarch at this moment, and the previous appearance outside the castle That energy body is not the slightest difference.

Magic sand patriarch has a pair of scarlet eyes, staring at the hard-won rare treasure on the stone platform. Under the light reflection, the dark black gloss on the rare treasure Reflected.

Just staring quietly at the rare treasure on the stone platform for a long time, the magic sand patriarch was deeply sighed, and after looking up for a while, his hands slowly supported the rare treasure in his palm.

"Damn, who sent that mysterious little bastard? You know the details of this baby so clearly."

Obviously, even at this moment The patriarch of the Mosha tribe still doesn't believe in Ning Tianlin, and really just entered this desert sea sand alone.

It’s no wonder he thinks this way. Judging from Ning Tianlin’s age, it’s only a few hundred years old. With the powerhouses in the universe tens of thousands of years old, this trifling can be completely ignored for a hundred years. Excluding.

However, Ning Tianlin cultivation to the realm of Lord of Universe at the age of several hundred years, which had to make Mosha patriarch think about his true origin.

The terrifying cultivation talent is certainly important, but without the support of strong Great Family cultivation resources, it is basically impossible to achieve. If the two lack one, they will definitely not reach such a realm.

Furthermore, it is the details of this rare treasure. With Ning Tianlin's age and cultivation base, it is definitely impossible to know, he has not touched the qualifications of this level.

I really can’t think of any thoughts of the patriarch of the Mosha tribe. Naturally, he understands the truth behind the change. Even more how the other party has already pointed out the rare treasure for the name and surname. How can he think of it? not afraid.

"No, I can't control that much."

"I can't wait any longer. That kid is too weird. I'm afraid there will be more mutations if I drag on."

After staring at rare treasure for a while, the patriarch took a deep breath and whispered as if making a difficult decision.

This forced fusion of rare treasure is also extremely risky, and a slight mistake will leak the terrifying energy in the rare treasure.

The leaked energy was in his body, enough to explode his powerful fleshy body, and died on the spot.

If there is a risk, there will be a reward. If the rare treasure is successfully integrated by him, then it is equivalent to his Life-Source Treasure, and no one should think of easily contaminating this treasure.

The reason why he didn't choose to merge with the ontology before was that the Mosha Clan was really not sure that he was able to successfully integrate this rare treasure, and he was unwilling to bear the consequences of failure.

Another important reason is that in his impression, he alone knows the true function of this rare treasure.

Even the closest guard, Captain, did not tell him, let alone how other people in Cangmo Haisha would know? So there is absolutely no need for him to take this risk.

But after hearing about the disappearance of the eight Major Branch some time ago, Mosha patriarch was vaguely worried about the rare treasure in his hand.

Because it happened too suddenly, there was simply no sign in advance, so this also made him have to guard.

Therefore, in these few days, he brought the rare treasure to such a secret place, even that Cang Lei had never been in this secret room.

"Let's start..."

With a gloomy mutter, a fierce flash of patriarch's hideous face was no longer the color of hesitation before.

In an instant, under the influence of its spirit strength, the rare treasure rose in the air, staying up ahead of the line of sight, and at the same time, the hands slowly formed a few knots in front of him.

Along with the changes of the seals in the hands of the magic sand patriarch, rare treasure suddenly trembles violently, and the quaint black luster on it gradually disappears.

And when the black glow disappears completely, the brilliance energy contained in it appears in the blink of an eye...

While the dark place always pays attention to the situation here, Wu Daoxuan, It is also a tight heart and a high concentration of attention.

"It's better to wait and be safer."

After weighing, the enlightened Taoxuan decided to do it secretly when the opponent merged to the most critical moment.

Although the current patriarch of Mosha pays all his attention to rare treasure, if he acts rashly and is found by the other party, the other party will definitely choose to deal with him first...

While Enlightenment Daoxuan was waiting for an opportunity, the outside war had lasted for a day. From the beginning of the most tragic frontal fight, it transitioned to the end stage of the current white-hot ending...

