As for the public enemy of the universe, which is known to the outside world, I am afraid that it will be changed. Ning Tianlin, which is fully equipped with a strong return to strength, is already strong enough to shake the horror of any Great Family. .

Ning Tianlin's expressionless face, a calm body, some of the demeanor that powerhouse should have, are also displayed in his body.

For the great changes of the Mosha Clan, Ning Tianlin can no longer afford any mercy. The so-called wicked have their own wickedness. This is the truth.

Kicking on this iron plate of Ning Tianlin is also a disaster for his Mosha tribe. It is okay to provoke other people, but if you provoke Ning Tianlin, then you have to pay the price!

"After today, Cang Mo Haisha, a region's Overlord Demon Sand Clan, will no longer exist!"

The indifferent voice slowly sounded, and at the same time, the final sentence of the Demon Sand Clan was pronounced. The fate of the whole void, only Ning Tianlin's trial sound echoed slowly...

After a moment of indulgence, Ning Tianlin turned his gaze to other places, which was the location where Wu Daoxuan had flew past.

At the same time, he also shrouded Divine Consciousness moved towards there, and after ensuring that no other mutations occurred, he murmured with confidence.

"Senior's situation should be almost the same..."

Just when the previous fight with the Demon Sand Clan soldiers was the most tragic, Ning Tianlin was already It was sensed that the direction of the patriarch of the magic sand tribe had changed.

The sound of patriarch mournful scream from the magic sand at that time made Ning Tianlin's figure suddenly stagnant.

After the battle strength system ensured that the situation of Enlightenment Daoxuan was safe, he resisted the urge to fly past, even if he wielded Dualbladed Halberd to continue fighting.

This rare treasure of the Mosha tribe is certainly important to Ning Tianlin, but it is not indispensable.

If it is because of this rare treasure, if something goes wrong with the Enlightened Dao Xuan senior, he would not want to see it.

I would rather give up this so-called rare treasure, Ning Tianlin will also put the personal safety of Wu Daoxuan first.

Which one is more important, the steelyard in Ning Tianlin's heart can still be clearly distinguished. One is the Earth Old Senior Powerhouse who survived hundreds of millions of years ago.

The other one is a treasure that can be redeemed by just the essence points, although the redemption numbers may be a bit scary.

But that can also be solved with the use of essence points, so it is natural to know how to choose.

As time went on, Ning Tianlin also noticed that the breath of the magic sand patriarch, after reaching the peak state, did not last long, and then gradually became weaker.

Until a certain moment, the breath of the magic sand patriarch, after gradually sinking into extreme weakness, was also completely annihilated and dissipated...

"It seems that Wu senior I have succeeded..."

Ning Tianlin is also lightly sighed, the magic sand patriarch, the former absolute powerhouse, with its own battle strength, is already a strong one in the universe.

It's just the terrorist force that it controls, even if it is placed anywhere in the universe, it is definitely a dominant existence.

Thousands of Absolute Controllers of Lord of Universe, that is not a joke, it is not an exaggeration to describe it as a huge monster.

However, it is estimated that the magic sand patriarch, never dreamed that their magic sand clan would end up like this, right?

Neither did he expect that he would be killed by a sneak attack from behind at the critical moment of forcibly integrating rare treasure.

Falling under this situation is indeed a dramatic tragedy for a powerhouse of the 9th dan of Lord of Universe, and even a little aggrieved.

To blame, he can only blame his own ambition. The principle of an innocent man treasuring a jade ring becomes a criminal has existed since ancient times, even more how is in this weak are prey to the strong universe, Even more so.

Having peerless treasure, but not the ability to guard the treasure, it will only be a free wedding dress for others. Treasure has always been only prepared for powerhouse.

"tsk tsk...this is simply purgatory on earth!"

With the memory of the route before, after quickly passing through the ruined castle, the body of Enlightenment Daoxuan As soon as Xing appeared, she was shocked by the sight in front of her.

Even though he is an old monster who has lived for hundreds of millions of years, when he first saw this miserable situation, he was a little uncomfortable for a while.

