"Then it’s easier to do, kill it, the dead have never been interested in treasure..."

The name black robed man, with a burst of scorching eyes, the black robed man who took the lead knows that his goal has been achieved. Once a person has greed, the effect will only be greater.

Find treasures for him. Perhaps these people who brought him will not do their best to deal with errands casually. When the time comes, they still get nothing.

However, if the treasures you are looking for also have their own share, then the intensity of the search will be different...

The temptation of this ghost wheel is not Everyone can resist, and not everyone has the opportunity to penetrate into the Sea Territory during this time period.

"This treasure hunt must be successful, and there is no room for sloppy!"

"Otherwise, I promise, you will definitely not get out of this Sea Territory alive!"


The black robed man who took the lead screamed loudly, whether it was to seduce them or threaten them, these people must do their best in this operation, even if it is to take their lives.

Human life, why is the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower important!


hearing this, the rest of the black robed man felt the cold killing intent suddenly rising all over them. Involuntarily shuddered.

The insidious and very ruthless of the former method, they naturally couldn't be the most aware. This time their actions will only be more careful, such as walking on thin ice.

Without waiting for their excessive reaction, the black robed man's sleeve robe moved slightly, a dry, skinny palm slowly protruding from the sleeve robe, and the palm stretched out like a claw. Several deep blue medicine pill slowly floated above the palm of the hand from its space ring.

"You all know the role of medicine pill, so let’s take it down and divide it up."

Looking at the few medicine pill in your hand, this leads the black robed man. There was also a pain in my heart. The materials for refining these medicine pills are very scarce, and there are only so few pieces left in his hand.


Thinking of the incompleteness of the secret medicine pill, he was screaming again. The refined semifinished product medicine pill will not only let him His Divine Consciousness stopped, and even the time period for taking it was restricted.

Within a year, you can only take this medicine pill once at most. If you take it continuously, simply can't do any more, just waste a little more medicine pill.

This is also the main reason why he has the heart to disperse these medicine pills in this way. After all, if there is one more person in the deep sea, the probability of finding the Great Wheel of the Nether will increase by one point.


The rest of the black robed man did not hesitate to take one capsule in turn and swallow it from the mouth.

It’s not the first time for some of them to come to this Sea Territory, so they naturally know the importance of this medicine pill to them, but it’s the cost of saving lives in this deep sea. If it enters this Sea Territory, it is no different from suicide.

"Okay, hurry up and get ready to leave!"

After waiting for the silhouettes beside him to swallow the medicine pill, the leading black robed man turned his gaze to the sea again , The hideous meaning on his face gradually emerged, coldly said in his heart, "Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower, you are mine!"

"Everyone, into the sea!"

After a neat response, all the black robed man above the sea surface is lightly treading on the void with the soles of their feet. After the figure trembled, it turns into a black mist and slowly dissipates, moving towards the sea below the surface. ...

A few days later, the Demon Sand Clan’s headquarters, to be precise, should be called the Demon Sand Clan Ruins. This race of the Demon Sand Clan has also been completely destroyed by the thousands of races in the universe. Delisted.

As the six-toed hybrid Heavenly Dragon Ao Ming rushes to Earth, only Ning Tianlin, Wu Daoxuan, and Su Fei are left here...

It only appeared once during this period, and has stayed in Ning Tianlin's Holy Spirit space ever since.

She said that she would continue to absorb the energy in the Nine Nether Saint Lotus during this time, and she wanted to upgrade her realm as soon as possible, so that she could continue the cultivation and awakening "screaming and violent" cultivation technique.

Ning Tianlin also agreed with this. He could feel Bowen's desire for strength is much stronger than before, and the time for cultivation is getting tighter.

Mainly because, after entering the Cang Mo Haisha, what Bo Wen saw was the powerhouse of the Lord of Universe, which was completely different from her previous feeling in the Hou clan.

