"The hardness of this skeleton is still good, worthy of being the skeleton of the patriarch of the magic sand clan!"

A long spit of turbidity in the body, Ning Tianlin I also looked carefully, this was already a little grayish skeleton, and then nodded satisfied, and at the same time moved towards the bones in a ridiculous tone and said loudly.

"Ao Ming senior, if you are still alive, just say a word, so I can proceed to the next step..."

Ning Tianlin knows that the colorful energy just now looks like It is fierce and surging, but because of its special nature, the refining target is only the skeleton, and it will not cause any substantial damage to the Soul Body's Ao Ming.

"Boy, the old man is okay, the condition is good, you don't stop, continue..."

After hearing the voice from Ao Ming in the bones, Ning Tianlin stopped. He started the action in his hand again, he took out a brown medicine pill from a white bottle on the stone platform.

This medicine pill is called bone control pill. As the name suggests, its main function is to help Ao Ming of Soul Body to better control the fusion into this bone, and there is still no rejection and side effects. in the case of.

"Senior, please take this medicine pill..."

After that, Ning Tianlin moved the medicine pill towards the bones, and Ao Ming's voice said Throw it where it left off, and the medicine pill, wrapped in essence, turned into a small light and shadow and swept into the bones.

"Well, okay!"

Ao Ming nodded back, after seeing the brown medicine pill, with his old eyes, he can naturally feel that one The medicine pill is extraordinary, and there is no hesitation at the moment, so I put it directly into my mouth.

Just as the medicine pill entered Ao Ming's abdomen, the moment it melted away, his silhouette swayed involuntarily from the inside out under the action of the medicine pill.


After a while, Ao Ming's illusory Soul Body, with the muffled peng sound, was forcibly blown up.

The Soul Body, which is broken into a state of inexhaustible threads, directly moved towards the various directions within the bones, attaching to the past.

After a while, the entire skeleton burst out from the inside out, bursting out waves of energy, and even the originally empty eye sockets gradually gathered energy.

Ning Tianlin's complexion became more solemn after seeing the changes in the bones. He also knew that now is the most important time for the next step, shouted in a deep voice.

"Rose flesh and blood!"

When the words are over, Ning Tianlin quickly placed six bottles of different colors on the stone platform one by one and poured them onto the skeleton. The different positions of, these positions seem to be random, in fact, they are all very particular, and they can't go wrong.


After Ning Tianlin finished pouring the last bottle, he suddenly heard from the bones.

At the same time, under the action of the different liquids of Six Paths, a terrifying strange energy diffuses out of the bones.

In the covering of this kind of energy, a very mysterious and weird scene also appeared on the bones.

Among the bones, light flesh and blood began to emerge very slowly, and the main reason for this effect is naturally the blood clotting effect of the six bottles of liquid.

"Ao Ming senior, it really hurts this time, you have to withstand it!"

Looking at the slowly creeping flesh and tissue on the bones, Ning Tianlin couldn't help but smash it. He slapped his mouth and reminded Ao Ming who was suffering.

"tsk tsk, this cry is really heart-piercing..."

The sound of pig-killing screams from the bones can be heard as Ning Tianlin also had some scalp tingling for a while, this level of pain was indeed not something that ordinary people could bear, every trace of flesh and blood was constantly tearing and growing.

It might be better if the pain is short and rapid, but what Ao Ming is suffering now is obviously not that simple.

The re-growth of those flesh and blood tissues is particularly slow, and every strand of rebirth will bring tearing pain to Ao Ming, and it will happen all over the body at the same time...

"It's miserable if you listen, let's plug your ears first..."

If you don't listen to your ears, Ning Tianlin simply exchanged two high level tablets from the battle strength system. The earplugs came out to isolate Ao Ming's scream, otherwise he was afraid that he would get goose bumps if he listened to it.

"Well, soundproofing is still possible, it's much quieter now..."

Returning his gaze to the skeleton, Ning Tianlin saw that, with the weird energy The continuous coverage of the flesh and blood tissues that have just been formed can now almost all squirm slowly.

