"Well, the old man still understands the principle of conserve strength and store up energy, but..."

Thinking of the terrible battle of Earth, Ao The helpless shook the head, the powerhouses on the Earth side all ended up tragically.

Although there is no real annihilation of the entire army, it is almost the same in essence, and it is estimated that there are only a few survivors.

Even the master he followed, the Number One Person with the strongest battle strength in the universe, is still whereabouts unknown...

"Hey, that's it..."

Another helpless sigh. Ao Ming, who has experienced it personally, naturally knows that it is not easy to survive. Even if he can survive by luck, it will be a heavy price without exception.

If other survivors don’t have a special opportunity like him, they are basically equivalent to a useless person. It is estimated that it will be very difficult to have another battle strength, very difficult...


Ning Tianlin on the side saw Ao Ming’s expression, and he didn’t say too much. He himself is not very good at comforting people, even more how at this moment comfort won’t help, so it’s also necessary to calm down properly. It's also a good thing.

After pondering for a while, Ao Ming also adjusted from his thoughts just now. No matter how you say it, he is lucky. The urgent task of restoring strength is the most important thing. Everything in his heart is based on On the basis of strength...

"By the way, Little Friend Lin, what you said last time, let the old man guard Earth, is it true?"

Ao Ming looked at Ning Tianlin's direction and said seriously, Earth, this place that has become a bit strange to him now, is still so familiar and familiar in his memory.

He who regained his Fleshy body really wanted to go for another time and see what Earth has recovered to today.

In this case, on the one hand, he can rely on the strength of Lord of Universe to protect the safety of Earth, and on the other hand, he can meditate on Earth and restore his strength to Peak state...

"Well, really."

"Now Earth needs a powerhouse like senior to sit in!"

Ning Tianlin was solemnly nodded, and originally proposed this condition. At that time, he knew that the other party would definitely not refuse, so Earth's safety would be an extra guarantee.

Ao Ming is indeed a suitable candidate. Whether it is his strength or loyalty issues, there is no doubt that if Earth is really in trouble, he will definitely be able to defend Earth as hard as he did in the past.

"This is for you..."

"When you get there, the big brother Yama will sense your coming."

While speaking, Ning Tianlin smoothly exchanged a new information device from the battle strength system, stored the coordinates of Earth on it, and handed it to Ao Ming who was aside.

"King Yama?"

"haha, good, good..."

After hearing this name, Ao Ming was surprised. Immediately he burst into laughter happily, and at the same time muttered in the heart secretly: "You guy, it's good to be alive..."

"senior, there is another person out there, maybe you know, too, May as well see you before you leave."

Seeing Ao Ming’s happy appearance, Ning Tianlin said with a smile, this kind of feeling like an old friend and a comrade-in-arms, maybe only their client can appreciate Bar.

"Who? I know? Did Earth survive that year?"

"Yes, his name is Wu Daoxuan!"...

At the same time, in a Sea Territory far away in the desert sea sand, in a certain area, among its ten thousand zhang seabed, a huge ghost ship slowly emerged.

The huge black huge wheel, like an ancient ominous beast, creeps in the deep sea, faintly, on the huge wheel, filled with chilling terrifying energy fluctuations.

The vicissitudes of life and simplicity of the ship are covered with weird runes, and the construction of the entire hull is also quite special, with bursts of black glow flashing on this ship.

This Sea Territory covers a large area, and is only slightly smaller than the area covered by the desert and yellow sand.

The so-called Sea Territory is different from the blue ocean outside. The color of the sea here is yellow, which is exactly similar to the color of the desert sand.

Same as Cang Mo, looking down from the ten thousand zhang high sky, wherever you can see, there is endless yellow.

One end is the majestic and vicissitudes of the sea, which seems to be the same as the sky, and at the junction of the other end, it is impossible to distinguish whether it is the Sea Territory or the yellow sand. The two are combined and integrated.

Silence, to be precise, is a dead silence. It is the main tone of this Sea Territory. The wind raging everywhere, at the junction with the yellow sand, stopped abruptly, only slightly moist. The aura proves that this is indeed the existence of Sea Territory.

Apart from this, the entire surface of the sea, without a trace of ripples, is as if the sea is solidified by some force, it is still, and the level of calmness is like being forced by a thick layer of glass. To the above is general.

Looking down through the sea, my eyesight can’t go further by half a minute. It’s sturdy and blocked by the yellow. Even the Divine Consciousness placed outside will be shielded by the yellow sea. seven-eight out of ten.

But I can still feel that an inexplicable and weird force is constantly fluctuating in this Sea Territory. I want to check it further, but I can't move forward anymore.

On the other hand, compared with Cangmo, here is undoubtedly, and it is much more mysterious...

The unknown is the most terrifying , Almost few Martial Artists can step into the depths of the Sea Territory. The maximum depth that their bodies can dive into is, at most, they can only go to the middle reaches of the Sea Territory. of Universe Under the terrifying power of nine dans.

It’s not that they are timid and dare not go deep, but from below the surface of the sea, the more restrained they are against Martial Artist, whether it’s Divine Consciousness or the essence of the body, they will do the same. Was severely affected.

Lord of Universe realm descends to the midstream area, its true strength will be compressed and restrained in a step-like manner. From the original Lord of Universe realm, it forcibly becomes the star Void Realm world.

The Martial Artist here simply does not have the ability to protect himself, not to mention that the mysterious creatures that occasionally appear in the sea will threaten his life.

It is the small vortex that appears frequently, and it is enough to tear the body of the Martial Artist of the Star Void directly, so it dives into the midstream area, and the premise is that without encountering any accidents...