In the past, she felt that the Lord of Universe was terrifying existence, but the number of powerhouses was very rare.

Just like their roar, their status in the universe is not low, but in these billions of years, there are only a few Lord of Universes, and they are all old who have lived for a long time. monster.

So, although she is hurrying to cultivation, she has not reached the point of spare no effort. In her opinion, her cultivation talent is already very difficult to deal with, and she can achieve this result at this age. It's already very good.

But in this desert sea sand, I saw that the magic sand tribe was born as the freak of the Lord of Universe, and the Spirit Beast in the Nether Sacred Land is also the existence of the Lord of Universe. After...

in the heart is determined to improve the battle strength as soon as possible, or else it will always be a little girl protected by others...

In this ruins at this moment, beside a ruin, three silhouettes are standing staggered and talking to each other.

"Little friend Ning Tianlin, as stated in advance, please collect this rare treasure of the magic sand patriarch."

"The old man will continue to look for the master, Let’s leave first."

Looking at Ning Tianlin’s delicate and pretty face, Wu Daoxuan and Su Fei said goodbye to each other with a bit of reluctance. They got along with each other during this period of time. The feelings are deeper.

In the past few days, Wu Daoxuan has also adjusted his own state to the best. Now, without the entanglement of the Demon Sand Clan, it is more convenient for him to find the master in this desert. NS.


After putting the rare treasure into the space ring, Ning Tianlin nodded, opened his mouth, wanting to say something.

It was forcibly swallowed the words, and at the same time, looked away from the two of them, looked at the desert in the distance, and reorganized the language and said.

"Well, that's okay, those two seniors, you must be careful on the way."

In the heart again, the position of the Great Emperor Golden Crow was concealed. This is also the reason why Ning Tianlin moved his gaze away from Wu Daoxuan.

One is because the other party will definitely be surprised at the source of his news. There has been no news of the Great Emperor Golden Crow in this universe for a long time.

Ning Tianlin not only knows, but can also accurately tell the detailed coordinate position, which is a bit unreasonable...

There is a more important reason, that is, battle The strength system mentioned to Ning Tianlin, don't let such a battle strength enlightenment, go alone to save the finished apprenticeship Fu, the meaning is also very obvious, if the latter goes alone, it must be bode ill rather than well.

"Senior, when the kid pulls out, I will go personally and bring you master!"

Ning Tianlin in the heart muttered to himself, rubbing helplessly After rubbing his forehead, he now also has an important thing in his hand.

Just a few days ago, battle strength reminded him that the mysterious giant haunted ship has appeared in the deep sea of ​​the desert, and at the same time, it briefly told him the particularity of the giant haunted ship. Introduced.

In order to get the First Layer of the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower, Ning Tianlin had to put aside some other things temporarily, such as the mysterious black robed man...


After pondering for a while, Ning Tianlin took out a space ring printed with weird patterns in the doubtful eyes of Wu Daoxuan.

"This space ring is called "Life Ring". Although the space inside this ring is not large, it can even be said to be very small, with less than a hundred square meters of space."


"However, it is different from those other space rings, because it stores not only dead things, but also living things!"

Shaking the ring of creatures in his hand, Ning Tianlin smiled at Wu Daoxuan and introduced them, and at the same time motioned to them to accept the space ring in his hand.

"Life ring?"

"Can store living things!"

The two looked at Ning Tianlin's ring with joy, and at the same time they were able to hold him I am surprised to have such a good thing, this is not an ordinary treasure.

"Isn't that... Sophie..."

This thing is so important to their current situation, after all, Sophie’s realm Just the Martial Artist, the situation in this desert is very dangerous. If you encounter a more violent sandstorm, you will basically not have the ability to protect yourself.

Not to mention, in some unexpected situations, Wu Daoxuan can’t get away for a while. Not only is Sophie in danger, even Wu Daoxuan will not only be distracted in battle, but even be taken by the opponent. Sophie’s life threatened him...