Ning Tianlin's defensive and offensive momentum is quite accurate, and the moves used have never been fancy, some just use the surging power in the body to bombard and kill with fists and fists.

Under the pressure of such a force, the menacing aura of the soldiers of the Demon Sand clan at the beginning has also undergone a dramatic reversal.

Anywhere Ning Tianlin Dualbladed Halberd goes, there will be several Mosha soldiers escaping from each other, which directly leads to the appearance of a vacuum zone in the several feet of Ning Tianlin's whole body.

"Hehe, want to run?"

"Then I have to ask if the Dualbladed Halberd in my hand agrees!"

Ning Tianlin looked at it, already The disintegrated and disfiguring magic sand soldier, said loudly with a big smile.

At this moment, there is no trace of his own original color all over his body. They are all a reddish color. Only the occasional cold glow flashing inky black pupils appear to be exceptional in this Yin Hong Dazzling.

Even the Dualbladed Halberd in his hand is no exception. The blood flowing down the halberd is verifying the true source of Yin Hong’s color. It is surprisingly being smashed into the bodies of those Demon Sand Clan soldiers during the constant fighting. The blood that was shot out was formed by infestations for an unknown number of times!

Another medicine pill was put into his mouth by Ning Tianshun's hand. In such a tragic environment, I would not have taken care of it for a long time. The bloody medicine pill was stained by my fingers.


As the throat rolls up and down, after the medicine pill enters the abdomen, it instantly turns into strands of pure essence tonic, supplementing Ning Tianlin Due to intense consumption, there is not much remaining energy in the body.

"So comfortable..."

Slightly shook his slightly stiff neck, Ning Tianlin could not remember how many medicine pills he had eaten in total.

He only knows that in this frontal fight with one enemy and one hundred, he has never stopped for a moment, and all the moves he uses are all deadly and weird moves.

If there is a slight sign of collapse, he immediately swallowed medicine pill supplement to ensure that his battle strength is always in the Peak state.

Only in this way, he can guarantee that in this huge disparity in the number of fights, he will be able to fight spare no effort at all times.

In the terrifying formation of the Mosha Clan, as long as Ning Tianlin is careless, even if it is a careless small mistake, it may cause the victorious Tianlin to turn to the other side in the fight.

"too terrifying!"

"Don't kill me, please, don't kill me, don't come over!"

Only a few dozen left The soldiers of the Mosha tribe reluctantly supported each other to stand. At this moment, their psychological defenses had completely collapsed, and the expressions of fear of death were visible on their faces.

Lord of Universe's mood is so strong and stable. Looking at the entire universe, there is almost no Lord of Universe. In the face of mountains burst and ground split, the state of mind is damaged. .

But these Demon Sand Clan soldiers were alive in the killing of Ning Tianlin, and they were so scared that they collapsed.

Even if they can survive by chance, they will basically become a waste person. If a Martial Artist does not have the courage to fight, no matter how high his realm cultivation base is, it is impossible. Continue to go on the way at Martial Artist.

"This is simply a pervert, murderous madman, addicted to Blood Asura!"

"No, he doesn't have any feelings of living creatures, even perverted madman is better than him Qiang,

When killing someone, he must at least frown, and he has no expression at all!"

"Yes, he is not a human being, but a pure killing machine. Born to kill, and simply won’t be tired, and only machines won’t know that you are tired!"

The Demon Sand Clan soldiers with pale white faces, said in fear, look. Behind Ning Tianlin, they accumulated into a mountain-like pile of corpses, and the body shivered involuntarily.

The current Mosha Clan headquarters has long lost the imposing manner of its previous grandeur. Instead, it has a hellishly miserable appearance of Asura.

The red blood color has become the main color here. Looking around, it is all red, and even the void is blood dyed.

