Due to the violent wind pressure generated by the high speed, it turned out to be alive behind him, bringing a huge spatial ripple of several ten zhang lengths.

"Is this the deep sea in the desert!"

Ning Tianlin standing in the air, at the junction of the deep sea and the desert, his delicate and pretty face is slightly raised.

I looked at the endless sea, and after feeling the dead silence here, there was a playful smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Hehe, dead silence?"

After slowly falling down, Ning Tianlin lowered his head and glanced, there was no trace of turbulent sea, said with a smile.

"Today, it will not be so peaceful here, I am afraid it will be lively!"

The voice fell, Ning Tianlin gradually took away the smile at the corner of his mouth. When he got up, he took a slightly more cautious look.

At the same time, with slender fingers, gently rubbing a locator in his hand, the flashing red dot in the interface is where the ghost wheel appears at the moment.

The red dot on the locator is not fixed, but constantly flashes randomly, which means that the specific position of the Nether Wheel is changing again and again.

"Fortunately, the locator given by the battle strength system is updated in real time."

"Otherwise, if you want to find the Great Nether Wheel in the deep sea, you have to give it to Tired to get down..."

Ning Tianlin placed the locator, cautiously, in the center of his palm, and looked at it carefully for a long time, shook the head with some headaches.

This desert and deep sea is so vast, and the red dot on the locator is fleeting, making it difficult to stay in a fixed place for a long time.

If he leaves rashly, it is estimated that he has not reached the position of the red dot. I am afraid that the red dot will appear elsewhere.

Now he can only wait for the red dot to appear at a position closer to him, and then fly over with all his strength to intercept it.

Otherwise, it will really be like a headless fly, chasing the Great Nether Wheel with the Sea Territory and jumping up and down...

While checking the red dots, Ning Tianlin thought Should I raise the battle strength first...

"Today, my real battle strength is just staying in the Martial Artist."

" This time I went deep into the Sea Territory and captured the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower. It’s still too weak."

After Weiwei shook the head, Ning Tianlin, frowned and muttered, made such a comment on the current realm. , But he didn't feel the slightest panic in his heart because of this.

If you want to improve your realm in a short period of time, this is almost impossible for other Martial Artists.

Unless you get a great good fortune, there will be such a chance, but this is basically impossible in the current universe.

But he is a special existence. What Martial Artist cultivation takes time to settle, waiting for the advanced bottleneck to loosen...

etc. The necessary conditions did not hinder him.

After pondering for a moment, Ning Tianlin's last upgrade started only after he had been silent for a hundred years.

At that time, he was in the machine clan by the strength of oneself, killing fifty-eight Lord of Universe, and also made the video of the battle public.

That time he needed to use this strong return method to declare to the universe that he has not fallen, not only is still alive, but also stronger!

In that battle, his reputation not only caused an uproar in the universe again, but also made him plentiful harvest.

The number of essence points he has obtained is also his most. It is enough for him to step into the ranks of the star martial artist from the realm of the Martial Artist of the universe.

Although it has only reached the realm of the Xinghuang section, it is also a big realm. This kind of progress is not small.

Since that day, he has never improved his realm.

This time going deep into the deep sea alone, Ning Tianlin also has to do a good job of grasping it, and must successfully obtain the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower.

Otherwise, he can only go to the system and exchange his essence points for the First Layer of the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower.

It is true that nothing can be solved with essence points, but the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation tower is different from ordinary treasures. The essence points required for redemption are also quite expensive.

There is almost no need to measure the pros and cons. Ning Tianlin is more willing to use these essence points to improve his own battle strength to ensure the success rate of this operation.

This is a matter of one move, two gains. Not only has its own realm been improved, but the grasp of the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower is also much greater.

Even more how, he is not stupid yet, using so many energy points to recklessly exchange something that is already in front of him.

"During this period of time, the continuous leapfrog battle in this desert sea sand, although it is a little tired, but the effect is quite good."