"No, it's too expensive!"

Wu Daoxuan looked at The ring, after pondering for a while, slightly shook the head, the palm that stretched out, but retracted again.

Living spirits ring this thing, the degree of scarcity in this universe, the enlightened Taoxuan who has lived for hundreds of millions of years naturally knows.

Once this kind of treasure appears, how many powerhouse fights to break the head may not be able to get, but now it is handed out by the youngster in front of him...

Although this creature ring is right for him now Very useful, but still unacceptable. This gift is a bit precious to him...

"Senior, it’s okay. This thing doesn’t matter to me."

This life ring is scarce, but it is really nothing to Ning Tianlin. The space ring of this level and the Promise ring in his hand simply have no comparability. This can be considered for him, hiding the Great Emperor Some apologies for the location of Golden Crow.

And like this small cubic meter ring with a fixed space, it does not consume a lot of essence points. He can use essence points from the battle strength system as much as he wants. The points are redeemed.

"This stuff can be called treasure when it is used in the right place, otherwise it will be a waste product if it is placed with me."

"For the sake of Senior Su, you just accept it."

After seeing the actions of the two, Ning Tianlin, in order to dispel the worries in their hearts, was able to accept this ring, and made up a reason at will.

"This life ring was obtained by chance by chance when I accidentally stumbled into a Secret Realm when I was still traveling in the universe more than ten years ago."

"At that time, I found several spirit ring, this is just one of the smallest..."

Why did Wu Daoxuan not know that Ning Tianlin wanted him to accept it? That said, it's not easy to refuse again at the moment, it seems strange, and after a glance with Sophie, he chooses to accept it.

"Little Friend Lin, really very good, thank you!"

"With this life ring, you Senior Su don't have to be so embarrassed every time, old man There is no more worries..."

The enlightenment said with a smile, the ring with the weird pattern in his hand carefully looked at it, and it cautiously put it away.

Then glanced over Sophie's pretty cheeks, couldn't help but smiled slightly, and said with concern.

"During this period of time, you will be wronged for a while and stay in this spirit ring..."

Looking at Wu Daoxuan's actions, Sophie's heart moved slightly. A moment, first the pretty face blushed, then slightly nodded, and said softly.

"Well, you can help Little Friend Lin more in the future. If not, I am afraid that the friendship will not be over for the two of us..."

" , That's for sure, I remember it all in my heart!"

"The two seniors are polite, I am also no effort at all."

After accepting it, Ning Tianlin was relieved. Sophie’s situation in this desert and sea sand was really not optimistic. As the only remaining powerhouses on Earth, he didn’t want to see any unexpected situations in them. Can help count.

Only when he was redeeming the birth spirit ring, he added a strand of Divine Consciousness of his own at the same time. If Wu Daoxuan and the others were in this desert, they would encounter a powerhouse that could not be resolved, he It can also appear in time.

After a brief greeting, the figures of Wu Daoxuan and Ning Tianlin are getting smaller and smaller...

After leaving, Ning Tianlin still staying at the site of the Mosha headquarters, the silhouette of a single person, against the backdrop of the ruins, seemed a little lonely.

However, for him, he has been used to these things. From the very beginning to the present, he has basically been upgraded by himself. This is also impossible, because he The advanced method itself is different from others...

"Now, it's time to do something of my own..."

"Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower. .."

After a while, Ning Tianlin shook his head, looked at the void in the distance, and whispered to himself.

Immediately, he turned around, quickly left the Demon Sand Clan headquarters, and started flying towards the deep sea of ​​the desert.

The magic sand site is not a short distance away from the junction of the deep sea in the desert. Even at the speed of Ning Tianlin, it will take several days to reach it.

"xiu ..."

In the silent deep sea above the desert, a sound of breaking wind suddenly sounded from far and near. After a while, a dark shadow crossed the air, from Flashing in the direction of Cang Mo came over.

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