The wreckage of the broken wall can be seen everywhere, and even the place where one's feet are located, there is no clean yellow sand on it, all of which are splashed with pieces of meat of various sizes.

Broken skulls, bursting eyeballs, severely deformed limbs, and broken internal organs are randomly scattered here.

If you calm down and listen carefully to the sound here, you will occasionally hear the beating sound of your heart on the sandy surface.

That’s because some Demon Sand soldiers were blasted out of the body by Ning Tianlin at the speed of thunder before they made any response, and the two quickly separated. And that heart still keeps beating under the physiological action.

"hehe, you defeated soldiers, die!"

shouted in a low voice, Ning Tianlin looked at the remaining Mosha tribe soldiers indifferently, without anything in his heart Compassionate mind.

To cut the grass, we must remove the roots. Even if these grass roots are stinky roots that have rotted, they must be dealt with. This is the best way to do it once and for all.

Figure trembled, Ning Tianlin turned into a red shadow, bullying the soldiers, and at the same time, the right hand suddenly gripped Dualbladed Halberd.

With a weird wave of the arm, a strong energy quickly condenses on the Dualbladed Halberd. After an instant, it is like a cannonball coming out of the hall, moved towards the remnants of the sand clan. .

"Die, it's all over!"

A deep voice murmured from Ning Tianlin's mouth, the strong wind on Dualbladed Halberd suddenly soared, that terrifying power, Even these soldiers have no resistance in peak state, not to mention that they are just scared remnants.

Dualbladed Halberd, carrying the horrible energy, fiercely hit the nearest Demon Sand Clan remnant in the chest.


When the two collided, only a dull sound was heard. The terrifying power on Dualbladed Halberd was like using Cunjin. The opponent's chest was smashed.

"Pu chi!"

Seriously concave and deformed body, after the opponent spouted a mouthful of blood mixed with broken internal organs, it flew upside down, fiercely smashed On the piles of corpses of Demon Sand Clan soldiers toward the rear.

Life Aura, who was utterly wilted, heralded the final outcome of this soldier, adding one more height to the pile of corpses as high as the mountain.


The same method of killing and felling, Ning Tianlin, who did not have the slightest muddle, continued to move the few remaining soldiers to attack and kill them, harvesting them. Life Aura one after another.

"The last one!"

In the dull eyes of the last remnant of the Demon Sand Clan, Ning Tianlin's figure is getting closer...


With the last muffled sound, the body of the remnant of the Demon Sand Clan was accurately smashed to the top of the pile in the same way.

So far, this ladder-shaped ladder, which is built from the corpses of the soldiers of the Demon Sand tribe, is as high as a mountain, thus ending its final height.

Ning Tianlin standing in the air, the pair of red eyes glanced down, and the Mosha Clan headquarters was silent at this time.

The corpses are piled up, blood flows into rivers, and the ruins are scattered randomly, and pieces of ruins are buried here.

It is far from the mighty domineering domineering that dominates the blue desert sea sand, and the strict security in the past has also become empty during this change.

Even the name Mosha tribe will probably be gradually forgotten in the course of the years following the ebbing of time.

How tyrannical and terrifying the Mosha Clan used to be in Cangmo Haisha, anyone who knows a little about Cangmo Haisha knows.

There are Mosha tribes sitting in this desert sea sand, even those powerhouses that rely on the Lord of Universe do not dare to break in without authorization.

Because they know that even if they can withstand the harsh yellow sand environment, it is still difficult to escape in the end. The soldiers of the Demon Sand clan conduct intensive and orderly inspections.

Anyone who fell into their devil's claws was also won but never returned, which made the Demon Sand Clan more famous.

But now, those top powerhouses in the outer universe, if they knew that the Mosha clan was annihilated up and down, how would they feel after this shocking disappearance?

For those powerhouses from outside, this is undoubtedly a major event of heaven shaking, earth shattering.

And Ning Tianlin, who does this by the strength of oneself, will officially enter the list of powerhouses in the universe after this battle.

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