" My fighting skills have improved..."

"More importantly, the number of energy points that I have brought to me during the continuous fighting is also quite terrifying."

"If you make a detailed calculation, if you want to improve a few small stages, the problem shouldn't be big..."

Withdrawing his mind, Ning Tianlin began to think about it, again. Promote his realm.

When he was fighting against the Demon Sand Clan in Cang Mo, he also wanted to exchange essence points to upgrade.

However, considering that there is still Enlightenment Daoxuan with him, he put down this idea for the time being, and waited for a good opportunity to upgrade.

Ning Tianlin can forcibly increase the realm without any signs. This kind of weird behavior may cause Wu Daoxuan's suspicion.

Although I know that the other party will not have other bad thoughts, this kind of upgrade method is really unexplainable.

Now there is absolutely no need to worry about it. There is no one on the entire sea. In this quiet environment, it is indeed a good place to upgrade.

"Xing Zhan, now report my essence points!"

Ning Tianlin said to the battle strength system, he wants to hear what he has accumulated so far To what extent has the number of points reached?

Since He Bowen entered this desert sea sand, when Ning Tianlin wiped out the first batch of iron-backed black ants, he asked the system to temporarily stop each prompt.

This kind of reminder to play the essence points, although it sounds comfortable, but it also scores.

If he were to be bombarded with such a dense voice in his mind while he was fighting, it is estimated that the voice would not be so nice anymore.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, kill one Ironback Black Ant and get hundreds of thousands of Nayuta Essence Points"!

..."Ding, congratulations to the host, kill one of the ominous beasts of the Cangmo native, and get 300,000 Essence Points Nayuta!" ...

..."Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a soldier of the Demon Sand Clan and get half a million Nayuta Essence Points!"

..."Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a general of the Mosha tribe and get 900,000 Essence Points Nayuta"!

..."Ding, congratulations to the host, kill one of the Nether giant wolf and get 700,000 Essence Points Nayuta"!

..."Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a Nine Nether giant rabbit and get 400,000 Essence Points Nayuta!"

..."Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a leader of the Mosha clan and get 900,000 essence points, Nayuta"! ...


.... With the first sound of the battle strength system, the time lasted for a while , In Ning Tianlin's mind, the continuous broadcast sound gradually stopped.

"The essence points are too terrifying!"

"The line of Cang Desert Sea Sand is really worth it, and there is no loss in blood!"

After hearing this series of prompt tones, Ning Tianlin was also a little uneasy with excitement, muttering to himself happily.

Since entering Cangmo Haisha, he has wiped out a total of four collective attacks by Ironback Black Ants. This kind of race that appears as a group will naturally not be too small each time. .

The ironback black ants in the section of Lord of Universe appear the most, with a total of 830.

The second paragraph of Lord of Universe is relatively less, with a total of 96.

And the Lord of Universe three paragraphs and above are even less.

There are 17 Lord of Universe three paragraphs respectively.

Five Lord of Universe four paragraphs.

A five-segment Lord of Universe...

It's just a race of ironback black ants, and it only appears four times. After calculating it, it will be Ning Tianlin. Provided, 110 million Nayuta's essence points.


"True, false?"

"It's just a group of black ants with iron back, there are 100 million points Then he!"

After hearing this number, Ning Tianlin was obviously a little excited, crying out in surprise.

"Fuck, this is really happening!"

The excitement, after a long while, it calmed down a bit, he thought it was at first I heard it wrong.

I confirmed it again and believed that it was really this number. It could fit into the mouth of an egg and gradually closed.

"No matter how small the ants are, their bodies are still fleshy."

"Not to mention that this is a colony of ant colonies that live mainly in groups, it is all real spirit. Points!"

As a single Ironback Black Ant, it may be very unremarkable, but if you add them up, it will provide Ning Tianlin with more than 100 million essence points.

This terrifying number is much more than the number of essence points he obtained in any battle outside the desert sea sand...