The peristaltic flesh and tissue slowly gather together, and the outline of Ao Ming's whole body is also initially formed in this form. Although it looks a little thin, it is indeed fleshy. Existed.

After this slow state lasted for a full day, the flesh and blood tissue finally stopped moving.

"It's finally the last step, skin growth..."

Ning Tianlin, who is always paying attention to Ao Ming's state, murmured, smoothly taking the last medicine pill in his hand, Relying on the strength of his essence, he forcibly broke Ao Ming's mouth and stuffed it in.

Ao Ming's consciousness has long been numb, even if he wants to open his mouth, I am afraid that he has more than enough energy.


Immediately, as the medicine pill spreads, the skin tissue on top of Ao Ming's flesh and blood grows at a speed visible to naked eye.

As his skin is completely formed, Na Ao Ming's Soul Body and this skeleton have completed a true fusion.

"Ao Ming senior, this can be considered for the rebirth of Nirvana after tempering!"

For Ao Ming’s good fortune, Ning Tianlin on the side is also deeply moved and successful. After shaping the fleshy body, Ao Ming is definitely a powerful boost to the current Earth. With his guardianship, Earth's security is even stronger.

As early as hundreds of millions of years ago, Ao Ming was already tyrannical enough to cross the universe at will, and his own terrifying strength is naturally beyond doubt.

Moreover, he was the permanent partner of the Universe Number One Person, the original owner of the Fourth Layer of Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower ---- Ancient Ancestral Dragon Six-toed Mix Heavenly Dragon Ao Ming!

He is absolutely loyal to Earth, otherwise he would not risk the mortal danger in the war that year, and fight to the death for Earth’s safety, and eventually the fleshy body would be destroyed. End.

Pulling the thoughts in his mind back from Ao Ming's body, Ning Tianlin shook his somewhat stiff body. For several days, he was busy helping Ao Ming reshape his fleshy body.

For Ning Tianlin, it is considered to be a bit overloaded. After all, the consumption of spirit strength is not small in this process, but fortunately, all of this has been successfully completed, and the effort is not counted. In vain.

Ning Tianlin looked at Ao Ming, who was still keeping his eyes closed. The latter had reached the tail section stage in reshaping the fleshy body. His heart also relaxed, and he murmured softly.

"Senior, just stick to it for a while..."

At the same time, he Ning Tianlin knows that there is no need to continue to follow Ao Ming anymore, now he will do it Yes, just wait for the other side to wake up.

Immediately, he turned his gaze to other places, and these events of the day also slowly flashed in his mind...

The original intention was to help Bo Wen merge with the Nine Nether Saint Lotus. As for the extermination of this magic sand clan, his original intention was everyone minds their own business.

Who knows that the other party provoked first, and continued to send troops to entangle him, so that he would not be polite, and directly made the decision to exterminate the clan.

However, the vitality points that this magic sand clan brings to Ning Tianlin are also extremely terrifying. It can be described as a plentiful harvest, which is of great help to his strength...

"Now you are left, dressed up as God, playing the Devil's mysterious black robed man..."

After a while, Ning Tianlin's dark eyes are full of brilliance. Flashing past, and that day in Nine Nether Sacred Land, the silhouette of the mysterious black robed man also appeared in his mind again...

It was Ning Tianlin to help Ao Ming and reshape Within these few days of fleshy body, the centipede of the ten thousand races outside was not idle, not only the corpses of the soldiers of the Demon Sand tribe were swallowed thoroughly.

Even all kinds of treasures stored in the castle were found by him. Although they were buried under the ruins, they still couldn't escape the ten thousand centipede's keen sense of treasure.

At this moment, the centipede of the ten thousand races is waiting outside quietly for Ning Tianlin, and then handing over those treasures and the space ring in the corpse to his master.

This magic sand clan, now it can be said that there is nothing, nothing of value is gone, except for the ruins, which is waste.

"Huh, I finally succeeded. The pain was really not in vain. The old man finally regained his fleshy body!"

"Boy, thank you so much, yours Daen, the old man remembers it in his heart."