If Ning Tianlin were here, he would definitely be surprised to find that such compression strength would not be much weaker than a certain level of Nether Space, or even stronger.

This deserted and deep sea, to be precise, is a sea of ​​imprisonment. As long as the Martial Artist's body touches the sea, the force of compression and restraint will be formed immediately.

Once evacuated out of the sea, true strength will return to normal again without leaving any discomfort.

With all the above-mentioned compression restraints, martial artists do not need to take personal risks and step under the sea.

However, the result is indeed the opposite. Anyone who knows the real powerhouse in Sea Territory that is of great benefit is still holding a fluke mentality and wanting to gain some great luck in this.

Nether Giant Wheel is the most mysterious pronoun in the desert and deep sea, and it is the coveted object of almost all powerhouses.

In this huge ship, various treasure cultivation techniques can be seen everywhere, and the level of level also have nothing common with each other. Even medicine pill and Formation, which are extremely scarce in the universe, are also here. There will be a certain probability.

It is no exaggeration to say that it is a walking treasure. This is also the main reason why powerhouses are willing to take risks with their bodies. The greater the so-called risk, the greater the good fortune.

However, due to the peculiarities of the Great Nether Wheel, it will only emerge in this deep sea once every 100 million years.

As for the specific location of the emergence, it has never been fixed, as long as it is in the deep sea, any Sea Territory is possible.

The way it travels is completely different from other ordinary giant ships. The outer giant ships only float on the surface of the sea by buoyancy.

The Nether Giant Wheel is the exact opposite. It is like a submarine, sailing in the deep sea, and the course of its course is not fixed. The last second is still here, the next second may be Will appear somewhere other than hundred zhang.

In this case, those powerhouses who want to find this huge ship in the promised Sea Territory when the realm is compressed, easier said than done, so that few people can Really met.

And each time it appears is quite short, and it only lasts for one year. Once the time has passed, it will disappear again.

And this so-called disappearance is not simply hidden, but truly disappeared. Even if you search all corners of the deep sea, it is impossible to find a trace of this ghost wheel.

It's as if it has completely left this Sea Territory. As for where it ended up, no one knows, it's still in this universe, and it's even unknown.

His appearance is like a mysterious tourist. Every hundred million years, he will stop in the deep sea for one year, and then continue to sail to his original place.

Over time, this mysterious giant wheel has become a legendary existence in the mouths of those powerhouses.

A few days later, on the surface of the Cangmo Sea Territory, the originally silent space suddenly fluctuated...


Suddenly, the black mist hiding the sky and covering the earth continued to gush out of thin air. After a while, the black mist gradually condensed to a certain extent and collapsed.

This space also slowly twisted, and several black silhouettes slowly emerged.

These silhouettes are all tightly wrapped in a large black robe. There is no appearance of black robed man at all.

These black robed man, standing in the air, faintly, with a strong and cold atmosphere, swept over the sea Territory.

"It has been exactly 100 million years since the last estimated time!"

A stern voice was faintly resounded among the black robe in the middle, The energy fluctuations on his body are also the strongest, and he is obviously the leader of these black robed man.

Under the black robe, a pair of eyes haunting the gloomy light, some fiery staring above the sea, the slightly raised head, the slightly exposed chin looks a bit old.

In these hundreds of millions of years, he has no idea how many times this is the first time he has been here.

But he never thought of giving up, because he knew that the Great Nether Ship really existed, and the thing he wanted was definitely in that great ship, that treasure The temptation to him is too great.

From the initial inability to reach the depths of the Sea Territory, he could only wander around the middle reaches, to constantly search for ways to crack the Secret Realm. In the end, he also refined a Special medicine pill.

This kind of special medicine pill can help him maintain the original battle strength for a month in the depths of the Sea Territory, which also makes him have a stronger desire to continue searching.

For a powerhouse of his level, it is not difficult, it can even be said that it is easy to find what he wants in this huge Sea Territory within this month. .

But no matter what, the secret recipe he found was missing in one place, which also caused the medicine pill he refined to be a semifinished product, and it could not play the full role of the medicine pill.

While the battle strength is fully preserved, his Divine Consciousness is still restricted in this Sea Territory and has not been improved.

Without the powerhouse of Divine Consciousness, relying only on limited eyesight, if you want something in this Sea Territory, it is only a little better than finding a needle in a haystack.

However, he didn't really get nothing. In the constant elimination and investigation, he also initially determined the approximate time period for the appearance of the Nether Giant Wheel.

Originally, I was going to succeed last time, but the year of the Great Nether Wheel happened to end when he arrived at the Great Wheel, so he could only watch that huge wheel in the air out of thin air. disappear.

The last time he passed by has confirmed his determination to look for this time. This time he must get the treasure. That treasure, over a hundred million years, he can do too much...

"Do you remember the purpose of bringing you here?"

He groaned for a moment. After that, the black robed man's eyes flashed cold glow and said coldly in his mouth.

"Search the Nether Wheel and find the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower!"

Several neat shouted sounds suddenly sounded. The essence in their bodies is like a flood. Whistling and rushing, the black robe on his body is automatic without wind, hunting and screaming.

After seeing everyone's reaction, the headed black robed man slightly nodded said, and immediately added again.

"Except for the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower, the remaining treasures are at your disposal!"

In order to make them look for more hard, what can he give up some treasures, in his eyes , There is no treasure that can match Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower Mention on equal terms.

That being said, if the treasure that made his heart really appeared in the Great Nether Wheel, then his promise can be completely invalidated, if they dare to have objections...

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