" It's a pity that there is no space ring on this iron-backed black ant."

"Otherwise, these essence points have to be doubled, then it will be really amazing..."

"tsk tsk...However, this number is already quite impressive!"

Besides excitement, Ning Tianlin couldn't help but curse fiercely from the iron-backed black ant in his heart. It is Lord of Universe, and there is no space ring yet.

This means that Ning Tianlin has no choice but to go to battle strength to redeem essence points...

Ning Tianlin, who has been upgraded with essence points, must be the one who will not dislike it. I'm a little bit more vigorous!

Of course, it’s the more the better. If you can consume a handful of wool from the iron-backed black ant, you will definitely pull one more...

In addition to the iron-backed black ants, there are also the indigenous ominous beasts living alone in the Cang desert sea sand. Anyone encountered by Ning Tianlin has also been wiped out. No one escaped alive...

According to the statistics of the battle strength system, these indigenous ominous beasts have also become essence points.

Lord of Universe five paragraphs of indigenous ominous beast 130 heads.

Lord of Universe six-stage indigenous ominous beast sixty-nine heads.

Twenty-three indigenous ominous beasts of the seventh segment of the master of the universe.

There are very few ominous beasts with more than seven paragraphs of Lord of Universe, only one digit...

The number of these indigenous ominous beasts is far from there. The quantity is so abnormal, but the quality is much higher.

Calculating such one more and one less, the essence points provided by these aboriginal ominous beasts are also expensive, and a total of 130 million Nayuta was provided to Ning Tianlin.

"Cangmo aboriginal ominous beast, 130 million Nayuta!"

"My dear, I haven't seen it yet, there are so many..."

These aboriginal ominous beasts basically haunt alone, and rarely get together. Every time they emerge, they are destroyed by Ning Tianlin with Power of Thunder, so the specific number is also not very clear.

He knew that these scattered aboriginal ominous beasts would have some essence points, but he didn’t think that these ominous beasts would bring him so many essence points, which was a bit out of his Unexpectedly...

"hehe, it seems that the truth is not to be small and not to be a small one. It is appropriate to use it everywhere!"

Don't underestimate the single appearance ominous beast, there are more kills, and the accumulated amount is also considerable. You don’t have to catch a group and do it again...

Ning Tianlin kills in Nine Nether Sacred Land Those Spirit Beasts of, are the same. Although there are not as many ominous beasts in quantity, they are much higher in quality.

According to the statistics of the battle strength system, in the peripheral zone of the Nether Sacred Land, the Spirit Beasts he killed had a total of 140 million Nayu his spirit points.

They are the seventy-two heads of Spirit Beast from the six paragraphs of Lord of Universe.

Lord of Universe seven-segment Spirit Beast fifty-nine heads.

Lord of Universe eight-segment Spirit Beast thirty-six heads

Lord of Universe nine-segment Spirit Beast eight heads.

And some Spirit Beast below the sixth paragraph of Lord of Universe.

"One hundred and forty million Nayuta!"

"tsk tsk..."

"I'm afraid it's a nest of energy points. , This essence point is stronger than once!"

Ning Tianlin feels that he is about to faint happily. The essence points exploded several times in succession are often in units of 100 million. he.

No matter where in the universe, he has never encountered such an exaggerated essence point.

Previously, I have harvested the craziest energy points. The most is the last time I killed the 58 Lord of Universe. That time, the total amount was only a few million points. Nayuta, Looking at it now, it's just a fraction.

"Three hundred and ninety million Nayuta essence points!"

This is still nearly 40,000 Nayuta without counting the magic sand family essence points. His spirit points.

After hearing this amazing number, Ning Tianlin's excited heartbeat continued to accelerate, and he felt that his heart was about to jump out of his body.

"tsk tsk, this number is too scary..."

"I’m afraid it’s not as simple as stabbing the nest of essence points. It is probably the ancestral grave of the essence points. !"

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