He thinks he has experienced a lot of foul wind and bloody rain. It’s just that the corpse mountain and bloody rain created by his hands are not a few, but compared with the scene at the moment, it is considered small. It's all about making a fuss.

What is the concept of the corpse of the Lord of Universe in Chengshan high, and the ladder built up? I am afraid there is only one place in the entire universe!

The bloody scenes of this scene are enough to verify the fierce fighting between the two sides at the time. If Wu Daoxuan had not known it beforehand, he would not believe that this was really the work of Ning Tianlin alone.

I'm afraid that if you gather all the Lord of Universes outside to attack the Magic Sand headquarters, you won't necessarily have such a record.

At the same time, in the heart is refreshed again. After a long sigh, the knowledge of Ning Tianlin's strength is also helpless. For Ning Tianlin, this mysterious youngster, he is also more and more. The more I can't see through...

Ning Tianlin noticed him as soon as Wu Daoxuan appeared. After seeing the other party intact, he was relieved and asked aloud. road.

"Enlighten senior, are you okay...?"

Ning Tianlin, who spoke suddenly, pulled Wu Daoxuan's thoughts back and realized that he lost self-control, Said after shaking his hand with a wry smile.

"My God, Little Friend Lin, should I ask you this sentence?"

"How is it, how does it feel to be one against a hundred? You have not suffered any injuries, right? "

Thinking of Ning Tianlin by the strength of oneself beheading hundreds of Lord of Universe, Enlightenment Daoxuan couldn't help but smashed his mouth.

I thought the two sides would be a protracted battle, but didn't expect, Ning Tianlin only took a day to defeat the soldiers of the Mosha tribe. This record is terrifying!

"hehe, it's okay, isn't this just standing here..."

After all, a smile appeared on Ning Tianlin calm and composed face Compared with the cruel and cold-blooded expression in the previous battle with the Mosha Clan, it was nothing like two people.

Perhaps, this is the expression that the real Ning Tianlin should have, not the cold blooded and emotionless that is extremely incompatible with his age.

You must know that Ning Tianlin’s true age is only a few hundred years old. Aside from his Martial Artist realm, he at this age is only a young man at best in this universe. man only.

Ning Tianlin's fight with the Mosha Clan this time was due to the help of external forces, but it was also the biggest battle he has experienced so far.

During this period, the various dangers he faced during the battle can be regarded as a hardening of his powerhouse mentality.

"By the way, this thing you want brought you..."

Previously, when Wu Daoxuan was still in the patriarch secret room, Ning Tianlin passed Secret technique sound transmission, let him bring out patriarch's body.

Although Ning Tianlin was a little surprised at the reason for doing this, Wu Daoxuan didn't think much about it, and just did it according to the other party's request.

"hehe, this body is for other purposes!"

Ning Tianlin looked at the surface of the sand, and the one that was thrown away by Wu Daoxuan from the space ring was cold Dead body.

With a faint smile, he refined the fleshy body for Ao Ming. This giant body couldn't be more suitable, and it was the last point of Old Guy's value.

Magic Sand patriarch's strength has long been firmly established in the Peak of Lord of Universe 9-dan, such an old powerhouse, his fleshy body in this universe, except for some super abnormals, can already be considered The above is the current existence of Peak.

This also eliminates the need for Ning Tianlin to exchange other fleshy body essence points from the battle strength system. At the same time, he found a good body for Ao Ming, one move, two gains. good idea.

All he needs to do is to redeem some other materials needed for refining the Fleshy body. This way, it will not consume too much essence points.

"Ao Ming senior, what do you think of this fleshy body, are you satisfied?"

As early as the battle between Ning Tianlin and the Mosha clan ended, Ao Ming started to merge Separated from the state.

As for Ning Tianlin's killing methods, he could see clearly, if it weren't for it, he wouldn't want to stay on Ning Tianlin for a moment, it was too bloody.

However, the soul gathering bottle he had stayed in before was broken when it was inside the energy spiral, and the Soul Body was not suitable for staying outside.

So he was temporarily attached to Ning Tianlin's body, although the bloody smell on the opponent's body was too strong, but he had no other way, only to endure the discomfort of smell and stay stuck. Go down.