After the successful reshaping of Fleshy body, the excitement in his eyes is fully revealed. For him, this day is really too long. ...

Looking at the long back of Ning Tianlin, Ao Ming cast a grateful look. This fleshy body is too important for him.

If there has been no Fleshy body, no matter how tyrannical his Soul Body is, it would be equivalent to half a cripple. He can only live so much...

"Boy, The old man will give you a stand. If anyone dares to bully you in the future, the old man promises to be the first to stand up for you, and he won’t be able to recognize him until he hits his mother!"

"Hey, kid , What are you thinking about, the old man talked to you, what did you look at there in a daze.."

"Hey, can't you hear the old man talking? There is a problem with your ears? It's not deaf..."

Seeing Ning Tianlin who didn't respond, Ao Ming was also a little surprised for a while. After realizing something was wrong, he moved towards Ning Tianlin and patted on the shoulder.


Ning Tianlin was surprised by the sudden force coming from his shoulders, and at the same time he pulled his thoughts back.

He who understood what was going on here, immediately took off the earplugs in his ears, turned his head, moved towards Ao Ming, and quickly put a touch of joy on his face, for Ao Ming Feeling happy to regain the fleshy body, he asked with concern.

"senior, when did you wake up and how do you feel now?"

Now Ao Ming has lost the illusory feeling he had before, but a The real fleshy body is no different from ordinary people. Obviously, this integration was very successful.

"Boy, what is in your ears?"

"No wonder you can't hear the old man talking..."

See Ning Tianlin After the movement of his hand, Ao Ming was also laughed in embarrassment. He naturally understood the reason why Ning Tianlin blocked his ears. He must have been shocked by his heart-piercing shouts...

"I just woke up for a while..."

"As for the feeling, although it has not reached the previous Peak state, the old man feels that the strength of seven-eight out of ten is still there. Yes!"

"This is already very good, even better than the old man imagined. Thank you so much!"

Ao Ming moved towards Ning Tianlin and voted Sincerely thank you for your eyes, the fit of the fleshy body is also very high, basically there is no rejection, which also made him take a higher look at Ning Tianlin's methods.

As for the strength, Ao Ming doesn't have the slightest worry. The bones used in his fleshy body are from the top powerhouse in the 9th Dan of the Lord of Universe, which will give him a good future for his cultivation. The basics.

As long as he is given some more time, it is not difficult to regain Peak strength, and it is not impossible to make further progress.

"senior is polite, no effort at all."

hearing this, Ning Tianlin is also nodded, thank you for this sentence, he should still take care of it, if he is more polite, It would seem a bit rusty, so I agreed.

"Congratulations, and wish for Senior can recover as soon as possible!"

The aura in his body from Ao Ming at this moment can be roughly pushed out, and it will be restored to Peak The battle strength afterwards was stronger than those he had seen before, the powerhouse in the universe, and at the same time he secretly sighed in the heart.

"The strength is indeed very strong. It is worthy of being on Earth 100 million years ago, and it has declared a magnificent powerhouse..."

"It will definitely be!"

"When the old man returns to Peak strength, everyone who was unfavorable to Earth in the past will have to pay the price of blood!"

The tragic battle on Earth that year was once again It emerged in Ao Ming's mind that the seed of revenge had already taken root in his heart. This was also the first thing to do to restore strength.

However, he was just a state of soul before, and even self-protection was a bit difficult, let alone seek revenge from those people. It was simply impossible to do it.

I can only dormant quietly, waiting for the opportunity, didn't expect, this is hundreds of millions of hours, but fortunately the heavens will not fail those who are faithful, finally let him wait until Chance.

Now that he has regained his fleshy body, Ao Ming's belief in revenge for Earth has become even stronger!

"It is not easy for seniors to survive the war that year by chance. Don't retaliate recklessly."

Ning Tianlin, as an Earth person, is very concerned about Ao. How could he not know the psychological fluctuations in Ming's heart? The honor and disgrace of Earth are also very important in his heart, but he also understands that it is not a matter of rushing, otherwise all previous efforts will be abandoned.

Only if you are strong.

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