"Hey, this is the body of Lord of Universe 9-dan Peak..."

"little fellow, old man is quite satisfied!"

At the beginning When I saw the body of Mosha patriarch the next time, Ao Ming was in ecstasy, although it was just a cold body.

But with Ao Ming's old and scorching eyes, it is natural to see some clues from the energy remaining on the fleshy body, and thus to calculate the strength of the corpse owner before his life.

This level of fleshy body, for the current Ao Ming, it is simply the existence of may come by with luck, but not by searching for it, which is very tempting.

Although the degree of hardness of the fleshy body is still unable to mention on equal terms with their Dragon Clan's fleshy body, it is much better than other ordinary goods.

Furthermore, the fleshy body strength of the magic sand clan was not bad at first, but after his continuous tempering and polishing, his battle strength was restored to the original Peak state, which is not impossible.

After communicating with Ao Ming Divine Consciousness, Ning Tianlin also relaxes, and the other party is satisfied. Since he has promised to refine the fleshy body, he can't refine it too ordinary.

After pondering for a while, Ning Tianlin thought that the process of refining the fleshy body and fusion might take a while.

And during this period of time, no one can tolerate interruption. If there is an unexpected situation outside, it will be lost, so he needs to find a safe and secluded place.

The Demon Sand Clan’s headquarters now seems very suitable. It is secluded enough, and the evil name of the Demon Sand Clan is out of the question. Almost no other race dared to appear here.

In addition, there is Wu Daoxuan here, who can help him protect the law, and there is no need to consider the safety issue.

I planned to find another place to help Ao Ming refining Fleshy body after leaving Cangmo Haisha, but Ning Tianlin immediately thought that refining and fusion here is also a good choice.

There is another reason to advance the refining of Fleshy body, that is the dark thorn in Ning Tianlin's heart, the mysterious black robed man who escaped from his hand when he first saw Nether White Tiger. ..

Ning Tianlin faintly felt that after such a big loss, that mysterious black robe would definitely not give up.

The opponent dared to single-handedly challenge the Nether White Tiger. Obviously, he is also a powerful person. If they meet again, it will definitely be another tough battle.

If Ao Ming successfully integrates Fleshy body before the two sides meet this, then there will be more certainty, at least the other party will not run away from him so easily...


With this thought in his mind, Ning Tianlin no longer hesitated immediately, and began to exchange the required materials from the battle strength department.

Before he started refining Fleshy body, he told Wu Daoxuan of Ao Ming's situation to the side, and the latter was also surprised when he learned about the whole sequence of events.

The enlightened Taoxuan who immediately understood the importance of the matter, did not dare to delay too much, and was not far away when the figure flashed, protecting the law of Ning Tianlin's refining fleshy body.

In order to successfully complete the refining of the fleshy body, Ning Tianlin personally arranged a Formation around the surrounding area to completely hide the breath here.

"Senior Ao, the refining of the body is about to begin, are you ready?"

Ning Tianlin will be exchanged from the battle strength system, which is required for refining the body All kinds of materials were placed one by one on the stone table that was exchanged on the side.

At a glance, Ao Ming can see the preciousness and scarcity of the refining materials. He was in the Peak period, and he might not be able to get together in a short period of time.

Not to mention Ning Tianlin in front of him. He promised to help him condense the Fleshy body. As long as the total time has passed, he will gather all the necessary materials, which also makes the other person in his heart. More and more mysterious.

For the great generosity of Ning Tianlin, Ao Ming was also sighed. He never thought that he could have a fleshy body specially refined for himself in such a fast time.

"little fellow, the old man really underestimated your energy."

"I've been prepared long ago, the old man has waited too long for this day.. ."

Ao Ming in the Soul Body state, his voice trembling with excitement, he wants to possess the fleshy body all the time, but the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

Especially an old monster of his level, he also knows that it is not easy to condense the Fleshy body, and the scarce materials cannot be gathered by anyone.

And this material only means that the other party has the conditions to condense the fleshy body, and the most important thing is the secret technique for condensing the fleshy body.

This kind of secret technique is rare in this universe, because in the eyes of those powerhouses, it is completely tasteless and there is no substantive means of attack.

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